posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 07:38 AM
did anyone else see anything significant in the last week? i think it was Monday night, or near to there, i got an email from for the
notice of a cosmic thing, not sure the exact term, but, the planet Venus was apparently highly visible in some parts of the world, and, the Venus was
inside the cusp of the crescent moon, this is also the symbol on the islamic flag yes? star in the crescent? i saw the two, moon and venus quite close
from my location, but, to those in the know, seeing this Major Symbol in the sky surely has to be something, especially for those of the muslim faith,
oh and i also had someone throw me a huge zinger once, they mentioned about the bible and prophecy etc, they said, 'it's not a prophecy if you make
it come true'
so, as far as this year and any ET/false flag stuff goes, sure, if they been planning this for centuries, then gotta have project launch eventually
now i gotta keep reading more on this tenth planet, which is also i think descrbed somewhere in the handboo/, i mean bible,
oh right, my bro and i were smokin herb one morning watching the televangelist humour and we started yakkin about this kingdom of jerusalem thing in
revolutions, and the description we translated to be a Giant Cube coming out of the sky, kinda similar to the Borg ship on another teevee show, we
laughed smoked, some more and wondered if maybe this could be....
then i read through all this posting and hey, would that not like piss off 100% of anyone with both money investments, and say Lots of Land/Wealth....
seriously, this fits with the earlier parts of this posting, they talk of not upseting the status quo, and yeh, if the 'ever-critical-just-in-time'
infrastructure, then holy smokes man, people need their bank accounts and shareholdings and time shares etc, if not that, and no religion gods etc,
then omg Panic Extremus, good thing i already live in the hills, them cities gonna be not so good.....
well, sorry if i seem off topic, but, i study All Aspects of this 'field' of research and, there is in my book, no 'off-topic', well, ok, there
are some things, but not much......