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Liberals Want End of 'Right-Wing Radio'

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posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by grover
Well thats good... I am pleased. Also though consider the dynamics it is Portland Oregon, a very liberal/progressive kind of place.

I agree, they tailor the programing for the locale. A college town/city will probably be able to support both styles of programing. Other areas, as evidenced by Air America, will not.

I think that having large companies owing large amounts of radio stations does limit their ability to cater to individual markets. Not in a Conservative/ Liberal way, but they rather have prepacked off the shelf product instead of homemade. In that way Big Radio is like Walmart or a Fast food chain, they choke out the little person/ business with a safe, proven money maker.

Why spend time and money developing an uproven concept or personality when you can a proven, field tested winner on your drive time slot. It's all about the almighty dollar. If Randi Rhodes could pull in the right ratings nationwide, it would be on more channels. Of that I have no doubt in my mind.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 09:31 PM
This is very funny and oh so true:

Of course the conservatives on here won't find it funny.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 09:43 PM
I hate the word consumer and the concept behind it. I am so much more than a buying machine.

I made a personal decision years ago to only buy, whenever possible, from only local merchants, and that I am more than willing to pay more to do so. I doesn't always work out that way, but I make the effort. I don't care if its food, clothing, books ,music, gardening supplies; I will go to Mom and Pop first before I consider darkening the door at malwart or any of those other big box community killers. And, I feel the same way about radio, print and television; unfortunately that is becoming harder and harder to do each day which is perhaps why I like the idea of more diversity of ownership... the math is simple...

The more concentrated the source for a service, the less we have to choose from.
The more divers the source for a service, the more we have to chose from.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 09:50 PM
It's funny, many conservative leaning people do like the Daily show. Funny is Funny. Duh. But the really funny thing is, it makes money....that's why Viacom (Comedy Central's Parent Corp) keeps it on and does spinoffs......See a pattern here?

I thought what was especially funny was the booing of certain parts of it.
That audience is as close-minded on some subjects as those they ridicule. The irony of that is really funny. Probably lost on many that watch the show I bet though.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by grover
I hate the word consumer and the concept behind it. I am so much more than a buying machine.

I made a personal decision years ago to only buy, whenever possible, from only local merchants, and that I am more than willing to pay more to do so.

I commend you for that. I am a Director on the local Chamber of Commerce. It's amazing how much business will slip through your hands if you don't tell people to patronize your business and support a local merchant. Sure I could have saved $200 on getting carpet elsewhere, but I know I got something that will last and do the job for me. Plus I get business back from the person.

Please support your local businesses.

See people from the opposite sides can sometimes agree on things. Maybe Washington could learn from that................Nah!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 05:55 AM
When you shop at malwarts for example, the only monies that stay in the communities are the pittance they pay their workers and the local taxes, which while not insignificent is minor compared to the truck loads they ship off to Bentonville AK as it were. When you spend those dollars locally most of it stays local. The Waltons don't need anymore money yet here locally they are planning to build another store a mile from one that exists already, and plan to continue operating it and I have no intention of shopping at either.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by grover
Personally I have no idea because I don't listen to ANY talk radio, I listen to NPR and my own music collection and thats it.

Have you ever attended Town Meetings, grover? They are quite common in certain parts of the country. One of the advantages is that most everybody that attends gets an opportunity to express their view on the agenda, whether it be to allow Wal-Mart to build that new supercenter or to fund bike paths along the old railroad tracks.

Talk radio is much the same way. You get to hear all points of view while expressing your own. You should try tuning into a local show; you'd be surprised. That's the only place where these issues are being publicly discussed these days.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:19 AM
When I lived in Maine I attended town meetings religiously. At my first one I asked this old farmer what would happen and he said you have the right to say anything you like and I have the right to tell you that you're a damned fool; and vice a versa. Now thats what I call give and take.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Now that was funny! It does sound a lot like talk radio, though.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 04:55 PM
I loved living in New England and I love that quality blunt honesty. You always knew where you stood with the people up there. In fact I claim that Yankee women make the best lovers because of exactly that quality; none of this prissy southern belle, Scarlett O'Hara, come here, go away nonsense. If you were in good with them you were in good, if not, you knew that too. And in the 15 years of living back in the south hasn't changed my opinion one iota.

In terms of politics, we as a country would benefit from that trait as well. Political mealy mouthing makes me sick. In fact two of the few politicians of either party that I have any respect for are from Maine, and surprisingly they are both Republicans (and obviously I am not). They are Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins; neither are anybodies lap dogs or yes women.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 04:56 PM
Well that is stupid.
Just put in even more liberal stations.
Also, They shouldn't get their undies in wad just because it isn't fair.
It is American Media, no one said it had to be fair and balenced.

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