posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:34 PM
The school system is designed to turn out ignorant uneducated peopled, I hope people can see this by now.
This school system is designed to kill the childs spirit and indoctrinate the being with false information they know they will never really use. That
is why kids are bored at school, and dont like it. School, by and large, does not encourage creativity or inspiration, which is right brained, they
are there to mold the child in to a left brain dominated person, which goes by fact and order and memorization.
I remember when I was in school, not to long ago, maybe 5 years ago, I was doing math, it was actually Algebra, and I discovered a new and easier way
to solve the problems, which was so simple it didnt require you to show much work. You think that would a good thing right? This kid just found an
easier faster way to solve the problem than it says in the textbook right? Wrong. I was told I couldnt do it my way, I had to do it exactly as was in
the book, which was much longer and more complicated than my way, although we both got to the same answer. My teacher told me my way was wrong, and
the books way was right.
This is what I mean. The school system is designed to shut off the thinking of the children, to in effect turn them into nothing but what some people
call "repeaters". They just repeat everything theyre taught, theres no individual inspiration or creativity at all in schools.
But its even worse now, they want to turn the schools into nothing but mind programming centers, with the label "education" how orwellian. And its
no accident that children these days are not doing well in our systems, its because they are showing us that our systems are defunked. The human race
is advancing, with the coming of the indigo and crystal children, you will see that alot of kids today are very intelligent wise and creative, its
just they have alot of problems fitting in to the structure around them, which is not up to par with them.
We have to advance the way we view education. Education is not taking the kids away from their parents at an early age, locking them in a building for
6 hours a day, all through their growing period, and pounding them with a slanted version of reality. You want the children to learn, take them to the
classrooms of the world, the forests, the parks, the cities. Take them to places where they will really learn, from heart experience, not mind
But, it seems that so far, we seem to be doing the opposite. Not only are we continuing with the defunked ways of educating, but we are making it
worse. Creating more draconian policies designed to impede the childs natural social development, soon there will be policies allowing no gatherings,
no communing, you just go to class, learn your propaganda, and leave.
Our children deserve better than to be brainwashed in an indoctrination system designed to turn them into educated slaves for the system, and you
wanna get down to what the Elite are thinking in their minds when they create these systems for us, that is what they are thinking.