posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 02:21 PM
What exactly is privacy to you? This seems to be a popular topic in the last couple of years. If an actual great disaster were to happen what would
happen to our privacy? What are the limits on our privacy, and what do you feel the limits of privacy should be? Are the people that are worried up
to something illegal? I don't think this is always the case. I think that instead, it is a matter of "none of your business." Should the
government be able to intrude upon your life for a "greater good"? What about simple invasions, such as web tracking? Some companies already
require Social Security info just to use their service. If you have cable or satelite, they have access to your financial records. Why should they
care? When you get a job, they check for criminal background. Understandable, but what if you are trying to move on in life? When you get a job,
you are drug tested. Understandable, but isn't what you do at home
your business? (providing that you understand that there is a time and a
place) If a law officer walks up to you and asks for ID, you are bound to show it, or you can face consequences for failure to show ID. There are
large and small invasions of privacy all around us. How many people work in retail, where the cameras are on you, rather than your merchandise?
It's everywhere. Please check out this link for a description of US privacy law.
Privacy Law I would
like to hear what you all think about privacy and the limits of said privacy. This can include internet, home, posessions, financial, work related,
"recreational", or other. Thanks for your time... V
[edit on 6/26/2007 by venom79x]