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Control Demolition Inc. has been busy

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posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 11:09 PM
Seems are friends Control Demolition Inc. has been very busy here and abroad with big government jobs. No wonder they were at the WTC.

Skrunda PECHORA radar building was destroyed by explosive charges on 04 May 1995. The destruction of the radar building succeeded only after a second attempt due to considerations of safety, because a helicopter was flying too close to the radar building. In 12 seconds 1.5 tons of dynamite turn the former Soviet military structure into a heap of rubble. The dismantling was done by the U.S. company Control Demolition Inc. The company was selected from the bids submitted.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 02:08 PM
And it is odd that the most well know demolition company is doing what they do, demolishing buildings?

Your point is?

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 07:05 PM
Why hasn't Alex Jones tried to get one of those Controlled Demo guys liquoured up so that he could ask some leading questions about the steel those guys hauled out of NYC on 9/12? If anyone knows demo'd steel, those have got to be the guys.

The teamsters in the company probably didn't know anything about the plot part.

Just asking.

[edit on 20-7-2007 by ipsedixit]

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
Why hasn't Alex Jones tried to get one of those Controlled Demo guys liquoured up so that he could ask some leading questions about the steel those guys hauled out of NYC on 9/12? If anyone knows demo'd steel, those have got to be the guys.

I'm sure they would be fired for appearing on his show promoting the idea that his own company participated in a controlled demolition of the wtc, don't you think? The people who would know about such things are probobly paid good money and threatened to keep their mouth shut, IMO.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 07:22 PM
Your right, sorry. I'm a little liquored up myself right now. Of course he could always do it privately and then wheedle wheedle wheedle to get the guy to go public, or quote him as an unnamed source. It just seems that there is an as yet unheard from pool of potential witnesses there.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
Of course he could always do it privately and then wheedle wheedle wheedle to get the guy to go public, or quote him as an unnamed source.

Yes this is plausable, but I listen to Alex Jones' show, and everytime he has a secret it gets out before he wants it to. Even when he knows something, he tells you part of it, but then states how he can't tell you his sources just yet. This has happened a few times that I am aware of, and this might discourage people from divulging such secrets. Although he is a credit to the movement, he needs to learn to keep his big mouth shut sometimes.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 08:04 PM
Another thing I'm sort of waiting for is someone with connections to the Chinese steel industry to come forward with a plate of beans to spill. Hasn't happened yet of course, probably won't.

This whole mess is very frustrating. The '08 presidential election doesn't hold much promise either. I'm starting to face up to the realization that the world I grew up in doesn't exist anymore and I'm beginning to think it won't be back. Too many sheeple in the herd.

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