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FBI: New documents about post 911 Saudi Flights

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posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Osama bin Laden may have chartered a plane that carried his family members and Saudi nationals out of the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks, said FBI documents released Wednesday.
The papers, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, were made public by Judicial Watch, a Washington-based group that investigates government corruption.

One FBI document referred to a Ryan Air 727 airplane that departed Los Angeles International Airport on September 19, 2001, and was said to have carried Saudi nationals out of the United States.

"The plane was chartered either by the Saudi Arabian royal family or Osama bin Laden," according to the document, which was among 224 pages posted online.

The flight made stops in Orlando, Florida; Washington, DC; and Boston, Massachusetts and eventually left its passengers in Paris the following day.

In all, the documents detail six flights between September 14 and September 24 that evacuated Saudi nationals and bin Laden family members, Judicial Watch said in a statement.

"Incredibly, not a single Saudi national nor any of the bin Laden family members possessed any information of investigative value," Judicial Watch said.

"These documents contain numerous errors and inconsistencies which call to question the thoroughness of the FBI's investigation of the Saudi flights.

"For example, on one document, the FBI claims to have interviewed 20 of 23 passengers on the Ryan International Airlines flight ... on another document the FBI claims to have interviewed 15 to 22 passengers on the same flight."

Asked about the documents' assertion that either bin Laden or the Saudi royals ordered the flight, an FBI spokesman said the information was inaccurate.

Hope I did this correctly as far as linking to outside articles.

Anyway, I find this quite interesting coming from the FBI. Anyone have any thoughts on this. ( And let me know if I followed ATS protocol)

Thanks....Kinda Kurious

[edit on 20-6-2007 by kinda kurious] Fixed typo

[edit on 20-6-2007 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:34 PM
Those flights always bothered me. No investigation, simply and quietly wisked away from what? Why did all those people need to leave the US? Don't we deserve an explanation?

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:58 AM
Seems like the FBI intentionally played the incompetent card out when writing the report and it just disappears as another conspiracy theory.

"Incredibly, not a single Saudi national nor any of the bin Laden family members possessed any information of investigative value," Judicial Watch said.

Oh, give me a break, I seriously doubt that none of the passengers had any useful information. Jesus, intelligence break down my a**.

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