posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 12:30 AM
Today we go back in time to when Bill Clinton was our president and how he ascaped the firing sqaud for treason. He and others in the background can
up with. His messing around on poor old Hillary his partner in life. The media game was perfect.
Most have forgotten what I'm talking about. It has turn into the nightmare we have to deal with today. Well at least one of them, the
"Chinese Bombs" and him selling the information on how to get them here from china. Before he did that they just went up and came back down. He
stepped them up to our level of knowledge in this area,they were at least 50Yrs. behind us.
Almost immedately the media covered it up with poor old Hillary. Can you believe what Bill did that to poor old women? It's time we stop
and think do these people in Washington really have our best interest's in their heart? All I see when I look is money hunger men and women there
filling their pockets,No matter what the cost to the American people. To be honest I don't have anyone in mind for president as of yet but I know
it's not Hillary. This has been your friend in this battle against the machine. General T.