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Brainwaves to control remote controls

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posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:25 PM
I woke up to this article on Yahoo this morning.

Why do things like this always leave a sour note in my mouth? Friggen liars, they are way further in their development than they admit, probably. And the way they portray it would be for the betterment of the situation of physically challenged (is that pc?) makes me sick - yeah the ones who could afford 30 years.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 02:53 PM
First thing that comes to mind after reading the article, is a "Simpsons" episode where Homer was in the hospital, and discovered the wheelchair, he said, "And all these years, I've been using my legs like a sucker!"

What's so wrong with using our hands, to turn the knobb, that makes the train move?

And they want to adapt this technology to automobiles? So you're driving along, using your brain waves to steer, and you see a pretty girl, or handsome guy walking - you turn your attention to them for a split second, does that mean you'll run them over? LOL!!

With all the stuff I have going on in my head, I would hate to opperate any device, machine, whatever, with just my mind, it would be a disaster.

[edit on 23-6-2007 by SatansQue]

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 04:54 AM
I know that DARPA have worked on mind control for jet fighters, but it also requires the user to train their mind to give clear and precise thoughts. It is far below being ready for say dogfighting with other aircraft.

The rigid thought signals required to direct the aircraft are counter-intuitive to the type of thinking required for fast changing complex situations. Mind control can be made to fly an aircraft, but only crudely.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 08:14 AM
LOL. I thought that was pretty funny that If you wanted to move the train forward, you'd have to start doing mental calculations.

Volume up = Mentally thinking the current volume minus 1,2 etc
Volume down = Mentalling thinking the current volume plus 1,2 etc


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