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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 02:16 AM
That was a neat find that T..
Torchwood is the the British Tv series, and they are getting read to do a spinoff series based on Dr. Who coming out 2008.
here is the link


reference was made in the link about problems within the agency and other stuff..the queen funding the project to fight ET threats ..very nice reading. highly recommend

hmm..might the photo be one of the Daleks
I loved Dr. Who

thanx for the find!


posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 03:51 AM
I've watched every episode of Torchwood and the new Dr Who and nothing like this has shown in either so far. There are drones in the latest story arch, but they're more 'mini Deathstar' in that they're floating balls than long spindly drones like Chad et al.

The Torchwood logo doesn't fit either, but the T shape is definitely there in all the 'government' documents, except the photo of the gravity generator. I'm not sure we ever really solved the T mystery, most of us throught it was a watermark, but couldn't find it on any watermark catalog sites. Others thought it was a safety mechanism like the yellow 3D barcodes printed by colour lasers and copiers, but it doesn't make much sense.

My latest thought is that it was the logo of 'CARET' but I couldn't find anything online that had a similar logo so I'm still as stumped as I was yesterday, although I've found a very interesting font that I'm going to play with later that might match up nicely (I'll keep everyone posted).

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by chunder

I have tried to find any direct comments from David Biedny but all I can find are others commenting that he says it's fake. I would be interested in reading a direct quote or evaluation.
I have read through quite a bit and can't find it - are you able to point me in the right direction ?

Here's a link to all D Biedny had to say on the original C2C drones..

Originally posted by davidbiedny

What amazes me is that people on here continue to debate the veracity of these things, as if there was something compelling in them. Boggles my mind.

I must admit I am now leaning very much to this side of the fence myself. But have decided to stay out of the bullring for the time being just posting this for Chunder's benefit as being an Ozzie I love the name.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Springer

Do yourself a FAVOR and read what one of the CREATORS of photoshop, an absolute GIANT in CGI/Digital Imaging has to say... FIRST, do a Google search on the name David Biedny and then do a boolean here on ATS for some GENUINE "Expert Opinion".


Ok thanks - will do. I'm starting to lean to the side of CGI myself now...(heh..I's amazing what a night of sleep can do..) If anything, it's the pure white background that makes me a little suspicious...just doesn't look quite real...even though, to my eyes at least - the objects look quite believable..



posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 07:19 AM

Good work there! So - what the heck is this?


posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 08:40 AM
As far as I know, nobody has found a watermark that matches the big "T" symbol. Exactly what it is remains uncertain.

Earlier someone thought it could be an accidental function of the printer/scanner bed.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by CthulhuRising
Here's a link to all D Biedny had to say on the original C2C drones..

I must admit I am now leaning very much to this side of the fence myself. But have decided to stay out of the bullring for the time being just posting this for Chunder's benefit as being an Ozzie I love the name.

Thank you so much for that, interesting reading and g'day mate.

Having read the comments and also some of the surrounding thread I have to say I'm not overly convinced. Obviously the chap is a real expert in the field but you know the saying about being in the field, can't see the woods for the trees.
To me no evidence is offered other than an opinion, albeit a very well respected opinion in that field. Not sure what to think really, apparently to this guy it's so obvious they are CGI it's not worth even pointing out the deficiencies, maybe to a linguistics expert the text is all wrong, to a Detective the witnesses don't make sense and so on.
Add up all the respected opinions and you have a hoax, yet as a layman I remain unconvinced on the balance of current evidence offered.
Exercises the grey matter better than tv if nothing else.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Thanx for the info EJ !! gee wiz you guys put out some great of my favorites like life force and 100000 years Earth..back in the dayz of course.

I ran into this alien tablet on Torchwood

alien tablet with heiroglyphs

do they resemble the glyphs on the eyesight is quite I hope you will bear with me.


posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by chunder

Hi Springer - not picking on your posts honest !
I have tried to find any direct comments from David Biedny but all I can find are others commenting that he says it's fake. I would be interested in reading a direct quote or evaluation.
I have read through quite a bit and can't find it - are you able to point me in the right direction ?


posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Springer

The weird part is WHY...

Govt. test/data mine/networking path map?
Some guy who thinks he's too smart and can fool the community?
A Viral Marketing scheme?
A composed disinformation campaign?
A solid attempt at painting those who believe in this as gullible beyond credibility?

The questions relative to a motive are nearly as endless as the possibilities of whether this is real or a hoax.


I said it before, I think the Isaac/CARET stuff is most likely disinfo. The reason for me seems to be showing that "the govt knows what this is, we are in control" they have done this before with other credible sightings. the extent may be somewhat surprising, but given todays technology's possibilities i think its reasonable.

I still think the original sightings, at least some of them, were real. there were also drone sightings in china and Italy.
What still puzzles me is the Alabama sighting, i think it is most likely something worldly, like utility company equipment. a friend of mine swears it looks exactly like the magnetic pickup part inside older hard disks, and i have to agree it is close.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:34 PM
I am an IT tech and would like to share a link to a good website for printer troubleshooting.

This link will take you to a page that shows you all of the different Anomalies that can happen on printouts. I just thought that I would share this with you guys to see if it would help out with investigating the ISAAC/CARET documents.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by casketizer
What still puzzles me is the Alabama sighting, i think it is most likely something worldly, like utility company equipment. a friend of mine swears it looks exactly like the magnetic pickup part inside older hard disks, and i have to agree it is close.

Yes, now you come to mention it, it does. The Alabama one is the oldest, and for what its worth, I think that one was a fake. I've said before I used to work in clean rooms, and I've taken apart my fair share of hard drives, and it does actually look a lot like a magnetic pickup from some of the older larger hard drives.

Here's the best source pic I could find, but you can see it does give the impression of the drone, at least partially:

Could certainly have been an inspiration for a model or CGI. I think it looks a bit too jaggy compared to the background picture, and far too bright, like bad 'old' CGI, as I suspect that they'd have been using older software without some of the newer shadow/light techniques back then.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by housegroove23
...This link will take you to a page that shows you all of the different Anomalies that can happen on printouts. I just thought that I would share this with you guys to see if it would help out with investigating the ISAAC/CARET documents.

House thanks for sharing that, but I don't think that its an error so much as either something that is meant to be there (watermark, some sort of government security device, etc) or some sort of plant so he can trace the documents or something. I've had my fair share of strange IT jobs, some for the government and I've also worked at a school, where children (and in fact, well to be honest, most were worse than the kids; staff) have put their fare share of weird things in photocopiers and printers (ever found a 3 week old sausage in a copier?) and it doesn't match up to anything I've ever seen a printer/copier do accidentally or purposely when out of ink or such.

I personally think that its either an emboss on the paper like a watermark but 3D, or its some sort of hidden message, in that I mean 'Isaac' put it there for a reason, kind of like the blacked out portions of the document - he did it for a reason we can't see at the moment.

In fact, I think I've got some 3D watermark paper, maybe I'll have a go and scan it, see what happens...


Everyone: Oh, and on the font outlook, it wasn't that close. I thought I'd found the original font but it didn't match up enough. It was called electrojap or something similar, a stylized Anglo-Japanese text.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 01:20 PM

I've got it - the T is NOT a watermark, it's on a page BEHIND the document page itself as far as I can tell.

I scanned some watermarked paper, and some 3D watermarked paper, and NEITHER appeared the same way when I negatived the document and blew up the gamma and saturation.

ONLY when I added a piece of paper behind the watermarked sheet did something show up. I used a piece of notepad and was keeping my notes on the font on it. The lines and the notes showed up the same as the T mark on the original documents, so:

1. He either used a weird piece of paper with the T on it and cut/pasted the document ontop of it and then scanned it
2. He used a watermarked piece of paper behind the document itself for some sort of security
3. (most likely) he has some sort of weird object ontop of the document when he scanned (as someone said earlier sorry I forgot who it was, perhaps it was a film scanning tray).

So its not inherently part of the document and it isn't a watermark in the traditional sense that its on the same piece of paper.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 01:49 PM
If you have a scanner, try this.
Get some black cardboard and cut out the T-shape and stick it to the inside of your scanner lid. Now scan something on office paper of average thickness (80g) and see what you get.
Now remember that many scanners have gadgets to scan negatives inside their lid, those have a an almost black background often (when their light source is off), and have to be manually covered with white lids in most older models.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 01:54 PM
What I understand from government documents when copying or scan it will in one scheme make an unauthorized mark appear . If he was doing this in a rush ..why would he take the time to add his own mark...and thats just for regular stuff like bank documents..for the super classified serial numnbers and deviations in text itself are done litterally page to page to track the compartment everything was as he sayscompartmentalized. he would know that tracking him would be easy once info leaked...he would only need to place a mark (if it is a mark or symbol if he wanted to prove ownership of story whether true or false for self . If he did the really is closer to a hoax..because you dont do that when you are in a rush and listening to hear if someone is coming..unless the building is empty, and what no cameras...U should see the security at a mail processinfg center. And this is supposed to be super top secret?..I dont think so..

i am including a link watermarking its 2005 but you will get the idea..

security and watermarkig

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 02:12 PM
And why exactly would he be in a rush? He had those pics and docs at home for 20+ years, he said.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Exactly, it smacks of being like the blacked out portions - to give it credulance for it being 'Top Secret'. I'm actually quite surprised he didn't stamp it all over with EYES ONLY or somesuch, maybe his next lot (if there is ever a next job lot of pages) will be almost totally blacked out, covered in fake 'font' rubber stamping.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 03:27 PM
I thought the "T" was almost like a watermark. The original copy would not have readily shown it then, so Isaac might have never noticed it until we called his attention to it.

Because it could have been an accident that he was not aware of, I was hoping this might give us clues.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 04:23 PM
While looking at this image from one of the documents I thought it look like a Beryllium atom (4 electrons )

while surfing for Beryllium I found this and got a kick out of it

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