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Site "R" The Underground Pentagon

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posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Anyone have a GoogleEarth link? I think Cryptome had one, but it is down now...

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by highfreq

I was surprised to see there was still an interest in the big “hole”. Your data has touched on some of the sites description. Just leave ET out of it. I was stationed there (Stratcom) for almost 2 years 69-70. Lived at Ft Richie and worked at Site “R”. After the “James Bond” image wore off it was just another job. We either took the Army bus from the Signal Company barracks or drove our personal cars to work. I walked down that tunnel so many times I probably can still do it in my sleep. I do remember that the mess hall food at Site R was 100 times better than on post. I imagine it was due to the high level brass present. I still have many fond memories from there. Regretfully I lost touch with some very fine people. Yes it was very secret and I probably saw more of the site than most, but it was very necessary at the time. The “Order of the Moles” is long gone.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by highfreq
I know where Site R is: around Cascade, Maryland, near Fort Richie and near Camp David which is just beyond Route 77. In Cascade, you're not aloud to dig below six inches underground, I don't if that has anything to do with that, but.... Who knows?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Just a giant bomb shelter for the elites.
With food and water and lots of electronic gear.
and blast doors.
Cheyenne Mountain like but closer to Washington DC.

Yeah, they have one ole crashed UFO in there but it has
been moved since the Will Smith movie came out. All
of us that worked there tried to fix it but we could never get it to fly,
at least more than 4 or 5 feet off the ground.
Haaa hhaaaaa ha
The UFO part of the mystic is rather amazing.
NO there ain't no UFO inside or even flying around ;
good gollie Miss Molly !???!!!
...get real...

Better be concerned about what is happening
inside the government rather than what is inside government facilities.
that's what real patriots should do....we can go to Moon. build
countless, expensive facilities, and fight unneeded wars, but cannot
manage to feed people and provide a decent health structure
for all Americans ??!!! Extremely poor managment has
been in control too long with a following a people that do not
"get it" at all. Get real and do something that
the founding fathers would be proud of.

2 cents worth and at zero cost ; have a nice day
as Bon Jovi says... They even got you all believing that
"speed kills" ... the motto now of most highway patrol groups.
It is not the speed .... it is the rapid deacceleration.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by habu71

I dont use it too much but if you type Fort Richie Maryland into Google Earth , you''ll get it.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by highfreq

Im just posting real quick to back up this persons comments about site R. In 95-2000 I lived looking at the site every day and saw the same phenomenom he describes. I did tape once a fighter jet chasing 3 lights in the sky...kinda like tag. They were playing with the jet. But I erased it after showing it to some people, after getting scared.
Anyhow, the site exists...been there for years but now that I have moved 5 miles away I see no more lights in the sky but I do hear military helicopters buzz my house from time to time.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:32 PM
I know this is an old topic, but I found it and wanted to reply. I hope someone sees this. Site R is NOT located on the mountain directly above the now unactive Fort Ritchie Maryland. The mountain above Fort Ritchie is called Mount Quirauk. It is home to Site C. However, Site C is controlled by Site R. It is a communication center. There is no underground level. However it is restricted. You can get close to it by traveling on Penmar/High Rock road. It is the only way up. But is is restricted once you get past Highrock (a great place to see the valley). Even many people in my town think it is Site R. Site R is located in Adams County Pennsylvania. And also has at least 2 visible towers. Someone got it right by saying it is close to Harbaugh Valley Rd. In the fall you can see the tunnel portholes that go into the mountain by the main road. And yes, it is the Underground Pentegon. There are a few other sites close by, but nothing major. Included map:

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 08:06 PM
I figured everybody knew that already, but I could be wrong.

You can find Site R by pointing your Google Earth brower to:

The Raven Rock bunker is accessed via 4 tunnels. 2 located on the North East side of the mountain. 2 on the North West side.

The bunker itself was originally planned in 1948 and constructed between 1951-1953. The interior is a communication hub, designed much like an underground office building.

In the 1980's, the facility was placed into mothballs, due to the end of the cold war. It was maintained by a skeleton crew.

On Sept. 11, 2001 the site was reactivated and VP Dick Cheney was moved to the site for his safety. It was then that they discovered that the communications equipment inside was outdated. Some was even the original equipment installed in the 1950's. Quite a bit of it no longer even worked.

Since then, a lot of work has been done to the facility to update the communications equipment.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by jwag100

Thank you for the clarification - I was in the Signal Corps and stationed to Ft. Richie, Maryland in 1961 (yes, an old soldier). We were all aware of the communication center on the mountain above the Fort, but we were unaware of its function, we thought telephones at the time.
I worked in the mountain - which was in Pennsylvania, - we were assigned to shifts (it was in operation 24 hours a day) and rode the military bus back and forth.
I remember it was about a 40 minute ride and exiting the bus we took a large elevator down into the bowels of the mountain. Being enlisted I was never given the grand tour but, trust me, the very large room of equipment in early 60's was already archaic dating prior to WWII!
They were basically very large teletype machines. You know, long strips of yellow paper punched with holes . . . it was very boring work, but it qualified me for a civilian job later which steadily moved me to the computers we use today.
All of us had cryptography clearances which was the highest available at that time and today, I've been told, no longer exist.
Yes, the food in the mountain was much better than the food on the base.
Obviously it was a very well kept secret! Did they really send Cheney there after 911? Even though that base itself was closed in 1998? If so, they should have left him there! Thank you for the memories!

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