posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 11:04 PM
This is not a simulation, this is an animation, and it is disinformation.
There is no person in the world, no computer in the world, and no software in the world that could possibly accuratly calculate each and every
physical piece of the aircraft, and building, and contents inside the building, and its reaction to such an impact.
Every bolt, every nut, every washer, every rivit, every inch of aluminum, every piece of glass, every rubber piece, every inch of electrical wire, or
to sum it all up, every element used to build that jet, and building, and objects in the building, would have to be calculated. Also its interaction
with other objects would have to be calculated.
Throw a metal bolt at a brick wall. It would take an extremely powerfull computer and software to calculate what happens to the bolt and the wall.
The length of the bolt, the width of the bolt, the height of the bolt, the exact dimenstions of the bolt, and every single thread on it, including the
density of the metal, and the exact elemental mixture of the metal would have to be inlcuded. Not only that, the speed, spin, and exact angle of
impact would have to be calculated. Same for the brick wall. The density of the brick mixture (hard or soft) and the texture of the surface (smooth
or rough) and the mixture of the mortor (water to mortor ratio), and the age of the brick, and the micro fractures and cracks (from drying), all would
have to be calculated. And thats not all of it.....
Just to calculate exactly how the bolt reacts with the brick would be near impossible. How much does the bolt damage the brick? How much does the
bolts metal deform and dent? How many particals of the brick fall off on impact? How much of the brick cracks? How much does the bolt sink into the
brick? There are millions and millions more different things to calculate like wind, and temperature of the atmosphere, heck even the tempature of the
bolt and brick would come into play.
The amount of calculations just for 1 bolt and 1 brick wall is mind boggling.
Now, look at the jet and building. There is about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
calculations that need to be accounted for.
IMPOSSIBLE. This disinformation animation makes me sick, it really does, because the gullible people will think its real, and use it as evidence in
their arguements, because they are too idiotic to think of all these calculations and how they all effect each other.