posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 07:07 PM
This thread isn't about the wonderful aroma of your mothers cooking. It's about cooking when your out in the wilderness and maybe running for your
life. It's about getting food and being able to cook it when you have none.
First recipe is a simple one. Cooking a fish.
You made it to the water and got your fishing gear out of your BoB, after digging up some bait you finally land a nice little bass. Now you have to
cook it.
Here is a quick and simple method. Gut the fish. Make a mud cake, stick the fish on it, make another mud cake and slap it on top so you have a fish
buried in a mudcake sandwich. Throw it in your little fire. When the mud is dry the fish is done. Break the mud along the seams and it will open with
fish on one side, fish on the other side, ready to eat.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Now I have a question, How long do condiments last? Every time I order something at a fast food joint I end up with left over ketchup or mayo or
something. If I throw some in my BoB, how long will I be able to safely use them before they make me sick?
Also, Do you have a quick and easy recipe for a survival situation?