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I just had my first aura.

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posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:13 AM

That was just.. wow.

I had my hand above a white sheet of paper, and I didnt the korlien breathing
or whatever the breathing is from SRV, the coverin each nostral thing, anyways.
I did that for about a good minute, then I placed my hand over the paper, first
I tried what I usually tried, imagining looking past the paper, as if i really am,
I find this gives the etheric transparent aura but never color, but then I noticed
that when I focused correctly there would be a certian ringing, I imagined(/did?)
resonatated that sound and projected it, the more i did it and the more
still i held my vision the bigger the color got. it started as just a small line, then
grew in size as i got it down. I moved my hand slightly and it left a slight inpression
that stayed there and started to fade slightly, but since my hand was still close
to it I did it again, it appeared around my hand (brilliant electric blue and
etheric) and it was if it brang the inprint of the aura back to... life? for lack
of a better tone, and my aura spread to match it and it was amazing....

sorry about the shoddy writing but im kind of... whats the word.

thank god for emoticons:

Bloddy hell cheers

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:14 AM
Ack I'd fix the spelling but editing seems to be down today.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:15 AM
sorry to tripple post but thats probably confusing

of a better tone

**of a better word haha.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:37 AM
I am glad to hear you saw part of yourself.

There are other techniques that allow you to see different parts of your body.

I have made a post about this in paranormal, but it has been buried so I will simply explain it again...

The method you spoke of allows you to see your hand. Another method using the hands is when you lie on your back.

Make sure the room is fairly dark. You don't want to have any lights on. Make sure there is a towel under your door and the blinds are shut. It is easier to do this right when you wake up or just before bed as the layers between each dimension is thinner when you're in that state.

Lie on your back and put both hands out in front of you facing the ceiling. Put your hands close together, but don't let them touch. You should have your palms facing each other so you are looking at the side of each hand.

Focus on the space between both hands as you had done in the earlier exercise.

Wait between 3-5 minutes and you will soon see energy rising off of your arms. Don't freak out or look away, keep concentrating. Try not to blink a lot as each time you blink it just adds to the time you have to focus. If your eyes get watery or dry, fine. Get an eye dropper and continue at a later date.

Remember you are still focusing on the space between your hands. The energy will start to rise off your arms and slowly move down towards the rest of your body. You may only be able to see a little bit of your aura with this method, but I have a few more.

You can see a friend's aura by having them sit in front of a white screen. Stare at the right or left side of their body (its easiest to stare at their head) and focus on the space right next to them. Don't try too hard to focus right on them as you will only concentrate on seeing their clothes better and not their aura. After about 3-5 minutes you should see their aura rise off of their body.

With practice comes perfection. I am not guaranteeing instant success. It took me a few tries before I was able to see my own (and others) aura.

Another way to see your own is by placing a mirror in front of you or standing in your bathroom. I find sitting down to be simpler because I tend to be more relaxed.

You might get dizzy from focusing on the side of your body so sitting may be your best bet.

Do the same thing you did with your friend, focus on the side of your head.

Slowly but surely your aura will show up.

You may not be able to pick out a color at first.

I tried the mirror method yesterday and saw my green aura. I am not sure if I've ever seen it before.

My girlfriend told me I had a green aura as did menguard on the higher light thread (well part green, also blue and purple).

I was actually able to see my own aura last night though and it was definitely green.

Practice makes perfect, just like any other skill.

The more you train your third eye to perceive slight changes, the easier it will be to see auras.

You may even get to the point where you can see auras of other people in day to day life. I am still practicing, but I am able to pick up (sense) other's auras and the energy field surrounding them without actually seeing it.

I hope I have been of some help.

You can search the internet to find more methods on "aura" seeing, healing, and what not.

Happy trails.

[edit on 26-6-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:43 AM
ive never tried to see my own aura, i havent looked into it much but i have seen transparent auras around other people. sometimes flashes of light for a split second, maybe i'll try the above exercise.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:13 AM
Thank you for the good replys and I will definatly try that tonight.
I was trying it on white paper but I can see how that method would work
better in the dark.

I feel almost as if Im a diffrent person, or everything is diffrent,
I now have no doubt about auras, psi ect. Its amazing feeling having
no doubt about such amazing concepts.

My my I do hope this thread helps someone else feel this way.

- Renshin

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 08:10 AM
wow...i always try new things and im definitly goin to try this one.

i have one question for "biggie smalls" if he reads this again...

do diffrent color aura mean diffrent things?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 08:29 AM
^^i could not edit my other reply^^

Other question...
What is you aura look like?...

I mean is it a line that out lines your body?
looks like a bubble around your body?
looks like waves coming and going?
just a glow?
looks like fire?


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 08:35 AM
Can people that see auras, pick up that energy. Just wondering

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
Can people that see auras, pick up that energy. Just wondering

if they wanted to, i think yes

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by ucanneverdie

Originally posted by andy1033
Can people that see auras, pick up that energy. Just wondering

if they wanted to, i think yes

What does the aura tall those that can see it, and if anyone here picks it up through feeling or sight would do you do with that info. what purpose does it have for you.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:32 PM
auras are kind of energy i guess? its hard to explain. Everyone has an aura. All living things do. The color varies from person to person. The colors are red, blue, green, purple, yellow, and orange. Blue could also be considered indigo, which as some of you may know is why some people are called "indigo children". "Indigo children is a term used within the New Age movement to refer to children who are alleged to possess paranormal attributes such as the ability to read minds."-wikipedia.
Each color, like indigo, is connected with the persons personality.
The aura colors are also the colors of the chakras. The chakras are in certain places on your body. Heres a good picture for that: chakra system

I was talking with my mother, who is a massage therapist and has experience with chakras and auras, and i told her that her aura was green. That happens to be placed at the heart, so she told me that that means she is a loving person. I'm not so sure if this is true, but it makes sense.

Auras usually appear as a fuzzy outline i guess? i'm not really experienced in seeing auras, so it might be different, but thats what most people describe it as. aura picture


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:39 PM
KatieD- yep i do know what they are, but i was wondering does the energy mean different things to different people.

Does anyone who sees auras, see actually a haze around a body or do you feel that colour. Remember the brain builds your reality and the picture you have. Have you considered what is it your brain is taking in.

Also anyone here that has this all there lifes, did you think that all people are like you or did you realise that only a minoruity could see these things.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:28 AM
sigh, lol, I like to make fun you all, but I'm proud people are starting to make self discovery.

But I'm seriously, and swear, I hope this isn't because you saw in on some cartoon show like dragonball-Z or this one show my cousin keeps talking about uhh, what is it...Naruuto. IF SO, JUST GIVE UP NOW!!
But, if you are truly trying to make an effort to understand the world and make self-discovery, then I will try and help, because I respect that. In order to understand auras, you have to understand the spiritual aspect of the human body. (P.S: Forgive me if I'm wrong, but these are what I can muster, from my experiences from self-discovery!!)

First of all lets talk about the Nadi, Nadi are channels or vessels that carry life/universal energy, which is known as prana, chi, or ki, in various culture, in which the nadi all connect at a focal point of the chakras, usually at the root chakra and working their way up.

Chakras, are basically spinning energy centers, that align from the top of the spinal column to the bottom. Energy storied in these centers are then usually distributed throughout our body accordingly. Each chakra contains a specific type of energy that usually represent a different aspect of a person state of conscious, body functions, element, or color. It has been reported that the chakra has parallels that of the various organs of the endocrine system, which some believe also believe neurochemicals and hormones that effect the body.

Another thing I want to mention about chakras, I genuinely believe that for the average person, essentially have all of their chakras open, how much they have upon varies from people to people. And it can effect people's health, moods and emotions, and even intuition or physic abilities. Blockage in the chakra can always lead to health problem, poor immunity, making it harder for us to heal or get better.

Oddly enough our own behavior, stress/anxiety level, physical condition, the food we eat, environment, medicine/drugs can all either open,close, or disrupt our flow of chakra, so be careful.

Okay and now to auras, auras are basically an field of life energy emitted from these chakras. Many people assume that our aura consist one definite color, but thats not true, the color of our aura, are a multitude of color that essentially changes to reflect how much of the chakra has opened. If its widely open then the color associated with the aura would be more luminous and brilliant and can even sometime overpower the other color, but if closes its usually dim and cast a darker color.


ps. haha wow renshin, you topic title make it sound like you just had your first period (not to offend any women). you never had a first aura, because you already have an aura. You just discovered you can see it.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by skyblueff0]

[edit on 27-6-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by skyblueff0

First of all lets talk about the Nadi, Nadi are channels or vessels that carry life/universal energy, which is known as prana, chi, or ki, in various culture, in which the nadi all connect at a focal point of the chakras, usually at the root chakra and working their way up.

isn't that called kundalini??

Except kundalini is supposedly like a "serpent" or snake coiled at the base of the spine.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by KatieD

Originally posted by skyblueff0

First of all lets talk about the Nadi, Nadi are channels or vessels that carry life/universal energy, which is known as prana, chi, or ki, in various culture, in which the nadi all connect at a focal point of the chakras, usually at the root chakra and working their way up.

isn't that called kundalini??

Except kundalini is supposedly like a "serpent" or snake coiled at the base of the spine.

Haha, I've heard of kundalini before, I just never put much thought into it. But, just for you, I did a little quick research, and found this website:

Basically from what I read, I believe that kundalini is an innate and dormant energy reservoir, much like chakras, at the base of the spinal cord. But, what is special about the kundalini, is that it can only be activitated through special yogic meditation and breathing. Basically this special meditation and breathing helps guide the prana energy through the two special nadi (there are three total), known as the Ida and Pingala (Ying/Yang), which will SOMEHOW eventually activate the kunalini.

You are right when you say it is a snake coiled up. The snake symbolically represent the innate universal/cosmic energy known as the kundalini. When a person is able to open or "awaken" their kundalini energy, energy explodes and moves up a special nadi known as the Sushumna. When it does so, it activates or fully opens each chakra, starting from the root chakra and making it way to the crown chakra and fully opening it.

I can also see why many people are warned about awaken this kundalini energy. Since it fully opens all of your chakras, excessive energy is rushed through out the body. An unprepared person's body would go through shock, because it would not used to the abundance of energy, leading to physical health problem and psychological agony. But, if you are prepared for it, this awakening is rather quite beneficial, feeling a sense of being alive and connected with the universe. Also since it will fully open the Crown Chakra and Brow (Third Eye) Chakra, be assured that you will be able to fully access you psychic abilites, though I'm sure an average person can't handle this drastic change.

P.S. Hey thanks for giving me a motive to do further research in this again, I will have to create a report specifically on the "Subtle Body" thats the part of the body that involves all of the things I've been talking about. But, before I do that I would like to finish my summer class first and haha and after that finish my long over due report on "The Soul Complex" and "Holistic Body", basically a travelogue of all that I theories and discovery I made as I journey inward and everything else I learned.

I would say wait for me, but thats the thing don't, take my advice and search deep within yourself and find your own path to inner knowledge, before its too late. If you want to take my advice, the first step is perception. No matter how dull and boring we view our life, a careful inspection, or a deep nightly reflection of our day would reveal something very meaningful and spiritual, and try to interpret those meanings and what they are trying to tell you about yourself.


[edit on 27-6-2007 by skyblueff0]

[edit on 27-6-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by ucanneverdie
do diffrent color aura mean diffrent things?

Yes. They have different meaning. As a Crystalline my one is sapphire blue for example. Pretty nice one. Indigos also have blue, in indigo shade. Others also have different type. Here is a brief description for auras.

The Blue Aura (The Indigo and Sapphire blues are the rare ones. Additional shades of the blue are also the greatest aura type of all. Well. If you're representing the good guys.
Blues are the most caring, nurturing and protective personalities in the color-spectrum. They live out of their hearts and their emotions. Their life purpose is to serve, help and love others. Blues have an inner knowledge and wisdom and they feel and know what is right without needing facts or data for substantiation. The moment they become quiet inside, they will recognize or hear an inner voice or guidance (Crystallines and Indigos are also communicating with Angels.), which will tell them what to do. They can easily tune into other people and feel precisely what is going on. Blues are the most emotional of all the color personalities. They often feel lost if they don't have the opportunity to clear their way through their intense jungle of deep feelings. Helpful activities for Blues would include talking with friends about their inner life, writing a journal or just being quiet so their intense emotions can calm down.

The Green Aura (Almost good as the blue. Different a bit, but really good.)
Greens are balanced, harmonious, and peaceful personalities. They need harmony in their life and prefer to live in a natural environment. They are the most balanced people in the color spectrum. They also have a powerful connection with nature. Living in the country, next to a forest or park or close to a lake or ocean is important for these friendly and heartfelt personalities. Greens are open, extroverted, expressive, friendly, communicative and heartfelt. Greens perceive life through their heart. Their primary motivations are contentment and harmony. They judge their successes by how close they are to their friends or nature. Greens are content personalities. If they are in power and have found their place they need very little to be happy or feel needed. Their inner happiness and satisfaction is important to them and is fulfilled without much expectation.

The Orange Aura (This one is a pretty good one, but there is one case, when it could be a really dangerous one.)
Orange personalities are the creative adventurers in the color spectrum. They have an inner urge to be creative, active and enjoy life to its fullest. They are also individual and independent and integrate physical and mental qualities. They enjoy the challenge and excitement of forming and shaping physical reality. Orange personalities love to imagine and plan strategies for their next adventure or project and then put those plans into action. They need to be involved in the actual working process and want to physically shape and form their own ideas. They have difficulty sitting back and letting other people do things for them. They are always busy building, organizing and shaping their projects and physical reality. An Orange personality's motivation in life is based on how much pleasure and satisfaction they get out of their own adventures, challenges and creative projects. They want to be adventurous, creative and live out their own ideas.

The Yellow Aura (This one is fit to the weakest persons. They're enjoying everything, but everything what they're doing is just... well, for fun. For them, consequences are never counting, just when it's too late.)
Yellows are the sunniest, happiest and most childlike personalities in the color-spectrum. "All I want to do is have some fun!" is a song which is a wonderful representation of Yellows and shows their easy going, light and sunny character. These playful people have a wonderful sense of humor. They love to laugh and intimately enjoy life from many different angles. They advocate relaxation, the pure joy of life and live spontaneously. They are always reminding other people to not take life too seriously and to always look on the bright side. Life and work should both be enjoyed.

The Red Aura (They're usually the bad guys, after their desires are turning into fanaticism and from that moment, they don't care who is that one that they're betraying or even killing. This one is one of the worst.)
Red personalities find great pleasure in expressing themselves through their sexuality and their physical body. They live their life in the Here and Now with strength, courage and confidence. Reality is tangible for them because they see, hear, feel and smell it. These personalities have a remarkably strong will power and they enjoy all physical aspects of life. Reds perceive life through physical reality and through action. Their primary motivation is to feel alive and strong. They are constantly looking for excitement and judge their own environment and success by how powerful and competitive they are. Reds strive to be successful and are born winners. They are passionate about life. They represent the fire element: physical love, passion, heat and desire. The more excitement they experience the more alive they will feel. Reds are practical, action-oriented, love to achieve results and be successful. They have an insatiable urge to win and create something valuable and important in their life. Their strong will power and intense, almost unlimited physical energy allows them to be extremely active, persistent and successful in virtually anything they do.

And there are additional, rare and strange aura colors, such as Black, Brown, Gold, Gray, Pink (Strange, it has double meaning. Could represent love and also it is the one type of aura what the eternal liars have. Not that dangerous as an other aura type, which is the most dangerous combination, but not a good one too. These are the liars, whose are simply... well, lieing to present their lives better for example.), and the last one, White. And there are also different type of shades of each of them, such as Sapphire Blue in the Blue category. It's a pretty nice topic.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:24 PM
I'm going to have to disagree with you Dark Crystalline, while I don't know much, I can assure you I know enough, to make a standing, and say everything you just said is almost wrong. But before I talk any further, I will apologize on my behalf if I misinterpreted you.

Just because you have a red aura doesn't make you evil, and the yellow aura does not mean your the weakest person. I don't know where you got your resources from, but I, on my behalf would like to say, man are they wrong.

You don't have one definite aura, as I mentioned in my first post, you have a variation of colors, which reflects how much you chakras has open. While in turn the amount of energy each chakra has open can affect you mood and personality, as Dark Crystalline have mentioned, but I can't stress enough, our AURA HAS A VARIATION OF COLORS. While we do have a variation of colors in our aura, sometimes one color can over power another, making it seems we have that one color.

And if you guys are lazy to read my previous post, the color of you auras are always changing, based on how much your lifestyle has affected your chakra.

I'm sorry if I was being harsh, be its misinformation or LACK of information like this, that actually do more damage than good to a person. But I will give you credit, Dark Crystalline is right about one thing, there are more other variation of aura color, not because the color mixes, but because the body consists of other chakras other than the main seven.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 01:55 AM
Well. I written everything down from experience. Red=Liars, manipulators, evil man. These are those ones whose are usually trying to discredit the Crystallines and Indigos (Not you, I'm talking about overall.). But it's depending from the point of view. If you're a red, blues are your enemies. Yellow... well, they're really weak. Well. I experienced this. They never able to complete anything in their life at all, unable to finish what they started. So what's this? Weakness.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:41 AM
Sorry Mods, Permission To Be Off-Topic This One Time!! Well It relates to auras.

Haha, weak huh? well I like think being weak is better then be blind, because being weak is accepting the fact that we are all human.

And you see as human, we have flaws, we can never reach perfection. But, thats one of the main purpose of living, to learn and explore your potential and be the best that you can be, without setting the bar for yourself based on the based on the strength and weakness of others around you.

Now let me interpret what I mean by blind, while you were probably once on the right track, somehow you lost you way, you adopted a figurative title for yourself: Crystalline, Indigo, or Starchild; and because of that, you felt that you reach you greatest potential you could have met. So you stop, exploring, you stop learning, and you've became what you hate most: a self-ignorant and self-absorb person. So what's that now? Its called PRIDE!!!

I think you should do something about it. And trust me its no easy task, because I sometime struggle with it from day to day.

And I've read about Crystalline, Indigo, and Starchild. Sent from a higher being, to rid the world of evil and teach them peace and love to spark a golden age. But, you can't have peace and love, along side a hierarchy of rank and title amongst men, because those things would only lead to ambition for power, since people haven't been able to look past it yet.

And thats what you have when you create a hierarchy in society based on auras. You create an small elite group, that separate itself from the large minority. Then you make stand of your grandeur plans, and be praised amongst your peers, even though it was never executed, and expect people to accept you in society. And when people don't accept your claim: you then label them as jealous, evil, and WEAK; and find other amongst the minority who do praise you and feel the same way, and then you guys make them part of your group.

And before you make your counterargument, please tell me one thing, what have you done as a Crystalline or as an Indigo thus far, to help improve and better society? You do have all of these powers, why not use if for good. Don't wait for the RIGHT TIME, we need you guys now!!

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT!! And don't worry Dark Crystalline, not much people will know because not much people will read this dying thread. And so you have it your way. ALSO, its not just you Dark Crystalline, is the 5000 others that claim to be indigo; probably casing the 2 real ones to be ignored.

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