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WTC7 Security Official Details Explosions Inside Building

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 06:45 AM
Great post thedman...

Skeptics of the 911 truth movement are often told they are in denial, but after reading some of the FACTS of the day should (but really doesn't) allow them to see the reality of what was going on that day. We are told we are sheep....we are brainwashed by the M.S. Media. The irony of it all after listening to Alex Jones, Les, Avery, Woods .... my God it's so incredible.

Try asking one of these guys ANYTHING that goes against what they say and or beleive and your a a SHILL or a DISINFO agent!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by thedman
I know personally a dozen people who were in WTC buildings that day
(live in NJ just across river) - this includes several of my current co-
workers who worked at Solomon Brothers. One guy was outside building
and watched as both aircraft hit towers. None report bombs, missiles
or death rays from space like the nut jobs are claiming.
Check out interviews in FIREHOUSE magazine about damage to WTC 7
and decisions to abandon it.

Or maybe this is why the firemen left wtc7......

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Try asking one of these guys ANYTHING that goes against what they say and or beleive and your a a SHILL or a DISINFO agent!

Try asking some of these skeptics anything that goes against their beliefs and they will call you a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist

Actually Alex Jones will let callers that disagree with him to the front of the line, he welcomes debate. But usually the people that disagree with him on one thing usually agree with him on many other things. IMO it doesn't sound like you've heard his show for more than 5 minutes. It takes a strong personallity to be on the radio. I mean, he even tells the audience over and over to not believe him and check the facts for themselves. (Which most skeptics don't even bother to do.)

I'll take an Alex Jones over a Bill Oreilly anyday

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Try asking some of these skeptics anything that goes against their beliefs and they will call you a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist

No, but if you dismiss evidence that it right in front of your are not seeking the truth.

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
Actually Alex Jones will let callers that disagree with him to the front of the line, he welcomes debate. But usually the people that disagree with him on one thing usually agree with him on many other things. IMO it doesn't sound like you've heard his show for more than 5 minutes. It takes a strong personallity to be on the radio. I mean, he even tells the audience over and over to not believe him and check the facts for themselves. (Which most skeptics don't even bother to do.)

I'll take an Alex Jones over a Bill Oreilly anyday

I've listened to both shows... I would rather get my toes melted with a blow torch than listen to either one of them EVER again. Can I show you a Mr. Jones statement on his website?

This is the FILTH I talk about.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Instead of bashing other people all the time, which I see you do contantly, you should try to disprove what they say with evidence to back it up. Ok, we get that you don't like anybody associated with 9/11 truth, can we move past that now? If these people are so wrong then you should have no problem finding evidence to back your claims. My apologies to the OP for getting off topic.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:17 PM
Besides the leaders like Alex Jones... who have I bashed??? If you went to the link I posted... You would have seen that Alex Jones said the FDNY was responsible for the destrcution of WTC7.

Do i have to disprove this ?? NO! But I tell you what..go take a trip to one of the FD's in NY city and tell them what Alex Jones posted...please tell me what their reactions are.

I don't dislike anyone in here... I am here to talk about the FACTS surrounding 911. If I can't back up what I feel is correct.. i wont post it. Please tell me who I've been bashing.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:04 PM
The WTC 7 triage Division was established for casualties from WTC 1. I don't think that WTC 7 casualties (if any) were part of the equation. Triage center was Up and running by 9:30AM. Later moved to Pace University. Jennings interview on TV is prior to Noon. so it is quite possible that he was "not looking down" and stepping over "bodies" when he was escorted out of the building before Noon.

There is a direct quote in a video from the firemen (leadersofficers) in WTC 1 just prior to WTC 2 of the firemen says their's a triage center over in 7....a few moments later you can hear the roar as WTC 2 comes crashing down and the firemen start running. Have never seen this audio cite reference used as evidence of a WTC 7 Triage Center but it was plain as day to my ears.

The reporter who tells us what war looks like (even though he admits he's never been in one) goes up to the upstairs lobby (walks up the escalator) and their of some shots of the West side (SW) of the lobby.....lots of paper and gypsum dust but no bodies. This is the one where he talks to the Secret Service guy out on the street (Bennett, title given is O S T).
edit on 30-10-2011 by ATSskeptic because: spellink

edit on 30-10-2011 by ATSskeptic because: (no reason given)

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