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Images and Anomalies of Titan.....

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 01:52 PM
Here is an image of Titan , full disk shot.. What do you think? .. does it not look an Earthlike Satellite? Does this not prove, cloud formations, water and land mass???

Looks pretty convincing to me, and i wonder if anyone can see the anomalies in these terrain images , also of Titan..

A poor image , but i believe there is a feature worth viewing.

This one, the brush up man has been very busy, i would like to see what is being thrown out of existence..

Also a couple of things in here, i found interesting.. one in particular, that is very similar to an " anomaly" in the Moon thread..

And what about this? i am interested what people think? could things be really as simple as they look? and now with our Knowledge of the NASA infastructure, is it possible we also have work being done on Saturns most Earthlike Moon?
If any of the other threads are in fact true, wouldnt it make sense that they were already on the most Earthlike satellite in our Solar system???

[edit on 19-6-2007 by Fowl Play]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 01:56 PM
Is there any way you can blow these images up to get a better look .

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:03 PM
if you download them, you can zoom in yourself in the basic picture viewer on windows, just right click and save as..

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:13 PM
And of course, one of the classics.


posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
Here is an image of Titan , full disk shot.. What do you think? .. does it not look an Earthlike Satellite? Does this not prove, cloud formations, water and land mass???

Sorry, but I have to say that it sounds like you haven't read much about Titan at all. It's been known for a long time that Titan has clouds and an atmosphere. It does not however have liquid water on the surface, as it is -180C. What you see that looks like lakes is liquid methane.

There is frozen water on the surface and it's theorized that there might be a subsurface ocean of liquid water and ammonia, if it's warm enough below the surface.

If any of the other threads are in fact true, wouldnt it make sense that they were already on the most Earthlike satellite in our Solar system???

It's a looong ride to Saturn and Titan is rather cold. It would be really hard on equipment and people work on the surface to say the least.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:26 AM
JRA, do you think NASA would tell you if it had liquid water or wait until a mission is available to more closely inspect it, like Mars? If NASA had anounced water on mars a few years ago the Russians or Chinese may have planned a secret mission and beat them to it. People on ATS speculated ages ago there was water on Mars and were ridiculed because "Ahem, it has been long known that Mars is a dead planet, no life, no water and the sky is red." Now that the Orion program has been initiated and the US is confident that they will be the first manned mission there NASA says "Hey! You know what there was life when we landed in the seventies! We may have misinterpreted the Viking results! Oh and there is ice and water too!" NASA is very selective in releasing information. The theory Titan has no water was probably conceived before the probe even launched. If NASA found an earth like planet within range of colonization that had complex ecosystems, flora and fauna the rest of the world be astounded by NASA's statement that they had found grass on the surface but its poisonous.


posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by orthisguyoverhere
If NASA had anounced water on mars a few years ago the Russians or Chinese may have planned a secret mission and beat them to it. People on ATS speculated ages ago there was water on Mars and were ridiculed because "Ahem, it has been long known that Mars is a dead planet, no life, no water and the sky is red."

Scientists have speculated about water on Mars for a long time. But it wasn't confirmed until more recently. I don't think it has anything to do with hiding it from the Russians or Chinese. It's not like it's some rare, valuable element.

As for some people being ridiculed on ATS for saying there was water on Mars ages ago, that was generally about large bodies of water existing on the surface, like lakes, which I believe is impossible with Mars' current condition. And no necessarily about frozen water or subsurface water.

NASA is very selective in releasing information.

Or like most scientific institutions, they will only speculate about the existence of water on Mars until it's actually confirmed

The theory Titan has no water was probably conceived before the probe even launched.

I haven't heard any theory that Titan doesn't have water.

If NASA found an earth like planet within range of colonization that had complex ecosystems, flora and fauna the rest of the world be astounded by NASA's statement that they had found grass on the surface but its poisonous.


posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by orthisguyoverhere
If NASA had anounced water on mars a few years ago the Russians or Chinese may have planned a secret mission and beat them to it.

Why do you think that though? We have plenty of water here and getting there first doesn't mean you get all the water either. And how would the Chinese get there? They're still testing there capsule, it will be a while before they go to the Moon let alone Mars and I don't think the Russians have the money to do a trip to Mars alone.

People on ATS speculated ages ago there was water on Mars and were ridiculed because "Ahem, it has been long known that Mars is a dead planet, no life, no water and the sky is red."

It's been speculated by scientists that there is or has been water on Mars for a long time too. But its only been recently confirmed with probes and rovers. As for some of the ridiculed speculation on ATS, I think those were about liquid water being on the surface currently, which isn't possible with the current conditions of Mars. Unless you believe that thousands of scientists all over the world are lying about Mars' climate for whatever reason.

The theory Titan has no water was probably conceived before the probe even launched.

I don't recall there ever being a theory that there was no water on Titan. There is lots of frozen water and possibly liquid water deep below the surface.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 09:10 PM
The facts the JRA mentioned can be determined quite easily, assuming you can get to a satellite powerful enough to see light reflected off of Titan, which most universities across the states have. Using a process called Spectroscopy, you can determine, by the color bands found within the light reflected off of Titan, what its atmosphere is made out of, and by our standards, it isn't livable.


It's mostly molecular nitrogen with a little argon and methane. It also has an average surface temperature of -290 degrees F (94K)... So if Titan does have life, it's almost certainly not going to be very advanced.

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