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Doctrinal Origins of HAARP

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 01:30 PM
The other night I came across some lumbering bit of bureaucratese called "Radiation Belt Remediation."

I had only heard the word "remediation" used in the sense "to repair," as in "environmental remediation," and so my first thought was some concern that, like our air, fields, and waters, we screwed everything up real good in our magnetosphere too.

There seems to be an aspect of doublespeak in this term, however. An article called The atmospheric implications of radiation belt remediation implies that “Radiation Belt Remediation (RBR)” is bureaucratic lingo to describe "studies...being undertaken to bring about practical human control of the radiation belts."

It would appear that RBR is not so much a "program" as a "doctrine" or a "goal." Institutional goals and doctrines have a strange life of their own: a new President every 4-8 years has little effect on most of the day-to-day functioning of the government; a lot of bureaucrats spend their whole lives behind the same desk.

RBR is mentioned in a thread at:

but I think that RBR may be very significant. Because it is not a program, but a more general sort of institutional goal, it is an organizing principle for many programs. This study:

doesn't sound all that different in character from the types of things being done with HAARP. Moreover, I've long suspected that facilities like HAARP and ELF work in concert, using constructive and destructive interference to generate local effects from global signals.

What I mean is, maybe these facilities function as a system - like a radio telescope array - about which different researchers make different types of observations.

I imagine some scientists use this system to influence the magnetosphere, to observe and model how the magnetosphere responds. They probably use all sorts of advanced computing technologies in the process. There are probably lots and lots of military dollars involved in many different places, with dual-use projects left and right.

Does anybody know more about this stuff?

[edit on 19-6-2007 by America Jones]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:25 AM
I can't imagine it is helping us out at all down here on Earth...probably screwing things up even worse than they have in the past.

Yes, let's send radiation into our magnetosphere to see if it blows up or something worse...that'll be a great test of military and tesla technology.

I'm sure he would have been proud...right.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Let me be the first to thank you for an excellent contribution.

As for more information, I personally don't know much beyond what I have read about this subject around the web. There are several threads on ATS discussing issues such as scalar technology, the HAARP array, and the man who first proposed such things (Tesla). Those links are for tagged threads using the tagging system (see bottom of every thread). A boolean or google search of the site (top right under the banner) could turn up many more sources.

As or the first article you linked, I would say that this conclusion in the Abstract:

...RBR-operation will lead to unusually intense HF blackouts for about the first half of the operation time, producing large scale disruptions to radio communication and navigation systems. While the neutral atmosphere changes are not particularly important, HF disruptions could be an important area for policy makers to consider,...

... has obvious military implications.

Your theory on the use of interference is interesting considering the US has installations at or near both poles. That would seem to me to be ideal. I wonder how many countries could use this principle without needing the co-operation of several other governments? Interesting to think who may already be working together. I know there are already many installations like HAARP around the world.

Considering that the weaponisation of space is well undwerway (despite treaties to the contrary) and that we have a covert military space race on our hands (ATS: National Missile Defense Goes Black) it's no surprise that such technology is being tested and perhaps even used.

By the way your link to the article (systems function) requires a paid subscription.
Perhaps you have another source?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by America Jones
The other night I came across some lumbering bit of bureaucratese called "Radiation Belt Remediation."

...doesn't sound all that different in character from the types of things being done with HAARP.

Ding! You win a cookie. Reduction of inner belt electron density is a function that the IRI can and does do. You can precipitate out excess electrons that occur as a result of HAND and natural events like really bad solar flares or CME's.

You can spot them doing it if you have the right sort of receivers.

However, it's being moved off to a set of satellite assets. HAARP's function was more of "what are the parameters of doing this, and what works best", but it's not got the ass to do it in a "production role", so they're planning ahead.

Moreover, I've long suspected that facilities like HAARP and ELF work in concert, using constructive and destructive interference to generate local effects from global signals.

What I mean is, maybe these facilities function as a system - like a radio telescope array - about which different researchers make different types of observations.

Navy's ELF transmitters have been offline for quite a while. But they weren't used together even when they were.

You can do the same trick with a big VLF transmitter if you're in the right spot(s), and that's how they figured out you could pull the thing off.

We were given a bunch of technical papers as background info that were written up after a long term study conducted at Siple Station in Antarctica, for example, where they were using a VLF setup to do the same sort of thing. That got started from the military's interest in whistlers, sporadic-E propagation and upper atmospheric ducting. There are a lot of open publications from Siple that you might find interesting if you're into that sort of thing, but if you're not a comm theory EE or physicist you may find them quite dull.

Here's an example. You'd have to pay for this one, it's in my IRI folder, so I'll snip some out -

The purpose of this paper is to describe briefly the programme of active v.1.f. (3-30 kHz) experiments on the magnetosphere from Siple Station, Antarctica. Under investigation are new wave-particle interaction phenomena that are fundamental to an understanding of space plasmas. Included are wave growth, wave-wave interactions and wave-induced precipitation that are stimulated by v.1.f. signals from a ground transmitter. Possible applications of these experiments include measurements of the flux of radiation belt electrons, control of the ionosphere, control of the radiation belts and new methods of v.1.f. and u.1.f. communication.

Why have v.1.f. experiments in the magnetosphere attracted so much interest? The reasons stem from two remarkable properties of electromagnetic waves whose frequencies lie below the electron plasma and gyrofrequencies (generally called whistler-mode waves). First, their velocity is usually small, depending on the wave frequency and on the parameters of the medium. Second, the anisotropy of the medium tends to cause the wave energy to follow the direction of the Earth's field.

These properties make whistler-mode waves useful as detectors of the concentration of the thermal electrons in the magnetosphere. Field-aligned irregularities, or ducts, of ionization extending between the hemispheres further increase their value by trapping some of the wave energy. Trapping keeps the wave normal aligned on the average with the Earth's field. The trapped, or ducted, waves are more readily transmitted out of the magnetosphere, through the ionosphere so that they can be observed on the ground. The observed travel time versus frequency gives the path latitude and the equatorial electron density. Application of this technique led to the discovery of the plasmapause and to the first measurements of plasma convection within the magnetosphere.

R.A. Helliwell, "Active very low frequency experiments on the magnetosphere from Siple Station, Antarctica"

I imagine some scientists use this system to influence the magnetosphere, to observe and model how the magnetosphere responds.

Well, sort of yes, sort of no. A lot of these sort of things are not intended to alter the magnetosphere as much as they are experimenting with interacting with the magnetosphere in order to do something else. Sort of like using the rails on the pool table to make a bank shot. You're not trying to hit the rail as an end goal as much as you are using it to change the direction of a ball. So a lot of what are billed as magnetospheric experiments are actually trying to get a result in the ionosphere.

The electron precipitation functions of HAARP's IRI use the magnetic field in the magnetosphere to slingshot the electrons out under the influence of a radio wave induced from the auroral electrojet. But they don't actually alter the magnetosphere.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by biggie smallsYes, let's send radiation into our magnetosphere to see if it blows up or something worse...that'll be a great test of military and tesla technology.

I'm sure he would have been proud...right.

Actually, they're not "sending up radiation" in the sense of nuclear radiation or something. It's sort of inconvenient that the word 'radiation' is used for EM and ionizing particulate radiation.

And Tesla isn't involved anywhere, unless you want to say any radio technology is "Tesla technology" since he won that argument in court with Marconi. But in terms of some magical 1800's stuff with lightning bolts going on, no.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:25 PM
Does it sound too far out to anybody to consider that a centrally-directed, practical, mood manipulation apparatus might be accomplished by distributed means?

Consider using HAARP and VLF to broadcast a range of acceptable mood alterations. Devices in your local environment with processing capabilities, such as your cellphone or your computer, may then generate radiation that cancels out or enhances certain resonances in the ambient environment. The appropriate signal for a local device to generate can be selected algorithmically according to your Internet browsing behavior.

I'm going to sketch something out for you:


and tell me whether it's not a little bit like reading somebody else's mind. Then think about what Google and the NSA are doing with your searches, and think about electromagnetic GoogleAds for the psyche.

So what sorts of electromagnetic fields might be useful in this context?

To start thinking about this, we have to first understand something called "stochastic interference." In this context, its relevance is related to the idea that discrete randomness can create the appearance of global statistical continuity.

Here's a useful analogy:

1. We know that some types of electromagnetic radiation cause cancer

2. We know that the radiation from powerlines doesn't cause cancer

However, we also know that:

3. The radiation from powerlines is very strong

4. The radiation from powerlines is not EXACTLY 60hz

Point 4. is important. If we view the 60hz Alternating Current on the power lines as a signal, we must recognize that there will be some noise on the line. Because the electrons "traveling" down the power lines interact with the material of the powerlines, the powerlines will resonate at different frequencies. The 60hz AC signal will bleed into other frequencies.

So we can accept points 1. and 2. above, but we should also ask: can we get cancer from the radiation emitted by power lines PLUS all the other strong sources of electromagnetic radiation in our environment? Can the radiation from powerlines interact with LOCAL radiation sources to produce cancer-causing radiation?

Scientists who study "stochastic interference" study these sorts of problems.

So what sorts of electromagnetic fields might be useful for practical electromagnetic mood management?

It turns out that there are all sorts of devices in your environment that can produce very specific types of electromagnetic radiation, which can be made to stochastically interact with a global signal.

This piece of linux software:

will allow you to use a conventional CRT monitor to broadcast an AM radio signal. You can broadcast MP3's from your monitor!

Now think about how close people sit to computer monitors all day, and visit this site:

Now imagine the capbilities of the previous two links delivered to you as a virus (ala Carnivore).

What would the goal of such a system be?

Well, think about clocks. We often think about clocks as tools used to measure out the day. But from the perspective of systems theory, clocks are also a way to synchronize the behavior of large numbers of humans, who are not otherwise in direct contact with oneanother. They're pretty amazing, really.

We all know we've found all sorts of great uses for clocks. They're especially good for industrialists.

Systems theory tells us that many diverse types of organized systems can be found to exhibit the same mathematical behaviors. The math for thermodynamics, optics, entropy, and image compression is all related.

I wonder what other sorts of uses the NSA has for this:

[edit on 20-6-2007 by America Jones]

[edit on 20-6-2007 by America Jones]

[edit on 20-6-2007 by America Jones]

[edit on 20-6-2007 by America Jones]

[edit on 20-6-2007 by America Jones]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Gools
By the way your link to the article (systems function) requires a paid subscription.
Perhaps you have another source?

Here's the abstract:
A new method is introduced to obtain a strong signal by the interference of weak signals in noisy channels. The method is based on the interference of 1/f noise from parallel channels. One realization of stochastic interference is the auditory nervous system. Stochastic interference may have broad potential applications in information transmission by parallel noisy channels.

And two sentences from the first paragraph:

It makes use of the random fractal geometry of the spike discharge patterns [2] - [5] which are processed by diverging and converging information networks of the auditory system. This method is distinct from stochastic resonance [6], but when both methods are combined, a fascinating new model of transsynaptic information transfer emerges [7].

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Well, sort of yes, sort of no. A lot of these sort of things are not intended to alter the magnetosphere as much as they are experimenting with interacting with the magnetosphere in order to do something else.

So now a yes? What you said is irrelevent. Their intentions have nothing to do with it. videoplay?docid=-9038406481440845975&q=HAARP&total=313&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=7

This video is very credible. If you haven't seen it by now, take a look.

Tom your knowledge is known to us. You seem to disagree with everyone to prove your knowledge in Electronic Engineering. I have 2 years in DeVry and what you were taught is nothing compared to what "They" know.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:16 PM
Yes it could be used as a 'buffer' on a positive note, but the length of those ions would be rather long to set up a security blanket.2.3-3 miles long.

[edit on 20-6-2007 by menguard]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by StreetCorner Philosopher

So now a yes? What you said is irrelevent. Their intentions have nothing to do with it.

They're doing experiments IN the magnetosphere, not ON the magnetosphere, and it's a big difference.

Tom your knowledge is known to us. You seem to disagree with everyone to prove your knowledge in Electronic Engineering. I have 2 years in DeVry and what you were taught is nothing compared to what "They" know.

I don't think your 2 years in DeVry have served you well, based on comments you made on the other forum.

[edit on 20-6-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:44 PM
in 2 to 3 years, H.A.A.R.P will either intentionaly or mistakenly stop the gulf stream flow. How do I know this? Well i dont for sure..but from certain others alien encounters, in a movie about to be released soon, Aliens have made contact with certain people and told them great catastrophe is coming very very soon. The bible describes a time near the end like this. With the four angels who stop the four winds..angels=H.A.A.R.P in my head..hail the size of houses, eruptions, storms, darkness for years? in whatever case if all this isnt just a distraction from something more sinister by the nazis in charge today, then we all have to seriously consider finding a safe place to live.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:50 PM
Sorry about all the edits to that post up there, I keep finding little typos and I can't help but fix them (I don't often use spell checkers).

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:24 PM
America, you really made my week with this post. It proves my theory as being correct, and you also posted some awesome sites in a well written post. This info you posted might open up the eyes of others.

Electromagnetic smog is so apparent that I can see it with my naked eye. With concentration, one can see it as well. It's like looking into a microwave, I've posted this information over and over, and none take it seriously. It's so easy to detect ionization. We are kept so primitive that a simple geiger counter isn't available anywhere around my area. Time for us to pick them up.

Tom, I'm in the medical field, I realized DeVry education was old military junk.

We don't have much time left. Disaster is coming. I am leaving NY soon. Where is safe?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 07:19 PM
Dear All,

There`s certainly a lot of double talk where science is concered HAARP
and TESLA go together... However computers, wind turbines and aircraft
technology are all equally using Tesla along with mobile phones.
The approxamate time line I`ve put together is Tesla invented his various
formats in about 1879. Those devices where able to create earthquakes because they worked on very low frequency.. However that same device
was equally able to produce so called high frequency...
By the 1930`s much of what Tesla knew was being used to create the
atomic bomb on one side and Free energy on the other a long with mind control and even bioresenace machines. (Which in various formats the
medical prof. are now over run with.)

For example a aircraft engine turns over the sine wave rotates over a 360 deg. Sphere... The sine wave supposedely moves through an up-right linear phase to an non-linear phase to and inverted phase where its at its weakest..... Now main stream science is quite confused as to what its really looking at.....
Most power systems seem to be assessed on a flat screen where Maximum
power is in the North Phase and minimum in the South.
Its as if its just a wavey line rather than a series of complexed spirals.
Hence high frequency is max. power where as low frequency is minimum.

Tesla technology works on a reverse phase system..
Max min. power is in the South phase and if read in the linear and in the
non-linear or scalar phase.....
Cuppled with this a "standing wave" is used this removes most of what main stream science called low level radiation. To very high levels of radiation which are being produced off scale.
Around 1930 science was told to forget half of known science.
(By the socurity forces)
The standing wave makes these systems effective over almost any distance. The inverse square law is essentually not appliciable.
With the right technology one can send info. instantly almost anywhere.
Come to that we could likewise travel just the same.

There are many aspects of science working at cross links where the left hand does not know wha the rights up to..
Commuication systems take several mins to move around like the Sun takes 8mins to reach the Earth??
It might but we don`t see everthing is connected already.

The universe is like a large sheet of energy.
In order for you to appear in more than one place at a time a homing signal is sent to anywhere.... By tuning that signal off you can appear anywhere and equally disapeare.

Looking at the size of the problem, the HAARP experts think that the Earths natural networks will just snap back into place when they turn it off .
May be may be not? Its meant to replace Starwars in someway..
But that was proven to be usless..

Blavansky said that the power of the heavens (GODS) will come down to Earth. That can be looked at in different ways a handful of low level humans with their devils attached will be able to control your health and the way will grow in their light.
So we will be like them instead of rasing to the occasion we will pulled down.. 1984 and beyond devils on horse back, here we come!

Europeen government and domestice law/human rights has not got a chance as the they are more intrested in the right size bananas than life..


posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 08:10 PM
Not going to happen, there are fleet ships the size of planets.There is always maintnance crews on stand by through scout ships.Scotty has our back side guranteed.If we screw up they will be there to fix it like always.
But that doesn't mean they won't let us think were going under.

"As far as the world going under"

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 03:01 AM
Tom Bedlam,

A link to your source material if you please Sir. A layman analogy of your thoughts too.


posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 04:35 AM
I can't tell if I'm being alarmist about this whole thing, but my basic concern is that I think we are witnessing one of the most profound shifts in the organization of Western civilization since the introduction of the mechanical clock, except this time around it's being developed in secret instead of being set up in the middle of town squares.

If you are at all sensitive to culture, or are at all patriotic about individuality, you should be thinking about how to ensure we will always have a Peruvian jungle of the mind.

Back everything up, print out what you can. When you visit sensitive websites, don't follow links, copy and past the URL so you don't transmit a referrer that can be used to trace your search behavior.

[edit on 21-6-2007 by America Jones]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Dallas
Tom Bedlam,

A link to your source material if you please Sir. A layman analogy of your thoughts too.


That might be a bit difficult, since it's mostly here in the project file cabinets, and some of it's not the sort of thing I can share.

However, a lot of the background stuff is out there, although it's probably going to be pay-for for most people. I'll see what I can get together today for you.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:40 AM
Hi Tom Bedlam,

Appreciate your honesty on this one. HAARP has a real problem supporting dismissal of it, at least due to it being in so many US spots from Alaska to California (Caleefornia) and as I'm just told not all that far from Boston.


posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:38 PM

US spots from Alaska to California (Caleefornia) and as I'm just told not all that far from Boston.

Well yes there are integral systems to HAARP all over the world and antenna in a grid pattern across the entire U.S. at a distance of two hundred miles apart from one another. It is called GWEN. I mean how kewl can you get naming a mind control operation after a woman.



Anyway to the best of my knowledge there is no HAARP facility near Boston however there is the U.of M. @ Lowell just to the north. And it conducts massive amounts of research for HAARP applications and programs to feed into the new Cray computer at the U of A @ Fairbanks which will feed instructions to the new HAARP when it is fired up.

To my knowledge the last time it was on was : HAARP Was Last On 3.39 MHz Sat 10/21/2006
0442 GMT Med Power nitetime testing for 2 min. After that Gakona's doors were locked to all as it went Black for upgrades and eventual massive testing with a upgraded 3.6 Mega Watt power plant. On January 1/07 it was officially handed over to Dr. Sheldon Meth [where do they get these mad scientists with names like that????
] of the DoD's famed DARPA for weapons development. If you think you have the experience, knowledge, and clearance as I am certain most of you do. At least I surmise this by reading your posts.
They are hiring. TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT: Dr. Sheldon Meth, Program Manager, DARPA/TTO, Phone: 703-696-2369, Email: [email protected].

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP)

A study completed by an Air Force/Navy Panel also pointed to additional high-value functions that can potentially be accomplished with the a 3.6 MW capability, in particular, the exploration and refinement of scientific principles that could lead to the development and deployment of a system to provide protection for spacebased assets from emergent asymmetric threats. DARPA established an MOA with the Air Force and Navy for this program in November 2002. The HAARP technology is transitioning to the Air Force and Navy in FY 2006.

Program Plans

* Completed the HAARP high frequency transmitting array at the HAARP Research Station, Gakona, AK.
* Prepared the existing HAARP facility in preparation for ionospheric testing.
* Conducted advanced ionosphere and radio science research and analysis of applications including space-based asset protection and phenomena related to its implementation.

Last Updated: 06/05/07

Have Fun Dudes


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[edit on 23/6/2007 by Mirthful Me]

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