posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 07:00 PM
Very interesting. Its funny because recently ive been thinking on how to harness the energy of the earth turning. You know, a constant source of
energy potential.
Obviously we are destined for clean energy........why not....we are the human race remember.
The gravitational mechnetic combination is old. Alot older then we think.
But now the technology required to proceed with plans has arrived.
Of course we will generate energy with energy.
Cars driving harnessing thier own forward momentom, cars will be eenergy self sustative. No gas stations. When you buy the car, you buy everything
right down to its power producer, and if the batterie dies, it can be recharged through the road, through your tires, or laser based regeneration. It
will be hasel free driving. You can drive the biggest motherfriking car you want,,,,,its not unethical because its completly selfsustaning
electrically and completly unpolluting, aside from the recycled metals its made from.
Wind too, is harnessing the momentum of the earths motion, but still not what the future beholds, gravatational magnetic generation systems is the
next technological power source, with very many more to follow.