posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 11:20 AM
Thank you Kano for this opportunity, I look forward to an intense debate here.
Nicely done opening statement jrod.
Is the right to die the ultimate personal freedom?
In a word no. Life is the ultimate personal freedom, but of course we all have the right to life, or so it seems.
Is death the ultimate personal freedom for the fetus that gets aborted before it breathes its first breathe?
Just who's personal freedom are we defending here?
People who think death is the ultimate personal freedom are not looking at the bigger picture.
Personal freedoms apply to each of us. Does the child who's mother commits suicide because she is suffering from post partum depression that has gone
unnoticed consider her act an ultimate personal freedom?
Are the people that take their own lives really thinking of it as a personal freedom?
What about the people who make those choices due to mental disorders or a chemical imbalance? Are they really expressing their sincere desire and free
will, or does that decision come not from their personal desire but rather from the feeling of despair they are experiencing for a moment in time that
may be fleeting at best?
To say that the right to die is a greater personal freedom than the right to live, is to take the right to live for granted, simply because it has not
been infringed upon for us.
For the victims of abortion and other forms of murder, the right to life is most certainly the ultimate personal freedom, however they are not able to
protest or argue in favor of that right any longer.