Markjaxon: Well, you know what I'm talking about ! Good to see that others have experienced/are experiencing the sort of thing detailed in my OP.
The fact it happens spontaneously, quite often, indicates it's natural for at least some of us, some of the time, to connect in what appears to be an
artless manner. Shared dreams = shared Mind and hopefully means we also share with and are part of .......... the Big Mind
How much further could it be taken and how much progress could/would be made if we deliberately and with purpose decided to connect ! Guess this is
all leading to the Universal Consciousness theories which have been out there for a very long time.
Which leads to conjecture regarding the literally life-changing inventions of the past 100 - 150 years : electicity, telephone, radio, radar, tv,
internet, mobile phones, etc. All are convenient, have provided entertainment, mass communication, progress, comfort, etc.
But what have these done --- perhaps --- to the natural, Mind-sourced communications systems we used, prior ? Are our natural communications-systems
atrophying (sp?) ? Are they dormant --- but perhaps to be revitalised if/when 'agmageddon' occurs ?
These are the thoughts that spurred me to post my shared-dream experience. I wanted to learn if others were experiencing the same thing or if they
ever had. Because if you can do something once, the odds are you can do it again. Like riding a bike. And if the world's communications systems
are destroyed (deliberately or as part of a NWO or other agenda) we may
need to develop telepathic skills to a far greater degree for survival
and strategic purposes.
Many indigenous people were/are able to communicate with each other over immense distances, either in case of emergency or to call people to a certain
place at a certain time ... or, apparently, just to chat about family, etc. Indigenous people use telepathy or shared-dreaming or dream-walking (I'd
never heard that term until ChrisDeemian alerted me to it) in the same way as we use the phone or internet. Lot less expensive too.
The fact 'shared-dreaming'/dream communications can occur (and they can, as evidenced by other's and my own testimony) indicates we are far *less*
separate and far *more* attuned with each other than we may usually stop to consider.
For every person who posts, there are usually an equal or greater number who simply read without comment. I'm hoping the comments and experiences
detailed in this thread (and I'm sure there are others around) will inspire people to keep an open mind or even to attempt to make contact with
others via dreams. Personally, I believe it to be a positive natural ability, for the most part, and life-affirming. It provides assurance that we
are never really alone, no matter how alone we may sometimes feel.
No-where, as far as I'm aware, is 'dream-communication' being fostered in the young. Instead, they're being encouraged to rely on mechanical,
technological methods of communication in the same way people have grown dependent on tv/dvd/internet etc. for entertainment. Or in the same way
people have grown to become reliant on doctors, hospitals and 'medicine' --- rather than remembering they have the power to heal themselves, as
people did for thousands of years.