posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 12:06 PM
Gasat3.00is a situation X in disquise,so itis relevant in my opinion,It could save lives and familys from financial destruction NOW.If my grammar was
better then it would LOOK better,but I dont have alot of time to wasteabsorb this knowledge,and take it how you want to.In survival situations,one
mans trash is another mans free ride,I have read on this board the mind being the number1 tool for survival,this postis meant totune the survival mind
to escape,and evade the gas station the worst enemy of the world. A better chance to survive situationX couldrequire,knowing a minimal amount of
mechanical,and electrical,while using the minimum amount of resources.Knowledge is key in my opinion.If people cant fix there ride,they are stuck.I
could need to get to my wife and kids, or get us all to the mountains, There is no electricity,and no gas pumps working,but your allowed to drive
still,and all the diesel and gas is gone.Im sure within 1 mile there is at least 20 gallons of used motor oil,soy hydraulic oil,anything,lying
around,in gallon jugs on the side of garages behind houses,inside garages,or you can ask people to give you used motor oil for a ride if they have
enough to be worth it, drain old cars of oil,Mix it all together if you have to and dump it in the tank. this will work if you know how to do a few
basic things and have about a half gallon of diesel or vegoil.Vegetable oil often gets discarded in edible oil barrels outside and 55gallon drums of
rancidfryer oilcouldb overlooked by most people,not many people could find uses for the veg oil,or used motor oil,but of course enough minds witin
each area will probably get all the veg oil before we get there, but i bet there will be a quart or2 of oil at the bottom of these barrels,but maybe
not.A person could also start stockpiling the oil now since its free and bypass drive awaylater with a bed full of 55 gallon drums of fryer
grease.Ithink a person could have 200 gallons of vegfuel for FREEincontainers all stacked up nice. add thin stainless or thicker cold roll
steelplating to the vehicle,so as not to get sniped driving while everyone else is walking.also buyrunflat tires,put upgraded suspention,and protect
the radiator,engine compartment from will lose mpg but make the car a escape pod.Paint thinner to thin veg oil if no gas availible
might work,it seems will still run on just strait oiluntil the filter clogs then its20-35 mph.If a person could invent aveg oil filter
that is cleanable(with a backup)then the gasoline would not be as nessesary,only in winter, bosch dieselinjection pumps allow 30% gasoline to diesel
prevent gelling in diesel fuel,im not sureif this is enough to make the veg oil work in winter, usually you would need to start and end on diesel via
a multi fuellineintake.Quote fromveggie cars link provided,"The use of Vegetable Oil Fuel is carbon positive,this means that more carbon is locked up
into the soil from growing the oil seed plant than released into the atmosphere by burning the oil produced from it.While the exhaust releases
greenhouse gasses not that much different to petroleum fuels,the carbon being released was only captured from the atmosphere by the oil seed plant in
the last couple of years.By using Vegetable Oil as fuel,you are taking part in the carbon cycle,reducing the carbon in the atmosphere rather than
releasing more carbon from ancient deposits."How about a biodiesel 4 wheeler with a trailer This is for advanced mechanics, or really ambitious
ATSrs.I believe the most mpg of any mass production diesel vehicle is avwdunebuggyconverted todiesel1.5.atvvegoilvehicle,that can go into woods and
trails, and is street legal the here is the way to make a diesel beetle railbuggy or manx or custom tube atv chassis get 80+mpg.VW Vanagon Diesel
transmission mounted to a water cooled 1.5l rabbit diesel motor,mounted into a vw beetle floorpan railbuggy with a radiator attached as well as custon
water cycling system.80mpg