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Afraid NOT

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posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Satyr

It's as disrespectful to share religious beliefs with people who aren't interested in religion, as it is to spam people with advertisements they didn't ask for.

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Satyr]

Hey Satyr. Ignore my posts then. I didn't post this topic for you. I posted it because, guess what?? I CAN. Start your own hateful/evil topic if you dislike and are afraid of mine.

I dust my feet off of you Satyr. Ignore me

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 11:01 PM
Dude, chill out!!! This is an alternative discussion board. A discussion board is used to share opinions or beliefs.
If you're not interested in religion, then why don't you just avoid this forum??? And if you take a look, half of the post in this specific forum aren't really conspiracy related anyway...

Following your logic, wich you seemed to prone so much in the past, say if I think bush is stupid, but know half the people here (well the real number is probably lower than this, but it's just an example) actualy LIKE Bush, I should avoid posting my opinion on here, and instead, go post on an exclusivly Anti-Bush website?

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 11:27 PM
God bless you Mag....It is very exciting when you finally give up on trying to be your own god, and realise that our sinfull nature that we have inherited disables us from doing any good in the eyes of The Lord. But when you take Jesus' hand, your life lights up. And you become a light, in a world of darkness, and there are many whom are use to the darkness....your light is too bright for them...=) because your light comes from God, the only real God. No amount of "evidence" or knowledge will "prove" this to someone whom does not belive, as I know, being that i was in the past a Buddhist. But the Lord shed his grace upon me, and i took the gift he offered, and I will never give it up for a thing in the world. Stay strong. You say you dont go to church much, but you should check some out. I found a very wonderful caring church in my community dedicated to serving the Lord and helping people all over. I'll pray that you find one as well, they can be very wonderfull and fullfilling, being in a community of fellow belivers.
Again, God bless and if it means anything,I'm happy for you...... Take care
Much Love
A brother in Christ

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 11:37 PM
Lil.........."First of all, why do you need to believe or have faith in anything? Why not just find things out on your own, study, research, investigate, and find TRUTH. Blind faith = ignorance and lack of knowledge. You only believe in stuff you don't know. If you knew something you no longer believe in it, cuz you KNOW it. You don't believe you are *blank* years old, you KNOW it. So why do you have to pretend to know God when you can find out through logic. Nooo you are too terrified that logic won't work because God is "beyond" logic and he'll send you to hell for such heresy as independent thinking, right? I'm trying to wake people up from this blind faith/belief junk. You, among all other religious people, are lost. Confused. Scared. Gave up your free will to some entity. You are tempted easily. You are blackmailed by religious temptations/fears they instill. If you are NOT, then why have so much faith in someone you don't even know exists. And if you truly "understand" God after having faith, what DO you understand now. You UNDERSTAND that without faith you are screwed, yes? Blah. You can't argue with a wall that has a smiley face on it. You can't tell it to stop smiling, it's a wall. Same way you can't argue with a believer. You can't ARGUE with an illusion, if the illusion REFUSES to acknowledge truth. It IS your free will, you are right. Except that NOW you gave it up and gave it to God, so you no longer have it. I'd pity you, but I don't pity anyone. You do what you like. I don't know why I even care that someon can be blindly ignorant. So what? There's plenty of people like you on Earth. Bye"

Lil.....Your calim to being able to find god yourself, through research and what not......well, I sure hope that you are not representing a "truth seeker", because your ignorance is great and is blinding you, the one whom calims others are blinded by faith. No, they're not blinded by faith, your blinded by a lack of. And your take on the truth, about how man can understand god through our own comprehension, well if thats so true, why are you wasting time on this message board? Dont you have alot of studying to do? And I will pray for you, because I was like you, and I know theres great hope. Your an inteligent person Lil, dont waste it on vain arguments.....Faith always outlasts theory....Why it's ..ETERNAL

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 11:46 PM
Well did anyone read that really long post titled THINK OR BELIEF (somewhere in middle of Page 3) that I posted above? Could you give me any comments on that? Please! I won't argue anymore, but let me know if you agree with points this man makes and if not, please tell me why. Let's no longer bash each other but have just an open conversation about this. The truth is, you CAN believe anything you want! I just wanted to find out why would you like to believe in anything. For example, do I believe my alarm clock will go off at 7 am tomorrow as I set it today? No. Do I know it will? No. I hope it will, and I give it a high probability based on past experience of it going off. But will it? Anything can happen. Power outage, fire, nuclear terrorism attack, my family member turning it off, ANYTHING! So do I believe it will? No. And I don't know it either. I don't assume it will either. I just hope it will because it helps me wake up early. Also I give it a high chance of occurance based on the fact that it never failed before, but never believe.

Do I believe my name is Mike? No I know it! Why would anyone believe in God? Why don't they want to KNOW instead. And if there is no God, would it REALLY be so terrible?

You asked me how I can be free if I'm alone? How can I not be? I am NOT alone, as I have friends, family, and others to interact with. But I am alone in a sense that I don't need a God to tell me what to do and how to live. If he DOES tell me, I will question it and ask him WHY he tells me that. Who is he? Why is he God? Why does there need to be a God? etc...

[Edited on 8-1-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 03:54 AM

1. I would tend to agree that this thread does not belong.

2. People given voice to push singular and exclusive belief structures with no tolerance for others causes more problems than just about anything else on the planet.

3. There is rudeness all around here, from juveniles and from the thread originator.

* takes notes, departs for greener pastures *

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 04:42 AM
well it def shows your typical religion style battling in this thread..this shows again that god probably doenst exist and if then hes much too affraid to come to us earhty people as you can read in this thread, the world is full with ignorants claiming to be god, or someone under gods and women, grow up, make your own choices and dont try to convince others to believe !

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:08 AM

regarding the MA post# 320958

i wish to submit this link, a 3 minute read or maybe more,
which addresses the 'christos', the 'light', and other elements in this thread...
kindly do not read this as an attack on anyones belief framework---> consider this link as uncovering more information so as to have a better Knowledge & Understanding ....of christianity...

side board: famous essenes-> john the baptist & Jesus the nazorean & simon magus, founder of gnosticism.

~^~ enjoy your journey......

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 10:59 AM
And you won't believe in God ever again! It's God-ache tylenol.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 11:38 AM
It is not whether the powers of darkness can harm your body because often they can if they choose.

It is whether you willingly give up your soul which you can do especially to save the body which many have done.

But there is one interesting issue here, if you do not value the body excessively then they will know this and realize that they have LESS power over you because of it.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by magestica

Originally posted by Satyr

It's as disrespectful to share religious beliefs with people who aren't interested in religion, as it is to spam people with advertisements they didn't ask for.

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Satyr]

Hey Satyr. Ignore my posts then. I didn't post this topic for you. I posted it because, guess what?? I CAN. Start your own hateful/evil topic if you dislike and are afraid of mine.

I dust my feet off of you Satyr. Ignore me

That's hilarious. Anyone who knows me well would be laughing at that statement. As I've pointed out already, I don't even fear death. I'm one of those people who gets his kicks out of death defying activities. Nothing scares me, except pain, and I've already explained how and when fear comes into play (in the pain scenario) in another thread. Other than that, there isn't anything I fear on a regular basis. Ignorance breeds fear, and vise versa.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by m0rbid
Dude, chill out!!! This is an alternative discussion board. A discussion board is used to share opinions or beliefs.
If you're not interested in religion, then why don't you just avoid this forum??? And if you take a look, half of the post in this specific forum aren't really conspiracy related anyway...

Although I'm not interested in this hokey old tradition, it still fascinates me that there are people who are incapable of seeing beyond their noses.

Following your logic, wich you seemed to prone so much in the past, say if I think bush is stupid, but know half the people here (well the real number is probably lower than this, but it's just an example) actualy LIKE Bush, I should avoid posting my opinion on here, and instead, go post on an exclusivly Anti-Bush website?

Don't be ridiculous. That's what the Mud Pit is for.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:35 PM
A satanist defends a satanist? Why deny the obvious?

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:40 PM
You poor confused person.
Everything is not either God or Satan. It's not that simple. But, if simplifying makes you feel more comfortable, I don't even have to ask why. You should really read your own sig, and take heed to what you have there.

Question Everything Even ATS!

[Edited on 1-8-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:43 PM
Oh yes it is. It is either day or night. Everything comes down to that in the end, everything. You probably wish it didn't.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:44 PM
I refuse to have an argument with you. Your mentality isn't compatible with mine, period.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:46 PM
That is correct, finally we agree on something, light and dark!

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 01:40 PM
After reading through all the posts, I came to one conclusion.

It doesn't matter a person believes in. If it works for them and makes them a better person, then so be it.

If belief in the Energizer Bunny as "god" makes someone a better person, leave 'em alone. As long as they do not attempt to shove their beliefs down anyone else's throat, then who care's?

Majestica, we can debate religion till the end of time, or the arrival of the messiah, whichever comes first, with no result. But you go girl, stick with what you believe in.
But on the other hand, don't try to force your beliefs on someone else. You probably won't get the desired results.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by nathraq
After reading through all the posts, I came to one conclusion.

It doesn't matter a person believes in. If it works for them and makes them a better person, then so be it.

If belief in the Energizer Bunny as "god" makes someone a better person, leave 'em alone. As long as they do not attempt to shove their beliefs down anyone else's throat, then who care's?

Majestica, we can debate religion till the end of time, or the arrival of the messiah, whichever comes first, with no result. But you go girl, stick with what you believe in.
But on the other hand, don't try to force your beliefs on someone else. You probably won't get the desired results.

One problem. Who is to judge if the person is all of a sudden a BETTER person or WORSE? To me, anyone who ever believes anything, becomes a "worse" person. No exceptions! Let me elaborate. Worse, not in terms of good or bad. Worse in the sense of ignorance. They are now more ignorant than before. The more you believe, the less you know, and vice versa.

Also, about this whole Satan vs God thing and that in the end there's only light and dark. Light and Dark are really confusing terms. I'd say in the end there's only "Service to Self" and "Service to Others". NEITHER ONE is GOOD or EVIL, and NEITHER is WRONG or RIGHT. Just different decisions. But there is a difference. Although when you reach the level of Oneness with everything (if ever), then that also disappears. There is no longer self and others. But until THAT MOMENT that your perception is totally one with everything that exists, you have a choice between service to self and service to others. All and every decision you make reflects that ideology. Think carefully about your choices and see which one they fall under and why. Belief is service to self. Especially religious belief. It is "nice" to believe there's a benevolent God that will fill you with love and light, it serves you. It is a self-delusion that makes you FEEL GOOD, so you choose this belief over a POSSIBLE reality of a total NON existance of such a God. It just feels good thinking you're going to Heaven if you do certain things. It feels bad and you get scared if you let Hell go to your head also. So all this is service to Self. Service to others is only striving for objective, unadultered, unbiased TRUTH in everything. Knowledge, pure knowledge. Not "knowledge substitute" aka belief. Think about it.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:08 PM
"One problem. Who is to judge if the person is all of a sudden a BETTER person or WORSE? To me, anyone who ever believes anything, becomes a "worse" person. No exceptions! Let me elaborate. Worse, not in terms of good or bad. Worse in the sense of ignorance. They are now more ignorant than before. The more you believe, the less you know, and vice versa. "

Oh, because you are right, and everyone else is wrong, correct? How can you say the more you believe the less you know when you've never believed? Faith, it takes faith, forget everything else and open up your heart to God. I dont expect you to, but I'm just trying to make you understand my point of view.

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