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Controlling The Masses

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:03 PM
If you let it affect you, ''you do it to your self''

It's very easy to not get affected by this mockery of a false reality, just don't let it dictate your perception of existence... Find your true nature inside your self and ignore the delusional invented concepts that are implemented onto the masses...

And the people you speak of are paranoid... I don't know where they live but where I live, I am not gonna get killed... it's a peaceful place and I never had problems with fear and I never will have a problem with fear.

people, don't let it affect you, period. Live your life in harmony with nature of this reality and the nature of your existence beyond this reality and you will find your way eventually. It's much nicer then this twisted materialistic deformed world.

Edited: Due to modifying my message the way it was intended(English he he)

[edit on 24-6-2007 by selfless]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:14 PM
Thank you for the response. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:30 PM
Thank You for your post.Refreshingly smart and articulated.Unfortunately,like a previous poster said,even if you read and know and agree with this information,there is nothing we can do to change anything.But maybe is not about change,but just being aware.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Bursuc
Thank You for your post.Refreshingly smart and articulated.Unfortunately,like a previous poster said,even if you read and know and agree with this information,there is nothing we can do to change anything.But maybe is not about change,but just being aware.

Glad you enjoyed my thread. Perhaps with enough awareness, maybe a few generations from now there'll be a movement that can make a difference. Actually, it is my firm belief that there is a limit to how bad things can get.(not saying we're near the limit or will see it in our lifetime).

Change will occur, and things will be better eventually. But how far down the line is anyone else's guess.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 07:34 PM
You have brought up some excellent points for discussion TheGreySwordsman. Fear is a potent force if used to manipulate people, yet don`t we have a choice? Can we not overcome fear and rid ourselves of such manipulation? I always like to quote Paul Maud`Dib when he says the Bene Gesserit Litany against fear from the novel Dune by Frank Herbert, "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." Granted, that`s easier said than done.

And here`s a quote from my own homepage, "Evil is really the enslavement of one by another so that only the slave master benefits while the slave is stripped of all dignity and exists solely for the purposes and machinations of the master. Through this definition one can truly say that evil exists at the highest levels of your controllers."

Fear not and free yourself of the bonds, whether they be physical, mental or spiritual!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 07:45 PM
So glad you joined in! That's a great point! If enough people took the steps to become responsible for their actions, and took the great effort to free themselves of fear, a possibility for change would be nearer in our future.

Courage is not being fearless but being willing to face your fears.

Much of the hardships in our lives come from us fighting ourselves at some level, via fear, tension, programing. We need to work with ourselves and eventually, I believe a person can be "unplugged" from the matrix. If enough people are "unplugged" perhaps something could be done.

Again, thank you for your participation!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:03 PM
first selfless great post and perspective very true indeed

to the OP very good post and well thought out thankyou for the time you put into it

Actually, it is my firm belief that there is a limit to how bad things can get

i find this sentence intresting but first i would like to say i believe we will test the limits of how bad things can get. i believe we are on the verge of a finacial meltdown of the world monetary system and that a totalitarian society fueled by warfare may result for a large perecentage.

in regards to the amount of suffering on this world i believe that people when in circumstances that allow them to exercise there free will can have very powerful results especially if this exercise in free will produces a great deal of emotion from the heart and if the number of people exercising it are large enough and can agree on a certain outcome or desire.
i hope that some advanced beings (postively oriented) step in and "save" us from ourselves or that more likely our mass prayers our answered by ourselves, when the wars get truly out of hand. others would think this is "GOD" . either way those that don't believe in "god" (like me) should not chastise those who do, because most likely the group thought and will of millions of people suffering will invoke mass prayer and emotion (intent) energy , especially among the religious for SOMEONE to do something. and if there is anyone or anything out there (which i beleive there is ) they will be given the go ahead according to universal law (because it is the free will of people) to act. That is my hope. i beleive the elite have a false sense of security because they have to assume the appearence of invincibility and that others buy this idea. and i think ultimately this will be there down fall. i think the elite move slowly because they are scared that if they don't they will be noticed and they're power will be threatened. when mass suffering and death and poverty occurs if enough of the suffering people instead of blaming themselves (much different from taking responsibility) ask themselves for forgiveness and use there hearts to ask for some kind of help with POSTIVE INTENTIONS such as service to others in the name of a SIGNIFICANTLY MORE PEACEFUL WORLD that these calls will be answered. ( i'm not sure "world peace" is possilbe given human nature and the desire for power) but i think a signifigantly more peaceful world is very realistic . i think if mass amounts of people go thru enough and then ask for this consistently over a relatively short amount of time (a few months) not an hour, it will be realized. even if those who are asking and praying are not the same one's physically involved in the revolution or the reorganization of society.

due to human nature the only way the critical mass could be reached is thru a widespread long term suffering of people. when people that have nothing are involved in war they hurt and they suffer but sometimes that is all they know in life and there call for help is not as strong or there hope is not that great because they have accepted a life of poverty long before. yes these people may face death of there famiily and these emotions no doubt are strong but they may ask for help or to spare there childs life but ultimately it is 2 late. i think there needs to be more of a mass vision and will toward a solution. those who have been to the top and because of the human condition and lust for power , those that are knocked from there personal mountains in a way they deem unfair unto the floor will have a greater emotional response and if these people can take responsibility yet forgive themselves and find a way to use there will and intention to get back up this time using there heart and service to others in a way that they are willing to allow to make them happy, well anything they want is possible.

when american falls in the coming economic tragedy and then other economys suffer and massive wars insue i think if enough people can ask in there hearts for peace with the intention of service to others whatever it takes we may be in shock what happens, and i think the elite are versed in the occult and are afraid of this very thing from happening, and i would bet they have planned for some diversion to distract and unite the people after a finacial collapse away from revolt but due to some kind of threat (real or imagined) remember reagan's "fantasy".

mass thought and focused postive service to other's intent can be very powerful, but it usuallyl takes a lot of suffering to bring about this kind of response coupled with a beleif that is realistic to individuals that a more peaceful service to others way of life is possible.

this turned into a longer rant than i wanted and it may not make sense to you but i had to put it out there.

p.s i read your thread Your oppostition and i added a response that i think will help those that understand this principle or are looking for answers to what they can do and look at if they are having challenges creating as they wish.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 24-6-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 24-6-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:07 PM
Thanks for a good read GreySwordsman

Another aspect of controlling the masses is through the education system. Children seem to be taught, not to think, analyse, or ask "why?" anymore...schooling seems just to be about learning just enough to sit endless exams, which the schools here in the UK are obsessed about the pupils passing as it affects the school's ranking in league-tables. Rather than plant and nurture a seed of enquiry in young minds, schools just seems to be about programming the mind with a set of required thinking for an allotted role in society and engendering conformity

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman

to the OP very good post and well thought out thankyou for the time you put into it


Great post yourself. I agree with much of what you have just said.

As far as the limit of negativity, this is my opinion.

Good is not a stronger force than evil. In fact, Evil is more seductive, and generally draws a more devoted audience. We see that injustice can thrive for quite a long time. We have seen this throughout history.

However, the collective will can only stand domination so long. After a certain "critical mass" is reached, there is a massive backlash which forces a change. Beyond that, it is universal law that nothing can remain in one state forever.

Again great post. I'll check out your reply to my other thread shortly.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by citizen smith
Thanks for a good read GreySwordsman

Another aspect of controlling the masses is through the education system. Children seem to be taught, not to think, analyse, or ask "why?"

I'm happy you enjoyed my rantings.

I touched on this tragedy briefly. Our children are the future. But they are programed just to "go with the flow". They are taught that questioning is wrong. You do not challenge authority. This is that a principle the country was built on. Beyond that, the children are taught a certain level of utter arrogance "this is the greatest nation in the world" by people who have never left the other country.

It is fact that most of the most advanced counties all require paid vacation days at work. Not just a few. Finland for example requires 38 paid vacation days each year. Beyond that, Americans work more hours, for less. Their lives are all about the gain and loss of money.

Another sham of a program..

Other countries have nationwide healthcare. We have a disgrace of a system that many of those who need help don't even understand or are able to interpret. We're spreading our disease across the seas now as well. Now over in europe doctors are following the American way. They hardly touch you or look at you, and just write a script, fruther drugging the world and programing the masses that "they need pills". This information comes to me from a rather successful, and highly trained European doctor. Big pharmaceutical companies buy doctors, they send their reps, and turn them into mere pushers of pills. # the health, get them addicted.

I know more than a few young people in their 20's, and even their teens who have perscription lists as long as your arm. What's the point? They have a laundry list of medications, that they are told "they need."

I'm not saying every person on earth is evil, but the cruel hands of greed play on the minds and pocketbooks of many who just wnat to get ahead, or just don't care about others.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Way to go Swordsman. Excellent thread, really makes me think about whats wrong with society. I even read an article today about how in Finland I think, kids start school at age 7, and pretty much all they learn that year is on how to interact with people. Also, they don't use standardized tests, so the teachers can actually teach kids, and make them want to learn, instead of feeding them the mindless drivel that I get in my classes. At my high school, we got one of the best grades in our standardized tests last year. They tout it as some big thing. "YAY, 70% of the kids at our school can read and write and do math at grade level!" Yet when I was in elementary school, they counted the Harry Potter books as 12th grade reading material. Part of the problem with our education system isn't the system it self, it's teachers who don't know how to teach. I am lucky to have an AMAZING math teacher, she's got a doctorate yet works in a high school math department. But all of the other math teachers are just HORRIBLE! One of them has to talk with a loudspeaker to prevent kids from going to sleep while she's teaching, one of them is just a crappy teacher who just assigns problems from the book, and the other teaches algebra 1 A/B to kids who don't care. Which is the other part of the problem, like was stated earlier, kids are taught, but what they are learning doesn't have anything to do with math. They're learning how to be good, loyal, unquestioning subjects of our American Empire. It seems to me that as soon as a teacher starts teaching you to think for yourself, to ask "why do you want me to jump?" instead of "how high should I jump?", they leave. When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher left after my 6th grade year. The next year during the school elections, one of the girls was disqualified for merely mentioning something he said in her campaign speech. She was then suspended for 3 days. Luckily, I am smarter than most, and know how to think for myself. Unfortunately, kids now a days are too caught up with who has the coolest cell, or mp3 player, or best car, or whatever, to actually give a damn about anything other than their gadgets. Maybe if kids put their cells down during class and listened, we wouldn't have this problem. Then again, with our education system maybe it's a good thing that don't.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by lonemaverick
Way to go Swordsman. Excellent thread, really makes me think about whats wrong with society.

Glad you like the thread.

Reminds me of my algebra teacher. She kept saying it was "cheesie easy" yet 20 kids in the class were failing. a= 1 b=2 c=3....a+b=c I asked her "why are we using letters instead of just the numbers?" She said we just were.

I never had a passing grade in her class. I never got into math. Much of it was definately because of my teachers. They were all nice people. However, I couldn't understand why the hell I needed to know any of this. or when I would apply it. If I don't find something vaguely useful, I don't retain it.

I'm in martial arts now. At least now I know what a 30, 45, 90 degree angle is... Not saying much. Still taught me more than my math teachers did.

Education is so important, yet what is really being taught? In many areas the material is remedial. It's getting toned down every semester as expectations lower. My freshman class was 1400. My senior class was around 470. That's telling you something, isn't it?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Bursuc
Thank You for your post.Refreshingly smart and articulated.Unfortunately,like a previous poster said,even if you read and know and agree with this information,there is nothing we can do to change anything.But maybe is not about change,but just being aware.

Hi! Not sure if you were referring to my post stating that very few people will act on this info; if so, I meant the self-empowerment info contained in the Your Opposition thread. My apology, if appropriate, for not being clear.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:09 PM
cpdaman wrote:

those that don't believe in "god" (like me) should not chastise those who do, because most likely the group thought and will of millions of people suffering will invoke mass prayer and emotion (intent) energy , especially among the religious for SOMEONE to do something. and if there is anyone or anything out there (which i beleive there is ) they will be given the go ahead according to universal law (because it is the free will of people) to act. That is my hope.

This is an angle I hadn't considered. Not sure if the intent can transfer like that, most religious people will direct prayer at the deity of their beliefs. But its a possibility, perhaps the feeling behind the request for aid can attract other benevolent entities.

Thanks for pointing that out.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Nice thoughts....pretty much laid out what it is the Elite wants to do to the populace.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:50 AM
This is my first post on this site. I have a big fan and finally decided to post some of my thoughts about the topic.

I agreed with everything said here, when is enough..enough?
The public are like cattle, thoughtless and do what instructed and then organizationed and shipped off to their death. Much like the pollution that flows through TV and the very machine you sit behind now! As society they give us what we need to blind us from the inevitable.
The countdown has already begun for the master plan in global dominantion and we sit here and post the true facts about these 50 and 60 year old suits controlling ever movement in our daily lives, F*ck that...!
There will be a time when people wise up to the facts and begin the uprising and the long time needed revolution!!!!
But would in their right mind would even conseive such a plot with such a great consquence.
The only way a revolt would be successful if the military or at least one division of the military wised up to all the wrong doings of suits and joined the people in the revolt it MIGHT be possible.
I believe there are pockets of people all over the country ready incase # hits the fan, either from foreign invasion or the government turns on the people. In my city I have heard of my rumors of certain places where people and gonna be posted up strong when # goes down, all I can say is .I'm there.
Another thought is..... why vote? Both sides are working towards the same objective with minor differences of opinion.
One last thing stock pile guns and more importantly ammunition before they take away our right to bear arms. Say NO to gun control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Stldank

Another thought is..... why vote? Both sides are working towards the same objective with minor differences of opinion.
One last thing stock pile guns and more importantly ammunition before they take away our right to bear arms. Say NO to gun control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the republican party was the democratic party 130 years ago, so technically they are the same, and your opinion is more fact than anything

and gun control is a major issue, b/c if a gun is registered legally, they can come to your residence and demand it. we all know that illegal arms don't fly, so they COULD control most of the guns/ammo here. People will fight back tho...

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by SaucyRossy
Nice thoughts....pretty much laid out what it is the Elite wants to do to the populace.

Thanks for supporting the thread. The idea for this thread was mainly to flesh out the danger and increase awareness in our little community.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Stldank

One last thing stock pile guns and more importantly ammunition before they take away our right to bear arms. Say NO to gun control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for getting involved.

On a side note, in Switzerland every citizen spends time in the military. When they get out, everyone gets to keep their assault rifles. In fact, it's not uncommon to see people walking around with them. Every single houshold has at least one.

Crime is virtually nonexistant if you compare their figures to ours.

Go figure.

A gun ban only effects the law-abiding. Criminals will have guns, because duh! They break the law anyway! The only ones with guns besides the authorities will be dun dun dun...the criminals.

Disarm the law abiding! Who knows what those bastards will do with guns!

Reminds me of agood license plate I saw a few years back. "Politicians prefer unarmed peasents."

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by acegotflows
People will fight back tho...

I doubt many will. If a battalian of a military force..highly armed shows up at your door, what are you gonna do? Risk your family in a firefight? Become the cause of a massacre? It's numbers. One gun vs many. The outlook appears bleak.

I hope your name is John Rambo.

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