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Just my view

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posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:11 PM
England had the biggest empire in the history of the world, but now we don't!

We had the biggest and best Navy in the world, But now we don't!

I think england should think a bit more about its decisions.
Im not saying that if a country that we own but has its own Government wants to be an independent country we sould say NO! I'm just saying we should be more carefull!

Tell me if you agree or disagree or if you have any thing to add!

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:15 PM
The British Empire is totally dead, the Commonwealth is meaningless, but there is a chance for resurrection in the form of an American-Anglo empire with Great Britain (and Australia) doing the arselicking and tagging along for a stupid ride.

Yes careful consideration should be given, and the political philosophy of colonialism purged totally.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:21 PM
Yes, thats what i was saying, about the english empire being dead!

Thanx for the view!

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:37 PM
I think we should actively start taking it all back. In the olden days, the globes were colored pink where the countries were in the empire. I suggest we start a 'pink globe' campaign and paint the whole damn thing pink.

We should take back that upstart colony to the west first!

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:40 PM
U.S. Canada, Jamaca, Guyana,etc. where you gonna start?

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 01:33 PM
i said i think england should be more careful!

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 03:28 PM
YES! I am all for Englands reconquering, look at what has happened in your abscence: America, Africa, Hong Kong... If you could only control that renegade country called America the world would be much better.


posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 03:41 PM
Engalnd became way to overconfidant during the American Revolution. Then Engalnd lost so much land its now just back to the island. Kinda funny to see a former world power behing one of its former colonies.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 03:41 PM
Hmm, what might things be like now if British had not declared war on Germany in 1914 ?

France payed reparations like in the 1870s

Germany prevents or weakens Communist revolution in Russia

Adolf sells crappy paintings on streets of Vienna for rest of life after WW I

England is not in debt for Billions to US

No cold war happens

England still has colonies intact

Anyone else care to speculate ?

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 03:51 PM
If Engalnd was'nt in the USA's debt they would be much better, we basicly saved Europe from the Nazis. France was lost before the war even started, Engalnd was being pelted by the Luftwaffe, and the rest of Europe fell life flies. Remember Poland?

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
If Engalnd was'nt in the USA's debt they would be much better, we basicly saved Europe from the Nazis. France was lost before the war even started, Engalnd was being pelted by the Luftwaffe, and the rest of Europe fell life flies. Remember Poland?

What debt?
So you helped win WW2? Whoop-de-doo, your ass was next on the block if Hitler won, you protected your own interests.

You obviously have little knowledge in what you speak of, the German army was not this conquering force, the polish could have broken them easily along with the czechoslovaks if they had used their own auto factories to build tanks, i bet you didnt know the germans took the designs from the skoda works and expanded on them then used the factory to create tanks.

Just about every Nazi division was lacking troops, artillery and air cover, only the SS would have been thought of as "regulars"

The British also held off the luftwaffe, after that the invasion was permanently put off, your actions did nothing to help that.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:06 PM
The Polish fought on horseback for God's sake, they had no chance against a modern war machine. The Polish army was outdated by nearly a hundred years.

There was no chance that Britain and her allies could've beaten Germany,Japan, and Italy. Hitler had command of most of that area it would've taken a along time, money, and men for them to do it themselves.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
The Polish fought on horseback for God's sake, they had no chance against a modern war machine. The Polish army was outdated by nearly a hundred years.

There was no chance that Britain and her allies could've beaten Germany,Japan, and Italy. Hitler had command of most of that area it would've taken a along time, money, and men for them to do it themselves.

The polish cavalry was ceremonial yet still fought, they also inflicted quite a few casualties. A galloping horse is hard to hit with a tanks main gun.

Britain had every chance of beating the Nazi's, they would have been slaughtered the second they stepped on british shores, not a brit alive would have layed down to them.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:12 PM
Stalin beat Germany. Not the English drunk guy or the American parapallegic.

But before the argument goes any further, I'd just like to throw out something that can make everyone get along.


posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:13 PM
Right and thats why the Nazis never tried to invade England. The British would've killed them on their own turf. No question about that. Britian alone could not of beaten the Axis and there to my knowledge only a few countires small ones at that who helped Britain fight before America came.

But just think Hitler joined the German army justbecause no one appreciated his artwork. If someone would've complimented his work he might've not become the Fuher of Germany.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:46 PM
The Brits didn't back the French after Hitler marched into the Rhineland despite the fact that they were obligated to do so (by treaty). At that time France and England had overwhelming military superiority over Germany and could have defeated Hitler before he endangered all of Europe. But the Chamberlain wanted to avoid war at any cost. This probably sounded noble enough until they realized what the cost of 'at any cost' meant. The attack on Austria (called the Anschluss) after Hitler proclaimed that he wouldn't interfere with Austria was a capitulation from Mussolini (Italy was Austria's 'protector' and Hitler was loyal to the end to Mussolini for giving him Austria). Then he marched into Sudeten Czechoslovakia without spilling a drop of blood in real battle because the French and English (ostensibly Czech allies) had convinced President Benes that even were the two great powers to go to war with Germany, the Sudetenland would nevertheless fall. The Czechs were told that under no circumstances would France and England go to war with Hitler if the Czechs resisted. However, in the Munich agreement, they solemnly swore to come to the aid of the Czechs if Hitler tried to annex the rest of the country beyond the Sudetenland. Within seven months, he did exactly this, and the French and English sat back and did nothing whatever.

The Fuhrer had not completely digested Czechoslovakia when he marched into Poland, but found the Poles to be much more resistant. Now this would not have happened, had not Hitler already forged a non-agression with Stalin in Russia, in exchange for giving Stalin a cut in the take.

In any case, the British and French finally figured out Hitler makes promises which he obviously has no intention of keeping. It's not clear to me that America had any obligation to enter WWII before it did. It is pretty clear that France and England did have those obligations after the Munich treaty, yet they did nothing.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
U.S. Canada, Jamaca, Guyana,etc. where you gonna start?

How about in West Indies.....the weather is gorgeous there! Maybe India/Pakistan would be good, send it back into old times again... Will Slavery and Indentured Labor be part of British Empire revival again??

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