posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 06:41 AM
It will never happen...disclosure not now, not later.
All governments and organizations (religious & social) in the world will never admit or disclose any stuff relating to the UFO phenomenon.
They will always leave us in the dark for the simple reason that is too much to loose in disclosing all to the public.
They will loose too much in telling the world that others have raising from the material needs to the spiritual needs
We live in a hierarchical society based on kings and servants, presidents and citizens, employers and employees...and so on.
Do you think seriously that they will tell the world that contact have been made with non earthling intelligent being and that they have find the way
to live in harmony with them self and the universe, and that the path of a better life is the search for your won soul in accordance to the material
plain where we stand. I don’t think they will.
Here in Europe I dint see any increase in UFO TV programs, they are still very few programmed in TV channels.
But we have seen a large increase in Environment TV programs threw all European TVs at large.
So I am asking you; is this increase in UFO programs (in USA & and some Latin American Country) a diversion to the real issue of environment
Thank you for answering ...if any.