posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 07:13 PM
I came across this discussion concerning an archaeological dig in the 1960s by some very reputable scientists. They found a hoard of mineralized
animal bones that showed signs of butchering as well as primitive art objects and hand tools. This dig was well photographed and documented, but the
dating technology showed that the finds were over 200,000 years old! Current archaeological theories state that Homo Sapiens originated in Africa
about 70,000 years ago and the earliest possible dates for American habitation are about 30,000 years ago from remains found in South America. Since
this find could not be fit into the theories of the 1960s, it was suppressed and some of the evidence destroyed. The dig has now resumed, but there
is no explanation for the 200,000 year old date...I was thinking of several explanations:
1. The dates are wrong somehow and the true date has just not yet been determined (low likelihood).
2. pre-human ancestors somehow floated across the pacific in boats 200,000 years ago and survived for a time, only to go extinct.
3. pre-human ancestors crossed the land bridge over 200,000 years ago and migrated along the coast to modern day Mexico, but went extinct
4. A pre-human species lived there and made the tools (H. Erectus, etc); maybe they got there as a transplant by ETs but died out?
5. Homo Sapiens is a lot older than DNA analysis suggests...
Here is the link:
[edit on 17-6-2007 by j_kalin]
[edit on 17-6-2007 by j_kalin]