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Palastine, The morning after.

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:38 PM
As the dust settles on the civil war in Palastine, i feel the Palastinian hope for one day a free state living side by side with Israel, has been dealt a death blow. I really can't see how they can recover from this.

On one hand you have the democratically elected government of Hamas now bottled up in Gaza after launching what the media call a 'coup', How can the government democratically elected launch a coup when it is in power??!! (Ask Bush and his people about that, they have alot of experience in that area) It was a defensive measure against the would be 'coupers' Fatah backed by the U.S and Israel.

Now in the West bank you have Fatah led by Abbas and Darmah, who have no power and no interest in the Palastinian people, just staying in power with all the benefits that this entails. The real winner in this Is Israel who has now divided it's enimies i feel for good. The hypocrisy is just appaling, Fatahs military wing is on the terrorist watch list yet they can be talked to by the U.S and Israel. Hamas is also declared a terroist organisation and cannot be talked to even though it has stuck strenously to a year lon cease fire even under the constant provacation of Israeli airstrike and raids.

What can be done to save these poor poor people of Palastine? I feel nothing, Hamas will eventually fall, stripped of money and help until the people are so helpless another civil war will ensue or the government will just completley collapase under the pressure. Then it is all over there will be no organised oppistion to tthe occupation. And the question of freedom shall be buried, for good. I hope upon hope this will not be the case.......

This article on Counterpunch details more what is happening, it's a great website.

[edit on 25-6-2007 by Peruvianmonk]

Mod Edit: BB Code

[edit on 25/6/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 06:14 PM
Its always been obvious that this was the result that Israel was seeking. To wreak havok in the occupied territories. The next step will be to move in with their forces and of course to re-occupy Gaza. Then they can work on the west bank. As people have said, they never pulled out of Gaza , they only got all the cattle into the one stable to better control. Now they can make a sweep of it. It really is a devious government at work. They have a lot of help in covering their tracks.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:55 PM
I'm not so sure that the real winner is "Israel". I truly believe the dust is only beginning to fall, but for now the real winner is actually Iran. They have gained territory on the doorstep of Israel. Israel is also facing a very interesting decision in its interactions with Gaza. A potential Humanitarian crisis is looming, and the longer it goes, the more Israel will be pressured to either deal with Hamas or once again invade Gaza.

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