posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 07:06 PM
I think you'll find that, contrary to public opinion about Iraq, the war in Afghanistan is widely seen as a just war. It's a shame we don't try to
get rid of more corrupt and reprehensible regimes instead of invading countries on false claims.
The fact you just posted some links without any opinion and also considering your previous posting history had me wondering what, exactly, was the
point in the post at all.
Also, whilst the taliban use human shields and are obviously deranged, the rules of war make combatants responsible for ensuring the safety of
civilians. NATO and Afghan forces should, where possible, attempt to minimise civilian casualties. Care should be taken when dropping 1000lb bombs in
built up area's.
Granted, accidents happen and civilians invariably get caught up in the fighting, but shifting blame on to the enemy doesn't do wonders for your
image, especially when all the locals see is their family getting turned to red mist by NATO weapons, regardless of where the Taliban where.
Winning wars these days is as much about PR as it is about firepower and tactics.