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Debunk This Video

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posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
With respect, i think you should be careful in your assumptions, unless of course you can back your allegations up with evidence, but as of yet, i have seen absolutely no evidence to suggest " The Government" did it, i very much dispute that, and it is a dangerous accusation to make.

Correct me if i am wrong.

The government didnt do 9/11, but the ytook money, went with the plan and let it happen i bet. They the few high level insiders able to do such manipulation that is.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by mastermind77

Originally posted by Fowl Play
With respect, i think you should be careful in your assumptions, unless of course you can back your allegations up with evidence, but as of yet, i have seen absolutely no evidence to suggest " The Government" did it, i very much dispute that, and it is a dangerous accusation to make.

Correct me if i am wrong.

The government didnt do 9/11, but the ytook money, went with the plan and let it happen i bet. They the few high level insiders able to do such manipulation that is.

Allow me to translate that for you guys.

"The government didn't do 9/11. But, they took money, went with the plan and let it happen I bet. They, being the few high level insiders able to do such manipulation that is.

sorry for editing haha I just didn't get what you were saying at first. Funny how a misplaced "y" and such can muddle a point.

Anyhow, thanks for posting this thread OP. The video is very informative (if not very viewer friendly) and remains undebunked. I will keep my eye out and provide the necessary bumps from time to time. I, like you, would love to see the debunkers jump on this video.


posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 09:53 AM
Haven't watched it yet, but i will.
Heres a better quality version, which is more easily saveable and in divx format.

Who Killed John Oneil

[edit on 23-8-2007 by T0by]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:08 AM
Well still no debunkers have come forward, no surprises there.

One of the last things mentioned in the Film was the War on Terror being equated to a protection racket, that really didn't make alot of sense to me until I read this little piece in the news today...

Source (CNN)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Banana producer Chiquita will pay a $25 million fine and serve five years' probation for once paying millions of dollars to groups in Colombia considered by the U.S. to be terrorist organizations, a Department of Justice spokesman said Tuesday.
In so doing, the banana producer avoided prosecution for the company's now-defunct payoff of Colombian terrorists protecting its most profitable banana-growing operation...

Federal prosecutors accused the Cincinnati-based company of paying more than $1.7 million to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, a right-wing paramilitary group, in two parts of Colombia where the company grew bananas.

The payments to the group, known as the AUC, went through the company's Colombian subsidiary, Banadex, from 1997 to 2004, according to court documents filed in the case.

Court papers also say Chiquita paid Colombia's two leftist guerrilla groups, the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and ELN (National Liberation Army) from about 1989 to 1997. At the time, according to court documents, those groups controlled areas where the company grew bananas.

The AUC, FARC and ELN are all combatants in Colombia's decade-long civil war, and all have been designated as terrorist organizations by the United States.

One example of many companies and nations that will more than likely end up paying money to avoid prosecution for their associations with groups 'considered' to be 'terrorist' organizations. Considering the loose definitions of that term in our recent security related legislations, this could be a major threat to just about any international company they feel like going after.

[edit on 21-10-2007 by Jbird]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 02:55 PM
Over three months and not a single solitary effort to debunk this piece, all the while, in so many other threads they scream for some proof of our assertions of foul play in this war on terror.

Holy Land terror trial winds down
In closing arguments, lawyers for the U.S. and for an Islamic charity offer up evidence that the other side has been deceptive.
By Greg Krikorian, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 18, 2007
DALLAS -- -- Federal prosecutors mounted their final courtroom assault on former officials of a defunct Islamic charity on Monday, arguing that the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development funneled millions of dollars to support terrorists in the guise of helping needy Palestinian families....
Defense attorney Nancy Hollander attacked that argument, complaining about inaccurate FBI translations and questioning the testimony of Israeli secret agents. She accused the government of using faulty evidence, biased witnesses and playing on the public's fear of terrorism.

"Who's being deceptive here?" she said, referring to the government. ...

Is there any doubt who this war on terror protection racket is really benefiting?

including an Israeli intelligence official, who testified anonymously

Sending aid to starving families in Pallestine is unacceptable to Israel apparently, blocking food and medicene, daily raids and airstrikes, and with them cutting power to Gaza, bombing Lebanon and Syria all the while beating the war drums for an Iranian Invasion, isnt' it time Israel answered to their own terrorism?
Also interesting to note,

none of the zakat committees cited in the indictment had ever been designated by U.S. authorities as a front for Hamas.

Can you say Ex Post Facto?

[edit on 21-10-2007 by Jbird]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 05:13 PM
Maybe there are no debunkers because they're all speechless. What can be said after that film?

Kinda funny, I was just talking to a neighbor last night about this topic. I summed up my knowledge for him and it was kinda like an abbreviated or kindergarten ( meaning not as detailed ) version of that film. I probably sounded a little obsessed, too!

Oh, wait, I am a little obsessed on this subject!

Now its time for me to go tell everyone I know to watch Who Killed John O'Neil!!

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 01:18 PM
Over four months have passed now, and still this thread remains unchallenged. Every now and then it dwindles down to the bottom of my subscribed threads list and I have to dust it off and bump it up, but I really would like to see someone at least give it a shot.
I don't know anything about embedding videos into a post, can somebody more savvy do that with this video or would it be too large to put here?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 11:50 AM
syrinx high priest, 4thDoctorWhoFan, Soloist, cw034, and Snoopy...
This bumps' for you.
I've been literally begging for almost half a year for somebody to debunk this video, since you guys are so knowledgeable on some of the other threads in regards to 9-11, I thought that this might be an easy job for skeptics of your caliber.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:00 PM
This thread was created before I joined ATS, so thanks for bringing it to my attention by bumping it.
Ill have a look at this video, even though I already know 9/11 was a inside job.

Here is my own favorite documentary: 9/11 Coincidences.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 06:22 PM
Wow this guy talks about A LOT of crazy conspiracy ties that require A LOT of research! Really amazing video, I like how he is debating himself throughout the film.

He brings up SO many points!! I don't know where to start! I'm gonna have to watch this again.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
I don't know anything about embedding videos into a post, can somebody more savvy do that with this video or would it be too large to put here?

I can't edit it back into page 1 (only staff can do that), but I can add it here.

Google Video Link

If ADVISOR, UM_Gazz, dbates, FredT, kinglizard, Gools, Umbra, chissler, niteboy82, spacedoubt, benevolent tyrant, or Jbird sees this, feel free to edit it into the origional post and delete mine.

[edit on 10/29/07 by redmage]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by twitchy

I have posted this link in a couple of threads on your behalf as well twitchy, in hopes that someone would take up the challenge. Hope you don't mind. Not surprisingly, none have arrived. Could be this actually takes work to tackle. Maybe I'll add it to the 1 piece of evidence thread.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:01 PM
[WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Banana producer Chiquita will pay a $25 million fine and serve five years' probation for once paying millions of dollars to groups in Colombia considered by the U.S. to be terrorist organizations, a Department of Justice spokesman said Tuesday.] ...........find it interesting that the so called 'terrorist' groups only ripped Chiquita off for a couple of million while the 'state' took them to the cleaners
...question: who are the biggest crooks?....sorry can't watch all video (file size)....but the more u dig, the more dirt u find.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:11 PM
Hi twitchy,
I just came across this thread. I will try to watch this video this weekend and get back to you.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:35 PM
I just read this today also. I will try to watch it within the next couple of days and see what I can come up with.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 09:31 PM
okay, i'll bedunk it.

the government and the media didn't tell us all the radically criminal, treasonous information in the film, and therefore, the film must be wrong.

if there WERE such a thing as "Kroll", it would have been bought by a competitor by now, and had all records and information folded into the new companies database. except for the parts this FIX-IONAL CON-PANY decided to delete from reality.

clearly a case of empirical reality not existing, because it disagrees with media-generated reality.

you can't disprove a negative.

everything has disappeared.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Dude, did you even watch the entire movie or are you just trying to be infantile and dismiss the entire work out of hand? If you had bothered to do any research before posting you would have realized that Kroll was indeed a real company and have indeed since been merged with another one. This news is actually covered in the text at the end of the video.

If what you are saying is that none of this is provable because the single company no longer exists then you are mistaken. There was a vast chain and network, as evinced by the wall chart made in the video, so there will always be a trail no matter how many times they appear to slink away into the night.

In any case wouldn't a complete lack of information and evidence as indicate that something was not right? So far the actions of the US Government and other countries leaders make a lot more sense when you factor in some of the statements made here. Do you honestly think we went into Vietnam to save them from communism? Of course you don't and many history books will back you up. How is this current plot any different from the one they have been pursuing for decades?

[edit on 14-11-2007 by Scalamander]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Scalamander
Dude, did you even watch the entire movie or are you just trying to be infantile and dismiss the entire work out of hand? If you had bothered to do any research before posting you would have realized that Kroll was indeed a real company and have indeed since been merged with another one.

oh. duhhhh.

i forgot my [sarcasm]cynical sarcastic content[/sarcasm] tags.



posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 09:00 PM
I just found out about Kroll one night ago. They seem to be at the core of many bad things this world seems to know..
Yet they are the defenders and protectors??
Seems a bit odd they are at the fore front on the war on terror, drugs, and active risks.

These guys have their dirty little hands in everything!! They are huge! and very much to powerful to stop..

Now that I have learned of many of the masterminds that run our governments and run the show from behind closed doors..

Kroll inspires fear into my heart and soul.. I dont see how anyone could stop this massive Drug Cartel? They are the real bad guys.. Yet they are the good guys too.. WTF?

Im just to a point where I have reached the end of the line here..
I dont think I can go on much futher.. Now that I know in my own mind who is who, and what is what.. Im getting a clear picture now of what is going on..
Its all blame those who know someone that know someone else..

WE are all to blame here then.. What the heck does one do>?

Live your life.. And enjoy the time you have here as a slave..
Yep. we are slaves, but I guess it could be worse..
Or atleast its going to get worse if anyone messes with these guys agenda.

Doesnt seem like the kind of group, we the people could defeat..
I mean honestly.. People do not stick together on these things..

The only way to end this is to stick together.. And how many of you can honestly say we have that heart, and that drive to go all the way??


posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:25 PM
it's cracy if you think about it, som people in gov. that we trust actuallt knows what going on. can you believe that?

they love the feeling of control of people and the money the earn from it.

we are a virus, a virus that becomes evil when it's infected with manipulation and war, and it makes us not trust eatchother, the organisation who manage to do this is in the same organisation we votes for..

if we can not change the leaders. they can do whatever they want to change you, and that is really dangerous. We need to se results, but right now we don't even se anything.

We need CIA, but not in the way they have turn the world today.
some big pig must release some truth or the american history will forever be marked with mass murder.

the truth must be free...

ITS SCARY that we are the aliens, we are not so bright always,
and the people in the goverment knows this, they are not making the best decission for the people, there is to mutch evil behind there decissions, the dont respect other aliens life... murdering and blood, and warmachines and bankings money, its a schame...

we must use our brains to work togeater against these pigs in the goverment and all units like CIA and other must adjust themself to us.

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