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In the event of Disclosure..

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posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 12:38 PM
In a number of controversial recent threads(and some not so recent) it was suggested that the long awaited disclosure of our governments' knowledge of ET's.

I personally do not believe that we'll see this any time soon. However, for the sake of conversation, how will disclosure effect your life? Would it hurt or conflict with your religious understanding? Would you be angry? Would you believe what the government tells us about them? Would you be happy and understanding?

How about the aliens? Would you accept whatever it is they say as fact? Would you condemn them as demonic liars, or take their word at face value?

It certainly would be a life-changing announcement, but for many of us in this community, it really wouldn't be new. Many of us here actually expect the announcement in our lifetime, so disclosure could just serve as proof that we were right all along.

For me, I have no doubt that these entities exist. I'm also fairly certain they are known to and have a relationship with the powers that be. Anything that is revealed, I will view with a level of skepticism.

However, as to how it will effect my life, I can't answer that. I'm really not sure.

[edit on 23-6-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Well lets put a couple of things in prospective, if we do havea disclosure i will honestly be happy...and when i am done going up into the peoples faces that didn't believe me i will just hope that the technology that they have will then be introduced into the public...who knows new cures for disease, safer faster transportation...also i am still waiting to see if ET false flag operation will go down, and if TD's mass landing and concert will happen...other than that if we do have a disclosure well i will be one happy camper, and also very angery at the government because that will mean that some of the things on the internet were true like maybe dulce base, or the mauntauk, or Philadelphia experiment...thats allot of people that died.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 01:04 PM
i would personally welcome any disclosure on this topic that is going to happen in near future. i think if an alien presence would be accepted publicly, not 'all' people would react with fear or violent steps against this new thread / circumstance. any extraterrestial race that would show up here without doing any harmful action against our planet must be seen as totally peaceful and ofc not hostile and that's why i would also believe them whatever they have to say to mankind. i mean just try to understand the whole situation. they are far more advanced then we are (technologically,culturally,spiritually... etc.) they travel to our star system and visit our planet or at least flyby without taking control over it or enslaving the inferior race they find. would you really be skeptical about their intentions and their relationship towards us? would you actually attack them with your weapons etc. even though the haven't attacked you so far? i think an intelligent person does not have to answer this question and that's just why we don't have to fear any true disclosure on this subject regarding extraterrestial presence but we indeed have to fear a covert black operation intended by your own government against its people. that's the only danger i personally see and the best answer i can give you right now...

[edit on 23/6/07 by EBE154]

[edit on 23/6/07 by EBE154]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 02:26 PM
I'm welcome to disclosure. don't know how I'll act when it happens, I just want to find out about what's really going on, and not in clue form like my dreams and visions...

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:21 PM
If PTB decides to disclose, that can only mean something bad is about to happen. Personally, I don't think the public we know, deserves to be told anything. They cannot handle or understand the truth.

If they exists, and if our goverment managed to reverse engineer their method of travel, the black ops section would have been tasked with determining "friend or foe". Chances are they would have discovered both. Maybe many of both. We are most likely just very low on the galactic radar, and I like it that way.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Yeah, when Disclosure happens I will give the biggest "IN YOUR FACE" to all the moronic people who thought that I was nuts to know that aliens are true.

After that, I'll try to learn as much from the aliens as I am able to do so. I don't care what anyone else does, they can live in fear if they like. I won't.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:00 AM
This is a great question that many people in the UFO community often forget to take into consideration when they talk about disclosure. I believe that we, the entire human race is not ready for this type of event. Sure there is a small percent of people that want disclosure and they want it now. But think about it? Religion is the first issue that everybody brings up when talking about disclosure. Ok lets see, do you really think the world religions are just going to drop their teachings and give up their quest for salvation? Not likely, they probably are going to use disclosure as a way to say that the world is coming to an end, apocalypsis is upon us and everybody needs to repent cause the end is near, like is has been for the past 2000 years. Do you think that Muslims are going to stop hating Jews or viceversa. Oh and dont forget the fact that the Jews are still waiting for their Messiah, how they might interpret that? You might even see an escalation of hostilities that can finally unravel WWIII. And thats just the beginning of it.

How about world markets, they are always prone to speculation and this sorts of news would not send the markets through the roof. Expect The Great Depression Part II, which ultimately is going to bring the world closer to war if religion has not taken care of that. Why? A weak US economy is going to means less money for defense, a weak US Military would level the playing field for almost every country in the world to procede with their illusions of grandeur a la Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

Im not a big fan of goverments secrets, in fact I'm in the military and I hate the fact that we have secrets with in our own branch. (BUT if you get the right guy, on the right night, with some beers in his system he will tell you almost anything
) But the bottom line is that the world is not ready, the more I think of it and I know that if disclosure were to happen tonight, tomorrow I will wake up and go to work normal, but in my opinion thats is going to be the exception rather than the rule. The risks are too high for disclosure to happen.

If this aliens are so advanced and smart, or are even here as some suggest then there's a reason why they dont land in the lawn of the White House or have spoken to the United Nations of yet. Lets just keep it that way for now and hopefully the next generation will become more prepared and accept this type of world changing event. I think many people here think about this type of event as a simple breaking news on the major news channels, and the President talking to the nation at 8p.m. and thats it, without seriusly considering the enormous implications of it all.

Time will tell if this other races exist what their intentions are, I think the goverment would owe us a good explanation if they been covering this up and my faith is still going to be there cause I believe in the person of Jesus Christ and the moral values of his teachings.

I think the only way we are going to have disclosure at this time will be if something disastrous is imminent and they either going to save us or destroy us, which in that case the I will pick the first one.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:56 AM
I once had a very vivid dream in which I was walking along the sidewalk and I glance up and there in the sky ahead of me is a very stereotypic flying saucer, just sailing by in broad daylight, not trying to hide or anything.

My initial reaction was the thrill of how cool it was to finally be a witness to the truth of all the alien stuff. The ship itself was awe-inspiring in its mere presence.

My next reaction, and the one that stayed with me after I woke up, was one of complete and utter dread. I thought that this was an absolutely terrible thing to happen.

I didn't think they were here to free us from our Earthly prison so that we might attain spiritual enlightenment and ride freely and joyfully through the cosmos forever in their silver ships. Instead, I thought it was the end of the world as we know it, and now we can never expect things to just go on day-to-day as they always have. It was all an unknown. Every day could be the beginning of hideous torture and the death of everyone. That sick feeling in your stomach is from rapidly dropping down from being the dominant creature on the planet, and possibly a notch on the food chain. "Terrible" in its most literal sense.

But, fortunately, that was just a dream.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Very interesting discussion. Bunch, I think you have a good grasp of the sociological implications of disclosure. However, I think there would be a lot of surprises, good and bad, pertaining to global reaction. Even though people often discuss this very problem with disclosure, I think most people don't know how they will feel about it until it actually happens. I have been studying the topic of ETs and UFOs for several years now, and I don't even know exactly how I will feel on the day of disclosure or the day after. I definitely want it to happen and will be glad when it does. I'm not a spiritual person, so I haven't an opinion with regards to religion. The Christians and Catholics I have spoken to have indicated to me that their faith would not be shaken by such a revelation. Fundamentalists and Biblical-literalist will not accept a disclosure. Then again, most of them don't accept the hard irrefutable fact that dinosaurs walked the Earth either. Do dinosaur fossils crush their belief systems and cause mass panic? What about evolution?

I think the baby boomers and younger generations have been conditioned to accept what is to come. Of course, there will be a significant number of people who will be destabilized by disclosure. I don't know what to say about the Muslim world. I am guessing that they would dismiss the whole thing as a hoax perpetrated by the west (which it may be according to Ghost Raven). Overall, I see the potential of mostly good coming out of a disclosure, possible leading to a more stable geo-political climate. To that point, perhaps I am being a bit naive or overly optimistic. Let's wait and see.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:37 AM
How would we react to disclosure, eg. finding out that there's a civilisation existing that is capable of the most wonderous things?

If you've seen footage of remote and isolated tribes living in the depth of the south american forests when they're confronted by westerners, how they stare apprehensively, wide eyed and almost childlike, at the cameras and clothing, that, I believe is how most of us will react.

The vast majority of humans view the idea of life existing else where as an uncomfortable, and vaguely ridiculous, subject. How many times have you, if you're of the opinion aliens exist, had to face that sort of attitude?

Disclosure will bring about confusion, anxiety, loss of stability and fear amongst vast proportions of the population because we are so inward looking.

How many of us in the west are obsessed by the trivial? Take this morning's breakfast TV, for example. I was watching footage of the terrible floods in the UK, where people have died and countless homes have been ruined, when right in the middle of a piece coming live from a helicopter hovering over one of the most badly hit areas, they cut the presenter short because Paris Hilton was being released from jail.
Human drama? Paris Hilton?
Which, in all seriousness, is more important?

Also, because of the pressures and demands of modern life, countless numbers of us simply wouldn't care if a saucer landed on the Whitehouse lawn.
Mortgages and lack of payrises, inflation and the cost of petrol, education and its failiure to instill discipline in the young, rising crime figures, easily available recreational drugs, hard core drugs, hunger and starvation, war and cruelty have jaded us all to some extent. We cannot be blamed for our lack of of interest, and can be aggresive and affronted when confronted with something so far removed from everyday life. Aliens are not important. Money and survival in an increasingly hostile world is.

If and when disclosure happens, it is going to come as a serious shock to most people, despite decades of film and tv exposure to the concept of aliens and UFOs.
I've asked some people close to me if they are open to the concept and, surprisingly, some actually answered yes.
But, after pushing the question further, they come up against a brick wall of ignorance (not in the derogatory sense, but in the unenlightened sense). For them the option to believe is there, but the reality of anything actualy happening is as tenuous as smoke.

Perhaps decades of being told that UFO's aren't anything to worry about, and are easily explained, has instilled in us the ability to accept the notion, but not the capacity to expect it.

Personally, I look forward to the day disclosure happens.

But I get a sickening feeling about what will happen afterwards.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 07:09 AM
I would concider Religion to be one of the most largest dangers to what could be a good relationship with our space visitors. Take a couple of my friends for example... Raised Christian, ask them if they believe that Aliens exist, a flat out no, and when you'd ask why, you get the reply: "Because the bible says so"... Take the conversation a little deeper with strong facts and hard questions, they get frustrated and quickly dismiss it as garbage. (We are alone and thats final)

Though i dont recall the bible exluding the possibility of their existance. It just talks about the creation of Earth and the universe. Why cant that include other intelligent species?

Myself, i wouldnt be shocked, i would feel an intense happiness that we arent alone, that the universe itself serves a purpose, unlike what religion tells you . (I call that arrogance, believing we are something special, thats just me)

If the world is ready?... I honestly dont know, but humanity would do good to open itself to the possibility, which in all ways you look at the topic, seems a quite possible and logical thing.

[edit on 26-6-2007 by Mammoth]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 07:14 AM
I also think that the only reason a government would disclose the information would be if something bad was about to happen, such as Earth being entered into an intergalctic war, or invasion of Earth.
Yet it would be nice to know that I and many other members here on ATS were right all along, and I would also shove it in the face of everyone who has told me im a paranoid conspiracy nut! (them mainly being my friends!)
Then I would go to each of the five churches in my town and stick it in the face of every priest, vicar etc... and tell them that their religion was wrong about life elsewere in the universe.
And then i would try to find out as much about the aliens as possible.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 07:25 AM
It will be like everything else we take for granted in the modern world. Everyone will be like "Ohhhhhh shiny!" for a couple weeks, then they'll go about their buisness. Me personally? I'll look forward to seeing whether specific cases and incidents I'm interested in actually turned out to be real or not. Then I'll go about my buisness....

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 07:40 AM
When disclosure happens then all the people who have suffered at the 'hands' of (and because of) the ETs will be vindicated.

My heart goes out to them. Really. Kidnapped. Tortured. Medical experiments. Their minds and memories messed with. Tracking tags in their bodies. Possible hybrid-offspring that they didn't ever get to know or have any input on as far as their upbringing.

I know that there are different ETS who come here but most ETs are vile and not trustworthy.

When disclosure finally happens ...

1 - It will just confirm what I already know to be true.

2 - I sure wont' trust them. No one should. And any politician that runs on 'trust the ETs' should NOT be voted for! (remember 'V'??? Fiction that reality would probably mirror)

3 - It will open minds to new possibilities ... including paranormal research.

4 - I hope it will make earthlings get their priorities straight as far as offensive and defensive aspects go.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:32 AM
Just when I thought this thread would descend into the abyss!

It is a good question though. I have to agree with the idea that the religious would be the first to declare war on the aliens, good or bad. They would likely be viewed as the antichrist.

Part of me would be excited, with the "I told you!" However, the rest of me would probably be scared. If they're good, I probably won't believe it. Neutral, I probably won't believe it.

It doesn't take much to come up with a horror scenerio, no matter their temperment.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:35 AM
The first thing I will do will the investigation of the female race of aliens. I am sure that they will be willing to investigate me. So everybody is happy..

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
, for the sake of conversation, how will disclosure effect your life? Would it hurt or conflict with your religious understanding? Would you be angry? be

[edit on 23-6-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

well im relgiouse and disclosure of ufos would not cause trouble in my religion infact it says there are aliens in the quran so i dont no why people say it will crumble religions it would make islam more stronger because it is right about aleins

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by manzoor

well im relgiouse and disclosure of ufos would not cause trouble in my religion infact it says there are aliens in the quran so i dont no why people say it will crumble religions it would make islam more stronger because it is right about aleins

I'm not trying to offend you with this comment. However, if they showed up and -claimed- that the quran was fantasy, could you see certain religious groups becoming angry or violent over that?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman

Originally posted by manzoor

I'm not trying to offend you with this comment. However, if they showed up and -claimed- that the quran was fantasy, could you see certain religious groups becoming angry or violent over that?

yea i could but i didnt no the quran said aliens exist and loads of muslims dont no this but i was checking on the net and i found it and imams on tv have said it and like humans you get bad humans and you get good so the same could apply with aliens bad/good but the thing is we wont no because the goverment will not tell us the truth which in my eyes is stupid.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:29 PM
As a Native American, I think our history has some bearing on just how such an event would effect people, because in a flash every human would be in the same position as were my ancestors.

The first reaction would be wonder and curiosity. What marvels do these travelers know of? Next would come trade, their shiny beads for our whatever. And last would come domination.

And domination comes in many guises, so it need not be the 'enslavement of Earth' scenario. Domination can be way more subtle than that, but it always makes the person on the bottom feel smaller and of less worth.

Our lives may not change so much on the day to day, but our feelings of self worth may take a beating. When Plymouth Colony was founded, these new settlers were a wonder, but life went on; fish were caught, homes built, canoes were carved, and marriages performed. Yet down inside, the Natives were seeing these 'Newpeople', and comparing.

And the 'Newpeople' were seeing the Natives, and deciding that it would be a waste of resources to not change things a bit. A great many things that have made the culture of Native Americans hard to maintain, were done with the thought that it was a favor to a slightly backward people. We were almost helped to extinction.

I would hope that this is a good time for a meeting between humans and 'Others', for now we are progressed enough to understand the difference between science and magic (none except time) and yet there are enough of us close to history to recall just how disastrous this meeting could be without great caution.

Alcahol was and is a great problem for Native Americans. What petty vice could these others bring? Addiction to a virtual reality? A substance? Even a suicide cult? Many things could be the rock on which humanity might wreck. It will be one we don't expect is my guess.

But for a race to go to the stars, this hurdle MUST be overcome. If we are destined for the depths of the Universe, then somewhere first contact must come. I would rather that we went to meet them, as this would give us a more equal standing, rather than as the backwater rednecks we will be if they come here. But such a choice is not likely.

Changes? Yes, there will be many, but they will most likely be very slow to happen. I remember my father shooting a deer with a pistol. He moved towards the deer only when the animal was busy grazing, and froze each time it looked up. Soon he was close enough to kill it with only a .38 slug to the head.

My father told me, as we skinned the animal, "It is not enough to watch for the moves that threaten you, but for the position as well." In the coming (someday) meeting between us and another species, we must remember to watch how we are positioned in relation to them, and to know that the changing of positions, for good or bad, is a slow dance that can lead to sudden death.

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