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SOUND-OFF, The US Borders

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:26 AM
Every Week we will be featuring a new episode of "Sound-Off".

The US Borders. Do we need it to be more secure? Are you for or against a stronger border and why?

We need you to voice your opinion, so grab those microphones now and start recording. All we ask is that you keep your PODCASTs down to about 15 seconds (+ - a few seconds) in length (if it's under or over a bit, thats ok too). We ask that you start off by saying "Hi, I go by the name of (your ATS member-name here) and I think....." We'd like to suggest that perhaps you turn your air conditioners, fans and anything else that might come over your mic off momentarily when you create your podcast, this will make it easier for everyone to hear you clearly.

Keep in mind that we will not accept any podcast that has bad language in it... (all ATS T&C's apply) We'd like to have a nice high quality podcast of 128kbs (or higher), but if you don't know what or how to change those type of settings, thats still ok... we still want to hear you "Sound Off".

You can contact me by U2U with any questions or just get right to it, and email me your "Sound Off" podcast at:

[email protected]

(I'm using the above until I get some kinks worked out with my email system)

If you do U2U me (or email me), please include in the subject line "Sound-Off" as I have a number of projects I'm working on and don't want to miss your email..

Thanks for your help and participation, and maybe everyone will hear you when you... "Sound-Off"!


posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:12 AM
My name.... Jose Jimanez.....

I absolutely LOVE this sound off topic. Okay guys and gals.... rise to the occassion. We KNOW you have an opinion.


[edit on 6/25/2007 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 05:43 AM
On it's way my friends....

GREAT work you all are doing.....


posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit
My name.... Jose Jimanez.....


[edit on 6/25/2007 by Dave Rabbit]
Now we can date you,

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:54 AM

Yeah.... that goes back aways for most of us. In actuality, Bill Dana and I met back in the early 70's and somewhere, I have a photo of he and I together. I won't go into specifics, but I was in a family business at the time and he and his producer came into our showroom and wanted to borrow a number of products for his new album cover of that time, which I believe had to do with Olympics. As a thank you for allowing them to use what they wanted , Bill Dana took several comical photos with me. What a great guy.

Anyway..... consider me DATED!


[edit on 6/25/2007 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:12 PM
My 15 seconds are on their way.

I can't wait to hear ATSMIX. There seems to be a lot going on on the other side of this that we norms cant see.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:04 PM
We're all immigrants, to close the borders is an absolute atrocity.

I still need to pick up a mic damn. I want to comment on this, but nothing to use.

Anyone want to let me borrow theirs for a few days
? I live in Arizona. I swear I'll give it back.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:12 PM

I'm now holding my mike out the window... YELL REAL LOUD....



posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis

I'm now holding my mike out the window... YELL REAL LOUD....



Thanks, just tell me which direction to yell. Maybe the wind will carry my sound vibration far enough. It may sound like a whisper, but heck that's better than nothing right

I'm getting paid this friday, maybe I can scrounge around a few bucks in the meantime to pickup a cheapo from wally world.

I just don't want to sound like darth over the internet. I don't need to look like a fool for no reason. I'd rather look crazy for the content, not the sound of my voice

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:51 AM
I lived close to the US/MEX border and your view changes...I had to work in Las Cruces and had no problems getting medical help when I was ill or hurt....Food was good, not much crime.The "aliens" were mostly doing jobs there was no way in hell i was going to do in 120 degree heat. The USBP is more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. Worked in Del Rio and it was the same. Never seen so many snakes, was MUCH more worried about them than "aliens". I agree that you should have to at least sign the "guest book" so they can be taxed like the rest of us but hunting down people just to see them again 3 days later is insane.

[edit on 26-6-2007 by TXMACHINEGUNDLR]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 03:32 AM
Please delete this!

[edit on 26/0607/07 by neformore]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
We're all immigrants, to close the borders is an absolute atrocity.
I still need to pick up a mic damn. I want to comment on this, but nothing to

What kind of avatar name would you have if 'Biggie' had never gone out and bought a mic...hmmm? Come on my friend, break down and get with the podcast

We need to hear your voice in our Sound-Off..


[edit on 26-6-2007 by JohnnyAnonymous]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:32 PM
I live in Texas and while I'm not for a closed border, I'd really like to see the people coming over have a green card or something. I'm not so heartless to say these people can't come, but I mean jeez do it legally, thats my only real concernt. I watch the Mexicans build the houses behind me, they work hard and do a decent job most of the time. I understand they come here and do the work most people don't want to do, I just want them to do it legaly and learn ENGLISH, this is not Northern Mexico. We have to press 1 on the phone sometimes to get it in English, this is America. I don't have a problem with an open border, but if you're going to come here, do it legaly and learn English, thats really all I ask.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:58 PM

I just did some research and here are the facts....

Cyber Acoustics PC Microphone ::::::::::::::::::12.99 at Circuit City

Audacity ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Free

Time to make the Podcast :::::::::::::::::::::::::10 Minutes

Having your opinion broadcast on the ATS airwaves:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

So instead of just posting your thought here, get out there and get "IT" in here!!!!!!!


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:41 PM
Making that recording is not very hard. I got a $10 dynamic microphone from Best Buy and downloaded Audacity and the software they recommend that you add to it, and I did it all in six hours. Gave myself a day to play with the settings--to include the Gain--and now I'm able to knock off an Mp3 in just a few minutes.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Ok Johnny, its on its way now. Check your inbox.

Good luck with your first sound off.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:46 AM
I live in Arizona. The house I live in was built by Mexicans and has numerous problems. The only thing holding the front door in was the four small screws that go through the deadbolt strike plate. There are many electrical code violations and the foundation is crumbling. Every monsoon I have to repair the roof because we lose ten to twenty shingles per storm. We pay one of the highest automobile insurance rates in the nation because illegal aliens come here and steal the cars and take them back to Mexico whole or in pieces. Illegal aliens commit murders and disappear back across the border, then come back and do it again. Banks give loans to illegals without the credentials that they make citizens provide. The borders need to be totally closed and controlled. We need solid background checks on everybody who comes across the border. We also need to do away with the anchor baby bullcrap. How can you give away citizenship to somebody whose parents are not citizens? What a load!!

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:41 PM
When are you guys going to have this one finished up? How can I listen in to your radio cast?



posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 12:56 PM
Hey Biggie....

We are WAITING for the FINISHED PRODUCT from the Post-Production guys.... it will then go up immediately and then should be on track for our 2 show per week concept. you WILL KNOW as Skeptic will have a SPECIAL BANNER to take everyone directly to the show to HEAR.


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