Originally posted by Vekar
...however if we bring in technology that allows for recycling, producing their own food on a managable level, and all around help them get jobs... We
will be helping them AND helping the USA at the same time.
Well Vekar, even though there's very little that you've posted (& I've so far seen) that I can agree with (I'd guesstimate approximately 80%-85%
), I'd have to say that this quote of yours I've just reprinted hits the core-root of something to which I do agree.
First though, I'm going to cover a few points, in order to lead up to
why I do agree.
First, what is the real
cause of most of the problems that human society faces? Secret Societies bent on ruling the world, in a
nutshell...These small groups of very secretive manipulators have been the bane of
social evolution throughout the entire history of mankind,
by exploiting human nature in order to feed their own greed for wealth & control. Yes, that
is at least a part of human nature to begin
However, what is the one thing most common among such secret societies? They indoctrinate each member to believe that he is somehow "superior" to
the rest of humanity & that the group is on a quest for (in Adam Weishaupt's own words, for example) the "enoblement of mankind." In short, the
group indoctrinates each member in the belief that he will become "enlightened" by working with the group & will see how this enlightenment places
above the rest of humanity...I've never heard more BS of propaganda than such an fallable concept.
To explain more clearly, to be truly enlightened & to "enoble humanity," these secret societies would become truly enlightened if they sought to
advance humanity as a whole, rather than exploit humanity for their own selfesh benefit. Humanity needs to advance & evolve
before we could ever achieve a "one world humanity" & live peacefully with each other. Yet, these manipulative secret societies exploit human nature
& keep everyone else ignorant of their own potential...And amass great wealth & power along the way. Does this attitude sound like "enlightenment"
to anyone here at ATS? To me it sounds more like greedily seeking positions of "authority" in order to push some of the worst aspect of human nature
on a worldwide scale.
Getting back to the reason why I chose that particular quote from Vekar...He has shown a willingness to share enlightenment rather than hoard it for
himself, very unlike the very secret societies that claim to be "enlightened." By being willing to share enlightenment, his quote indicates that
he's one who iseither already enlightened or at least on the right path to it...The
wrong path is that which these conspiratorial kind of
secret socieites travel. I'm sure that there's many ATS members who have heard of some of those groups...Skull & Bones, Bilderburgs, etc, etc, ad
I should also point out at this time that there were quite a few points in Vekar's post that I don't agree with, simply because his methods would be
a bit too harsh coming from someone who is
truly enlightened...IMO, it will be much harder to advance human civilization if we cannot set an
example by remaining "civilized" while solving problems. I'll at least give Vekar an "A" for effort though...
Originally posted by Vekar
...however if we bring in technology that allows for recycling, producing their own food on a managable level, and all around help them get jobs... We
will be helping them AND helping the USA at the same time.
Well Vekar, even though there's very little that you post that I can agree with (I'd guesstimate approximately 80%-85%
), I'd have to say that
this quote I just used hits the core-root of something to which I do agree.
First though, I'm going to cover a few points, in order to lead up to
why I do agree.
First, what is the real
cause of most of the problems that human society faces? Secret Societies bent on ruling the world, in a
nutshell...These small groups of very secretive manipulators have been the bane of
social evolution throughout the entire history of mankind,
by exploiting human nature in order to feed their own greed for wealth & control. Yes, that
is at least a part of human nature to begin
However, what is the one thing most common among such secret societies? The indoctrinate & teach each member that he is somehow "superior" to the
rest of humanity & that the group is on a quest for (in Adam Weishaupt's own words, for example) the "enoblement of mankind." In short, the group
indoctrinates each member in the belief that he will become "enlightened" by working with the group & will see how this enlightenment places him
above the rest of humanity...I've never heard more BS of propaganda than such an fallable concept.
To explain more clearly, to be truly enlightened & to "enoble humanity," these secret societies would become truly enlightened if they sought to
advance humanity as a whole, rather than exploit humanity for their own selfesh benefit. Humanity needs to advance & evolve
before we could ever achieve a "one world humanity" & live peacefully with each other. Yet, these manipulative secret societies exploit human nature
& keep everyone else ignorant of their own potential...And amass great wealth & power along the way. Does this attitude sound like "enlightenment"
to anyone here at ATS? To me, it sounds closer to the truth that such groups seek to gain the "authority" for pushing the most negative aspects of
human nature
on a worldwide scale!
Getting back to the reason why I chose that particular quote from Vekar...He has shown a willingness to share enlightenment rather than hoard it for
himself, very unlike the very secret societies that claim to be "enlightened." By being willing to share enlightenment, his quote indicates that
he's one who is either already enlightened or at least on the right path to it...The
wrong path is that which these conspiratorial kind of
secret societes travel. I'm sure that there's many ATS members who have heard of some of those groups...Skull & Bones, Bilderburgs, etc, etc, ad
Originally posted by Vekar
#1: "baby buster" illega-Illegal alien woman comes in ready to pop, pops in a hospital and demands that child be American. Access denied.
True! As I pointed out in my first post on page 1 of this thread, the "anchor baby policy" is a Federal Offense against the 14th Amendment. However,
this is merely a single symptom of a much deeper fault in the US Government--Let's take a look at three of the key points in the Constitution:
Article 2, Section 1 (last clause):
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability,
preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Article 6 (last clause):
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of
the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be
required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
meat of the matter! By taking the Oath (or Affirmation), this legally binds
all of the government to obey the Constitution
in all ways! In effect, the Constitution is the Peoples' contract of employment for the Government!
And the Constitution even provides the Employers of the Government (The People) with methods to enforce obedience to the very same Constitution...As
written in the Declaration of Independance,
...that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute
new Government...
This is emphasized again in the Bill of Rights, to provide The People with the
means of enforcement! In this particular case, Amendment 1
provides the peaceful means & Amendment 2 provides forceful means when Amendment 1 is compromised by the Government.
Well, as far as this whole illegal immigrant problem is realted, let's look at the Constitution again:
Article 2, Section 3 (last clause):
...he (the President) shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed...
Gee, doesn't President Bush's
outright refusal to enforce the current Immigration Laws seem a bit like a Breech of Oath? Not only that, but
trying to push for Immigration Reform, he's even seeking to
change the Laws when it is not a part of his duty to the Nation! How can the
changing of laws be justified if the current laws are not being enforced? And in case nobody has noticed, any offense against laws of the Immigration
& Naturalization Service is a
Federal Crime because it happens to be a Federal Agency!
Continued Below...