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Physical contact "banned" in U.S. school.

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posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 04:47 PM
only in the USA...
too politically correct...
Bunch of "over"christians running places..
recreationism teached in some schools...
Fighting about abortion..I cant take abortion if Im raped or something...
Only in USA. F´d up...
Imus fired =D
Im just watching and laughing my ass out here how this supposedly greatest nation on earth is crumbling on its foundations... President who could give a damn about constitution...I could go on and on...
Im happy Im not a citizen...

[edit on 9-7-2007 by finallianstallion]

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 02:57 PM
I hear ya finallianstallion, it's a mad, mad world. Fortunately most of the madness seems to originate from the USA with the UK a close second.

I just wish there was more action and less "gossip" about these things, not much gets changed just talking about it!

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 05:55 PM
lmao.. just the sound of it.. ZERO TOUCH POLICY.
Invokes images of mercenaries with gasmasks and shotguns.


While I think I could pass schooltime easily with a Zero Touch Policy in place.
I sure'd think it'd be weird if I accidentaly touched someone (or because of omse impulse) and got punished for it.

[edit on 16/7/07 by -0mega-]

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 05:57 PM
That's really stupid...I can testify, I went to a Christian middle school (not proud of it, leave me alone). I had my first kiss/girlfriend my sophomore year in high school. Rather than explain all of the details and why that was horrible, it would of just been a lot better for my sexual development if I had my first kiss in middle school like regular kids.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 06:12 PM

All that is just fine, just wait till school is over because thats the ONLY reason they are there, to learn. Horseplay is on your time, didnt you watch 'fast times at ridgemont high'?

And you don't think physical contact is learning? It's life. Everyone needs physical contact. When I was in school if I didn't have rough housing, playing tag, group hands on learning(everyone sits together working on a project....) It's part of social development. If I didn't have my best friend's shoulder to cry on in school I'd probably be dead... It taught me to stand up for myself as well. All this does is repress kids... to me I think physical contact is also a form of empathy... if we don't have that we turn into mindless drones who snap and don't have any feeling for anyone else. Just my two cents.

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