posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:51 AM
I just joined about 5min ago. Mostly to discuss some of my experiences with very opened minded and educated people. Im a christian..but not
"religous". I just know what I know.
So me.. Im a 28yr old African American male, I DJ at clubs/parties...I'm very active in my community with the youth...very much into the arts,and
sports alike. I imagine this puts me in the minorty of types of people on here, but I have had some very real things happen in my life, that I would
like to get a different point of view on.
A little background on me. I am the decendent of shamen/medicine men/women)(mothers side),witch doctors(fathers side), and pastors (mothers side).
I grew up with my mother who is ..I guess I would spirtiually senseative to say the least(she is a pastor) I've come to find out that some of thses
quailtes are passed down thru our family history.
I only put this up because maybe someone will be able to tell me a little more info on things of that nature. Thats it for now..look forward to
partcipating on here