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Shiite mosque attack, 75 killed.

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 09:52 AM

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A suicide truck bomber killed 75 people when he rammed his vehicle into a Shi'ite mosque in Baghdad on Tuesday, just hours after the U.S. military deployed 10,000 soldiers in a major offensive against al Qaeda.

The instigator for the summer has finally occured... the sunni's, whom are backed by Saudi arabia, just struck back at the Shiites, by destroying a mosque.

The shiites have no choice but to retaliate against this western backed sunni faction..
Remember the mosque?

The 2006 al-Askari Mosque bombing occurred at the al-Askari Mosque in the Iraqi city of Samarra, on February 22, 2006, at about 6:55 a.m. local time (0355 UTC). The attack on the mosque, one of the holiest sites in Shi'a Islam, is believed to have been caused by Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Although no injuries occurred in the blasts, the mosque was severely damaged.

Tit for Tat, and its now Iran, Palestine and Sadr's Loyalists turn to enact revenge.

Is this progress?

Better yet, is it in the interests of certain government officials, to STOP what ever tactical assault will occur? I mean a massive strike killing many 'indespensable surge-soliders' and 'governemnt employees' would give bush, exactly what his corporate buddies want.....

Why hasnt the governemnt stated the obvious yet, all it does is completely RUIN their reputation. We created a civil war in a nest of bottled up hatred.
And for 'profits' sake, we're keeping out 'boys in the middle, as fodder.....

A shame that one man, can ruin a countries reputation... after all the people's people bled and sacrificed for its good name... one man, has totally tranished your reputation in the books of history.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 10:53 PM
By retaliating the victims would only play into the extremists hands. Positive steps in Iraq are always very small so some progress has been made of sorts.
Realistically Iraq can only go two ways.
1)The Iraqi government crumbles and Iraq becomes another Iran or Syria . In other words a haven for terrorists.
2) Iraq is partitioned or breaks up along ethnic and religious lines.

The first out come is the most likely and the second one would be the better outcome for everyone involved. If option two did happen Turkey could be alienated by the Kurds having independence.

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