posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 12:44 AM
I know a thing or two about paintings, to me it does not fit the description of a masterpiece or nice painting in general, nor painted by someone
famous. There are thousands upon thousands of painting with similar religious themes sitting in art gallery's across the world in the basement. That
being said, if it were and important the "art experts" would have said something or asked you to send it in by now(no pun intended if you really are
reading the forums).
Enough babbling, I think your aunt was dealing with a scam. It is common for people to paint better paintings over old canvas to make it look old &
similar to famous artists(try make more money. They then cross their fingers and hope someone buys it without the buyers checking if its authentic(im
sure your aunt knows this if she is a art dealer, she must see you have a lot of interest and dosen't want to disappont you). She probably turned and
walked away because she thought she was caught with forgery. You got a better chance of winning the lottery then that painting being an important
piece, and if it is there is no way to prove it is as there is no record of a painting being important like this missing if you looked at the
I would just keep the painting for pleasure, the mystery for a story to tell your kids, grandkids or put in auction and hope someone who will
appreciate it buys it. Who knows maybe in the future they will be able to tell you its a Ruban based on the brush strokes(they can already do this
its just a long wait and lots of money and this painting would not be considered a candidate at this current time).
Good luck