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Flight 77 FDR info from NTSB FOIA

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posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 12:44 AM
I feel out of place here, but if you dont mind me asking where do you send in the request for this info, and is it free?


posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by racerzeke
I feel out of place here, but if you dont mind me asking where do you send in the request for this info, and is it free?

ntsb foia page

I can't reccommend inundating them, but I can't stop the flood either. It's free and, presuming I'm on a real track here, as the others seem to be, it's remarkably fast. Tho sometimes spotty on full delivery.

As John Farmer found out, they do not answer questions (especially "why" ones). They will give you documents and files they have, but it helps if you know what you want. As far as I know all of it is out there on the internet already - I'm only getting mine for verification and due to specific and public doubts I've aired.

They have data for Flights 77 and 93 from the black boxes, There are apparently animations made for both. But not from 11 or 175 - no black boxes recovered officially. So no FDR data or animation or CSV files. If you just ask for "any and all" they think you're a dumbass and might be slow or surly. I dunno.

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
@Ultima: give MS Movie Maker a shot - it can compress video.

Regarding comparing files - just MD5 hash them. It should be reliable enough that if both files are genuine, the same data, and unaltered, they will have the same MD5 hash. It will save you the hassel of reading and comparing every line manually. If they are different, then you've no choice but to read them manually.

I hope Ultima knows what that means because I don't. MD5? Might be useful when I get mine
I'd love to see Ultima's animation, but if it's not diferent in any way, then no rush. I'm more curious about files on the CDR and how those line up with what we've seen.

@CL: Hope you get the CDs/DVDs soon! I'm really looking forward to hearing what you've got.

I'm not sure if I'll need to write a letter and send it, but e-mail might do, since they already agreed to send. I just need to say hey, send em! Maybe even on the phone. It wasn't just they forgt the dics - they used the wrong envelope, addressed and posted it, - the whole process was done wrong. This is an odd oversight - it almost seems they want me to write. But then I read too much into things...

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 06:52 PM
I can't see what they'd gain by you writing again. If its your address they want - they've already got it.

I can't think of why they'd put the letter in a completely unsuitable envelope, state "Encs" and then not send the discs. I'm guessing this was maybe an error in the mail room, but doesn't make much sense.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 11:15 PM
I am now awaiting my FOIA request from the FBI.

I might be wrong but i thought their was a report of the black boxes being found at the WTC by firemen. I will have to see if i can track that down.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 02:19 AM
MoD: Yup. It's odd, and I'm not sure whether it's good or bad that the oddity is hovering over me. I don't even want to talk about it anymore until I get some kind of closure or at least more clues. In the spirit of sharing everything tho here's the envelope:

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
I am now awaiting my FOIA request from the FBI.

I might be wrong but i thought their was a report of the black boxes being found at the WTC by firemen. I will have to see if i can track that down.

Good luck with the FBI - the NTSB sez they're the people to ask, but just watch the FBI say the same thing about the NTSB. Re NY Black boxes: try this link @ 911research.
Officialy no such FDRs survived. But go ahead and ask - maybe they'll slip and send you something that shouldn't exist!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Good luck with the FBI - the NTSB sez they're the people to ask, but just watch the FBI say the same thing about the NTSB. Re NY Black boxes: try this link

Well the FBI was the lead investigating agency, so they should have everything i asked for, now weither i get it is a different story.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 09:25 AM
I'm definitly paying attention here. Keep us posted on the developements, thanks!!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 05:22 PM

MoD: Yup. It's odd, and I'm not sure whether it's good or bad that the oddity is hovering over me. I don't even want to talk about it anymore until I get some kind of closure or at least more clues. In the spirit of sharing everything tho here's the envelope:

Don't get paranoid.
If they were trying to hide something, then they wouldn't have sent them out to the others, either.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 01:59 AM
I did another FBI and a NSA FOIA request.

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