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Does anybody else get headaches from toothpaste?

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posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:26 PM
No, but Crest has always made my mouth sore. There is something in it that I may be allergic to. I can't use it at all. I usually use AquaFresh or Pepsodent.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by andreas b
I'm pretty pussled by this toothpaste conspiracy iam gonna give you some of my personal experiences.

(-- !OFF TOPIC! --)

Andreas B,

You aren't able to receive U2U's, but I have to ask: Why did you add me as a Foe of your's? What did I do to deserve such a devastating fate as this?

Did you not like my toothpaste comment? I thought both of our opinions were similar -- both of us are against commercial toothpaste! We're comrades in the fight against fluoride.

Honestly though, is a tiny toothpaste comment really a reason to mark me as your One and Only enemy?

Well, on a side note, perhaps I should feel special. Even 'WolfofWar' hasn't claimed me as his Foe yet...


posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea

Well, on a side note, perhaps I should feel special. Even 'WolfofWar' hasn't claimed me as his Foe yet...


You're the only one he hasn't.
The guy has a foes list longer than my leg.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 07:00 AM
I used to have the exact same problem of not wanting to eat/drink, but didn't get a headache, I wanted to throw up right after brushing until I found out I was allergic to Flouride, and changed to a non-flouride brand. I don't remember if it gave me headaches unfortunately, its been almost 30 years since I stopped using flouride toothpaste. Damn shame that strawberry kid's one had flouride in I LOVED that stuff.

Oh, and I'm also slightly allergic to propylene glycol, which is used in some pastes as a thickener, so it might be that, check your label see what's in it.

Try a non-flouride brand, maybe that'll help? Worth a shot, and its not like you'd waste it. They do unpleasant flavours in some health shops though, I got aniseed and teatree the other day, damn that's a disgusting mix.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by selfless
So, you mix baking soda with water and then put it on the tooth brush and brush?

The baking soda that comes in boxes?

The taste is not an issue to me, but is it safe to brush your teeth like this? Isn't it possible that the baking soda would eventually scrape your teeth?

Perfectly safe, most commercial toothpaste contains SAND, quartz crystals that are MUCH more abrazive than bicarbonate of soda. My grandfather used to use coal dust and baking soda before the invention of toothpaste, and his teeth were nice and white. You need something to be slightly abrazive otherwise the plaque will just sit there eating your toothies, so its pefectly fine to scrape with bicarb, or even salt crystals. Now diamonds, that'd be a bit no-no...

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