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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by October
More proof there that this is all a big hoax, that second image is identical, it's only a matter of time now.

Just because someone can create a picture which is identical, that's proof of a hoax... hmmm, not that I'm saying it can not be a hoax, but in no context what soever can you conclude from a recreation of a picture, that the original is a hoax. There's just no way.. Speculation at best....

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:22 AM
While also thinking, this is a hoax of some kind, just the fact, that it CAN be reproduced with cgi s/w (while in this case, i see many differences between the original and the rebuild), doesn't mean, that it IS produced this way. This is specially true with "unknown" machinery.

See, with faces it is very easy to separate reality from cgi - we are hardwired to recognize faces instantly. Same with cars, anyone knows how a car looks like and we see the smallest differences between real and cgi.

Now, we have a thing, where no one knows how it SHOULD look like, we can't say for sure, if it's a strange material with strange reflections, if you like to stretch it, it could even distort light in a way, we don't know, so the shadowing could be awkward.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:37 AM
I've also been thinking.. Since so many people still think this might be a Viral campaign for Halo or Transformers. If I got this right, this would be the first viral campaign of this magnitude, right?

Maybe it's me, but, how will this in anyway better the sale of a game or a movie??
Let me put it this way, I jumped in this with 2 feet, expecting something to come out of it.. And that shure isn't a movie or a game. In fact, If this turns out to be a big lie just to sell a game or movie, just for that, I'm not going to buy or see the stupid movie/game.

It's enough that our governments lie to us about almost everything, the media lies their ass off, commercials and sales campaigns were always big LIES, but if we can't distinguish real from campaings anymore, I say we have to put a stop it. So a boycot on the product being endorced would be nice. But ofcourse, nobody cares and everybody will still give them their money and nothing will change... Only for the worst....

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:55 AM
Hey i think i found something
The free energy relates to the drone right?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by LoDGiKaLMaybe it's me, but, how will this in anyway better the sale of a game or a movie??
Let me put it this way, I jumped in this with 2 feet, expecting something to come out of it.. And that shure isn't a movie or a game. In fact, If this turns out to be a big lie just to sell a game or movie, just for that, I'm not going to buy or see the stupid movie/game.

I agree with you. Something like this, if it turns out to be a marketing strategy for a game or movie would really put me off. The same when an advertiser on TV repeats their commercial two or three times in a row. I do not appreciate that kind of brainwashing and turn over, reminding myself not to buy that product.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by LoDGiKaL
I've also been thinking.. Since so many people still think this might be a Viral campaign for Halo or Transformers. If I got this right, this would be the first viral campaign of this magnitude, right?

Maybe it's me, but, how will this in anyway better the sale of a game or a movie??
Let me put it this way, I jumped in this with 2 feet, expecting something to come out of it.. And that shure isn't a movie or a game. In fact, If this turns out to be a big lie just to sell a game or movie, just for that, I'm not going to buy or see the stupid movie/game.

It's enough that our governments lie to us about almost everything, the media lies their ass off, commercials and sales campaigns were always big LIES, but if we can't distinguish real from campaings anymore, I say we have to put a stop it. So a boycot on the product being endorced would be nice. But ofcourse, nobody cares and everybody will still give them their money and nothing will change... Only for the worst....

If this is a hoax then whoever created it don't really care if the people who really believed in it buy it or not. It's vast numbers of people that stumble across it and only take a glance at this information and think "Hey that was cool, I think I might go buy this game/see this movie."

They really don't care about the people who put in the time and effort to figure out what is really going on. They just want everyone else.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:00 AM
I'd just like to point out to those linking the CGI video replica of the drone pictures, as a means of debunking the pics... Those were made by a member here on ATS. He made it very clear they were just replica's for testing purposes. If you don't believe me I can go find the posts, but not before I get some sleep. I can't remember which thread it's in and could be 1 out of 80 pages, so would take awhile.

In regards to my oppinion about this whole thing... VERY convincing evidence that points towards real FIRST GLANCE... but upon further analysis, I tend to lean towards Halo marketing campaign. But just to be clear, I'm certainly not convinced yet...and untill a real professional CGI expert comes and shows his credentials -- and than has a PROPER analasys... I'm certainly not about to shut my mind off to this being a real possibility.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:02 AM
Please take a look at Halo3 logo, the circle. It just looks like a Isaac's circles in the Linguistic analysis primer papers.

Isaac circle:

Halo3 circle top left in page:

don't know whose page but Halo3 circle as an background:

[edit on 28-6-2007 by northwoods]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by xRedlinex
Hey i think i found something
The free energy relates to the drone right?

That leads to an interesting company based in Ireland, who say they have 'free energy technology' just waiting to be validated by scientists.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:03 AM
Let me through out this food for thought. Now id like to think I have some intelligence. So what are the possibilities that the Government is behind the recent influx of hoaxes, and in particular this drone deal? I mean how far fetched would it be that one or two of these pictures are the real deal. The Government see's they screwed up and allowed their toy to be photographed. This being the case then would they not then flood the conspiracy sites with CGI renderings knowing full well that there are those of you who would pick this up right away and call hoax. This would accomplish a lot I think and would protect the real deal from ever being believed again. I mean we had this false flag hoax, we have this now, we have the other 2 or three posters saying the same thing Ghost Raven was saying, a recent flood gate of hoaxes lately. I tend to think that for every hoax there is some shred of truth in there. Maybe not all of the hoaxes as some people just don’t have anything else to do but think of ways to fool people. But the Government is not exempt from making mistakes and then claiming it all to be a hoax to protect the real truth.

I still feel in my gut that they are planning something soon, invasion of IRAN, total lock down of the middle east whatever they have going you can bet its going to be a big one the next time. Not that 9-11 wasn’t big it was the biggest act of terrorism by definition ever on our soil. But I just can’t stop thinking it’s just the start of a lot of things to come. The world is at a cross roads right now and change is coming in a big way.

I guess that brings me to my question. Can every one of the pictures of this drone weather it be from "Chad", the connection to Clementine post on LMH's site, the Isaac dude. Can all of these people be the same person or a team of disinfo operatives flooding the community with obvious hoaxes to just through us off the real truth? If all of us are here discussing the hoaxes then who’s watching for the real stuff. Just seems to me to be a huge disinfo campaign so why now and why so many at the same time. I understand the viral marketing angle, and the need to garner attention for themselves, but I don’t buy that it’s just a passing fancy. I think we still need to keep our eyes open and try and read between the lines. Cause this government has a long history of slipping facts into a lot of bull shiza.

Anyway the cost of living is up so it’s my 50 cents worth.

Take care guys and keep looking out for the real deal. It will come sooner than later IMHO....

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:05 AM

If this is a hoax then whoever created it don't really care if the people who really believed in it buy it or not. It's vast numbers of people that stumble across it and only take a glance at this information and think "Hey that was cool, I think I might go buy this game/see this movie."

They really don't care about the people who put in the time and effort to figure out what is really going on. They just want everyone else.

Yeah, I know, you are right... I guess the point I was trying to make is,
isn't it incredibly sad that no one cares anymore?

"I don't give a **** about anybody, as long as I get my MONEY"....
Great, and then people badmouth religion. Who's sick in the head??? Yeah right....

But, let's get back on topic... Sorry for the rambling

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:07 AM
Please take a look at Halo3 logo, the circle. It just looks like a Isaac's circles in the Linguistic analysis primer papers.

Isaac circle:

Halo3 circle top left in page:

don't know whose page but Halo3 circle as an background:

sorry about reposting.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by northwoods]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Navieko
I'd just like to point out to those linking the CGI video replica of the drone pictures, as a means of debunking the pics... Those were made by a member here on ATS. He made it very clear they were just replica's for testing purposes. If you don't believe me I can go find the posts, but not before I get some sleep.

No, I believe you. But you must admit, that member did an extremely good job at replicating the drone parts, minus the lint.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:13 AM
For more coverage on this story there is an active thread about it Here

They could provide us with more information. Also i'm starting to believe this a viral marketing campaign for halo 3. Googling for halo 3 viral brings up a lot related information.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by xRedlinex]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:36 AM
Yea the look is identical, I would swear my life & soul on it and Its annoying the heck out of me that no one else can tell the difference. The object in this pictures are 1000% not real, I guess it'll come out eventually once his ego inflates too much..just dont put much faith in this thing being real. Im not a skeptic and all too eager to believe in something thats presented to me as a genuine unknown, but this has alarm bell's all over to me and like I said he's laughing at all of you right now

Originally posted by NGC2736
Wildone, I have to agree that the 'feel' does seem the same. But that is the idea of these damn CGI things, to look as close to real as possible. And for most of us, we can't conclusively tell the difference.

And there's no use saying we're stupid or dim witted, because that's like telling a skunk it stinks, and being surprised when it doesn't believe you.

I knew things were going south when that movie Jurassic Park came out. In one scene near the end, the young girl is being pulled up through the ceiling, and just for a second, she looks up, and you see her face clearly. Then I learned it had been a stunt double, and they just used the girls face 'over' the stunt double.

I told my wife right then that if she ever saw me on the 6:00PM news as a bank robber, don't believe it till I came home with the money. Now days, all pictures can tell a lie.

And by the way there Wild Thing, I know you hate them pretty little red stickers, but look at the bright side, if you were bleeding as fast as your losing points, somebody would have to call 911.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:45 AM
Just thought of something.... I had seen a picture once before somewhere, found it once again...

My point with this picture being, if they can fake this pic, and make it look so damn impressive, it's close to real, do you really think you could still visually see the difference of CGI or not in a picture like the ones released as the drones. They are much easier to do than a face...

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by 11 11
Donoso, I suggest you take a stroll through the Gallery at Lightwave's website, you will see projects 100x better than his. Actually, go to the video section and you can see Isaac's video. Here look:

I've checked a fair share of CGI sites. These hardly look as good as Isaac's work. I'm sorry, I just can't see how those can even be compared. I also took that CGI test back when the Chad photos first appeared. I got one wrong, the last one. Which was the peppers really close together. It was real, I thought it was CGI.

Edit: I've caught up with the reading after directly responding to you.

We have one replication which was what I wanted to see. It looks good, although, I'm not convinced it's identical. There are very subtle differences which can be noticed. Especially in the "haze" which I mentioned earlier. At least we have visual reference to see this (like all the other material on this issue) can be replicated via CGI. Now only time will tell.


That image can clearly be seen as a CGI image. The hair and skin are dead give aways. The eyes are also very unnatural. It's not wise to compare something we're very familiar with and see every day (human faces) to something we haven't seen before. Finding a metallic black half-loop of a sort would be the best, which, we have now.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by Donoso]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:04 AM
My impression, guesstimate is that he did the blacking out censoring himself.

Assuming it's genuine . . .

There's likely a couple of reasons he'd do that.

1. to protect himself.

2. to protect valid national security or some such issues that he felt were legitimate.

Either way, I respect such judgment for someone taking such risks.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:08 AM

not a match.


posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:47 AM
Yea, I think you guys are wrong about it being a Halo VMC, although I'm not saying that it couldn't be a VMC of some sort. These companies have lots of $$$ to work with so imagine what a great team could do.

As for reasoning that a VMC could work, I am one to say yes it could. As another poster said: Most people are not looking into it like we are here and to them it does look "way cool".

Many of us at ATS often get so wrapped up in things here we forget that we are a minority of the general public.

I'm gonna give out another length of rope and see where this goes.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by jbondo]

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