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White Pyramid of China may not be White Pyramid of China

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posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I'm still waiting for this quote to be justified

Obviously, if the thing can travel across the universe it doesn't matter what official name you give it, it still is a spaceship.

are you going to post that anytime soon or are you going to continue giving your misinterpretation of known facts ?
I'm also still waiting for your posts which you claimed would strip the credibility from me, seems to have been an idle boast now doesn't it, is there any chance that you will admit you were wrong and retract that claim or would you like it written on your tombstone
you completely ignored the fact that Hindu Heaven is on a mountain as well
why is that
doesn't the evidence match the delirium that your imagination said would be there
lets get this straight Beth
I think you have a fantastic imagination and would have a glorious future as a Screenwriter or Author specialising in writing Sci Fi Scripts or Novels but you really haven't got what it takes to be a credible historian have you

You made this claim about interstellar Vimanas before you had done any research into this culture at all
the webpage that you linked to is one that is often found at the top of google lists of Vimana pages and you didn't even bother to check the details of its origin did you (seventh page down)
you have a very long way to go before anyone would regard your method as scientific
your excuses for why the texts don't back you (german critics) don't match the reasoning and your total lack of any evidence marks you down as just another crank who doesn't know what they are talking about
I like you Beth I really do as I see the passion in you for Mesopotamian studies that matches my own
but you are doing yourself a great diservice in trying to justify a statement made in error without any knowledge of the culture you are hypothesising about
ce la vie (in case you aren't bi-lingual that means "thats the truth")

now take a look at this carving of a Vedic Vimana again (which you completely ignored earlier)

please explain to me how this represents the image that you have of a Vimana in your imagination
if you like I will explain to you where the word Vimana actually comes from
and I promise you that you won't like it
you won't like it at all

[edit on 3-7-2007 by Marduk]

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 06:28 PM
The Mahabharata: Drona Parva

Naikartana, was now hurled at the Rakshasa. Beholding that excellent and blazing weapon capable of piercing the body of every foe, in the hands of the Suta's son, the Rakshasa began to fly away in fear assuming a body gigantic as the foot of the Vindhya mountains. Indeed, seeing that dart in Karna's hand, all creatures in the sky, O king, uttered loud cries. Fierce winds began to blow, and thunders with loud report began to fall on the earth. Destroying that blazing illusion of Ghatotkacha and piercing right through his breast that resplendent dart soared aloft in the night and entered a starry constellation in the firmament.

And here's an example where the weapon...i mean "meteorite" didn't crash into the earth, it came up from the earth and went soaring off into a starry constellation, which, if you believe Marduk's version, they aren't supposed to know anything about because: " they had no concept of outer space at all did they"
Just hang in there for this, and more incredibly prejudice statements spoken with historical authority from Marduk.

[edit on 3-7-2007 by undo]

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 07:12 PM
have you lost the plot totally now
youre supposed to be proving interstellar ships remember
this is completely unrelated to the quote you posted earlier when you claimed that a city being bombed would describe it as an iron weapon
lets see now what can I create by linking together sentences completely out of context

H G WellsI am not an expert driver

AnonI can fly aircraft

L Ron HubbardTo the Stars

Obviously, if the thing can travel across the universe it doesn't matter what official name you give it, it still is a spaceship.

so where is this quote that you claimed you could prove
not a weapon from a fictional text thats barely 3000 years old held by Karna who is a completely human character
wheres your aliens now when you really need them ?
I'm laughing at you out loud now I really am
and so are a lot of other people still waiting for you to even approach you proving what you claimed
lets remember now
we're looking for an ancient text that describes a spaceship travelling from Earth to another planet
you were going to show me up, do you remember saying that. want me to post your quotes now to really embarress you
not the text in your imagination that doesn't exist and which you have lost all your credibility over which you used to believe you could find easily
but a real text
gonna happen soon is it ?
you got served again
thats twice in the same thread

its also very apparent that you are avoiding answering all of my questions that make you look like you know nothing
now I wonder why that could be

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 08:13 PM
already did that, but you're claiming "celestial" doesn't mean celestial. it means the top of a mountain, so the point is moot.

you changed the rules of the game after it appeared you were losing. (, the problem is, they may have said it but you think it means something else, even if they did say it). welcome to the kobiashi maru. the only test known to man, where you can cheat and get an accomodation for it, because, afterall, not telling the truth is occassionally necessary....for whatever reason. unbeknownst to most everyone else that can read the texts for themselves without study guides.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 08:27 PM
nowhere did you claim before that celestial was even an issue
heres the dictionary defintion of that word
1. pertaining to the sky or visible heaven
so it has nothing to do with other planets
if youre going to claim words as evidence it might serve your cause better in future if you actually know what they mean
like Duh
heres what you said once more
see if you can understand your own words this time

Obviously, if the thing can travel across the universe it doesn't matter what official name you give it, it still is a spaceship.

so despite all your claims
despite all your posturing
despite all your B.S.
you still are unable to provide any evidence of your earlier claims
you posted three times that you were going to prove me wrong
and now more than 7 posts later "like a poor marksman you keep missing the target"
I'm sure you recognise that quote
its from the same sci fi movie that you got the Kobayashi Maru quote from which incidentally you can't even spell correctly
what we left with
you were lying again werent you
you're nothing but a cheap fantasist who will happily lie because you think your intelligence level is above those reading the total pap that you write
well guess what
it isn't
you're not intelligent
you know nothing of the facts
you know nothing about real history
you don't even know what real evidence is
you have no idea what the word credibility means
and worse than all that
you're a very very very bad loser who's lack of credibility urges you on to make a bigger and bigger fool of yourself while thinking that you know it all
you don't know anything at all except the depths of your own ignorance, something which this entire website is diametrically opposed to
now you can post and post more irrelevant crap if you like
but heres what you said for the last time

Obviously, if the thing can travel across the universe it doesn't matter what official name you give it, it still is a spaceship.

so if you've nothing further to add thats relevant then I guess youre just a ridiculous waste of my and everybody elses time and attention
because you got nothing girl
you never had anything
you will never be taken seriously
you will never amount to anything
you havent got a clue
if I had to sum up your contribution to human knowledge in one word it would be "detritus"
you might need to look that up

[edit on 3-7-2007 by Marduk]

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 08:34 PM
From my quote on previous page

Crowned with a diadem of the complexion of fire, decked with ornaments of gold, his person smeared with celestial sandalpaste, garnished with celestial wreaths, he roves through all celestial regions, enjoying all celestial objects of enjoyment, and endued with great splendour, through the grace of the deities.

The guy is on a journey. He starts off on earth. He ends up roving through all celestial regions.

This to me reads - He goes from earth to outerspace, the universe, the celestial regions, and wanders about in his "celestial car"

To you it reads - He goes up on a mountain and wanders between the buildings in the mountain city, in his horse drawn chariot.

What can I say except, you're totally brainwashed.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 08:51 PM
the car is a celestial car because it can move about in the celestial regions.

it is driven by the power of his mind, not by horses, as is indicated earlier in the same passages.

it's not on the earth, it's in the celestial regions.

the celestial regions are those above the sky regions, where the planets/moons/stars are located.

but let's ignore all that so Marduk can cling to his fantasy that heaven and the heavens were just a mountaintop city in Sumer. by this contrivance, he is able to assume that all ancient texts that report extra-terrestrial or supernatural events, references to places like heaven and the heavens, are falsehoods and can all be attributed to a misunderstanding dating back to a city on a mountain., as per my original statement, modern thought on the subject is, that our forerunners not only didn't know what the freak they were talking about, they were also lying, exaggering, or stoned on mushrooms.

to top it off, they were stupid and blind (unless of course, the subject is building pyramids, in which case they suddenly become master engineers, mathematicians, architects, and management specialists on a mind boggling scale), yet they couldn't tell the difference between a flying "vessel" and a guy climbing a mountain, between celestial regions and mountain cities.

You know what, Marduk. I think this conversation is over.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 09:00 PM
(P.S. Thanks for participating. Surely there is some other thread out there that needs you to pick it apart? I think this one had better get back on the topic of the White Pyramid of China, before it gets shut down like the last one you and I had a debate on)

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 09:02 PM
like I already said
maybe if you understood what the word "celestial" meant you would realise how stupid your claims are
do I need to keep posting the same evidence over and over before you will acknowledge the truth
I actually posted the dictionary definition of "celestial" but obviously you were incapable of reading it because it didn't agree with your delusional imagination
you are wasting my time
you can keep posting irrelevant crap if you like but you must be realising by now that everyone reading this is laughing at you.
you had your chance
you totally blew it because you as a person are the very definition of Ignorant
where are the scholars that agree with you
where is any supporting evidence
where is your fan club
if anyone here is brainwashed its you
and the irony is that you did it to yourself
you started this thread determined to convince people that the Chinese pyramids were alien influenced and no one agreed with you
how surprised are you that not one single forum member has posted in support of the crap that you're shovelling

now you've been posting deliberately off topic for over a day on your own fantasies which you couldn't prove either
laughable detritus dreamt up by a delusional mind that can't accept the truth when its laid out on a plate for her
end of conversation

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 09:37 PM

See ya.

One thing's for certain, you're practiced at the art of insults. (not that that changes anything)

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by undo
but let's ignore all that so Marduk can cling to his fantasy that heaven and the heavens were just a mountaintop city in Sumer. by this contrivance, he is able to assume that all ancient texts that report extra-terrestrial or supernatural events, references to places like heaven and the heavens, are falsehoods and can all be attributed to a misunderstanding dating back to a city on a mountain.,

well theres a classic straw man argument for you
if you knew anything about Sumer at all you'd know that it was a flat featureless plain with no mountains at all
no ancient text at all recounts anything extra terrestrial because the ancients believed that the Earth was like an island surrounded by water
or didn't you ever ask yourself why the egyptians had the sun being ferried on a boat
but clearly you don't know that much
as clearly you don't know what I have been saying about heaven in the ancient world which if you'd checked you would find that its actually the current orthodox belief (but you don't care for facts when they interupt your sci fi agenda do you
answer this
was Mt Olympus in outer space or was it a mountain
was Mt Meru in outer space or was it a mountain
was Mt Sumeru in outer space or was it a mountain
was Mt Bakhu in outer space or was it a mountain
was Mt Manu in outer space or was it a mountain
see the clue is in the name
you know nothing about the ancient world at all do you
you have never studied it at all that I can see if you think the ancients at any time said that heaven was off this planet because they didn't

Originally posted by undo
to top it off, they were stupid and blind

you're the one who all through this has been claiming that the ancients couldn't do anything without help from an extra terrestrial race
so you're the one claiming they were stupid and blind
theres a technical name for this
its called transference

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
ce la vie (in case you aren't bi-lingual that means "thats the truth")

[edit on 3-7-2007 by Marduk]

(say lah VEE) An expression used to play down some minor disappointment: “So we lost a softball game by twenty-two runs. What can you do; c’est la vie.” From French, meaning “that’s life.”'est+La+Vie+(French:+That's+Life)
Acronym Definition
CLV C'est La Vie (French: That's Life)'est_la_vie
In French, this phrase roughly translates as "it is the life". In context, it relates to traditional sayings, like "this is the life", or "that's life for you". It's debated whether or not this phrase is positive or negative in tone; most argue that it can be used in either way. All that changes is the manner in which it is said.

im just saying............

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:53 AM
ah but youre not taking into account that I speak french with an English accent

see someone told me before what you just did but I didn't believe them either

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
ah but youre not taking into account that I speak french with an English accent

see someone told me before what you just did but I didn't believe them either

the point is, if you are gonna act like you do, which you do, then at the very least you should come off as very credible. the problem with acting like you know everything is that it actually doesnt take long for someone to show that you dont. if you are french and speaking english, speak it right or stfu. getting the minor details wrong means you are most likely wrong about many other things matter how right you try to sound like you are. you are in fact guilty of almost everything you claim undo is.

or maybe in french smart means dumb?

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 02:05 AM
oh so youre saying that you believe that aliens did it then ?
and obviously you missed my attempt at humour or you wouldn't have launched into a totally unprovoked personal attack

also your claim that if someone isn't perfectly fluent in french means that they don't know anything about history is very illogical
Sir Leonard Woolley for instance knew a lot about history and nothing about french
so its not really "au fait" to make a claim like that unless you are aware of all the facts is it
which is what I tried to point out to Undo

[edit on 4-7-2007 by Marduk]

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
oh so youre saying that you believe that aliens did it then ?
and obviously you missed my attempt at humour or you wouldn't have launched into a totally unprovoked personal attack

unprovoked is the worst word to use. you provoke everyone. but, i have said what i needed to say, move on, nothing to see here.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 02:16 AM
*resisting the urge to respond*

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by undo
welcome to the kobiashi maru. the only test known to man, where you can cheat and get an accomodation for it

Am i missing something?

The only test known to man?

This was from Startrek and is fictional as far as i know, this has nothing to do with reallife.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 02:30 AM
if I was you I wouldn't say anything at all either
at least until you've done some real study about ancient mythology
bet you didn't even bother to look up those names for heaven I listed did you
I left out Valhalla
thats on a mountain top as well
and no
the Valkyries weren't spaceships either

didn't you ever wonder why everyone in the ancient world was building monuments shaped like mountains, or why the Sumerians actually named theirs after mountains
what did you think this was

its the Egyptian akhet symbol, it represents the sun rising between the mountains of heaven (Bakhu and Manu). its in the pyramid texts/book of the dead if you'd bothered to read them before you claimed that there were chinese Pharoahs
why do you think the great pyramid is know in Egyptian as Akhet Khufu
and surely you actually heard the Egyptian cosmology that has Ptah rising out of the primordial sea on a mound
all the pyramids at Giza reference that story
or is that too obvious

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Fett Pinkus

Originally posted by undo
welcome to the kobiashi maru. the only test known to man, where you can cheat and get an accomodation for it

Am i missing something?

The only test known to man?

This was from Startrek and is fictional as far as i know, this has nothing to do with reallife.

Yes, I know. I was giving an example of a situation in which people are fighting, and in which the only way Kirk can win is if he cheats (which he does, by reprogramming the test). This was what I felt Marduk was doing (in keeping with his namesake). He didn't like my answer because it stated exactly what I said it would. He claims he doesn't believe "Celestial" means in the heavens. He thinks it means on top of a mountain in Iraq/India/ wherever people talk about the stars and the heaven or heaven or a heavenly abode, it's on a mountain and/or been mistaken for the original, which was on a mountain... In other words, even though he said I wouldn't be able to find an example of flying in their vimanas/cars, to outerspace, when I did, he changed the rules and said "celestial" is just the sky, not the stars and outerspace because, as he put it, they didn't know anything about outerspace. (we're going to ignore, for the time being, passages in which Saturn and several constellations are mentioned because Marduk needs his fantasy).

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