posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:20 AM
The problem as I see it is that its very easy to stand up and start screaming about conspiracy theories, and "I did this and I did that and I saw
this and I saw that" then just sit back and say nothing.
The conspiracy theorists, nutters, and people who, whenever they see a fence around something start screaming secret base, will then start supporting
the original conspiracy theorists without requiring any evidence or proof at all.
Then the water gets even more muddied when, as in King's case, someone comes along and makes some videos of the wild claims. This actually does
nothing other than make the original claim seem even more truthfull, when in actual fact no evidence, proof or even hints of any real existance of
such a base has ever been presented.
The situation with Peasemore is IMHO, the same as Dulce. People saying, "I know someone who..." or "My friend says......." There are even people
saying they have seen air vents at Dulce and have pics, but they havent appeared yet. The situation is made even worse when one of the scam masters
(my words) like John Lear legitimises the whole thing with his Dulce Papers.
Look carefully at the Dulce Papers, then look at Barry King's stuff, its the same, the only thing missing is the supposed 'Gun Battle'.
Loads of rumours, lots of hearsay but for both Dulce and Peasemore, not one scrap of verifiable evidence.
RW was attempting to speak with King, not his followers, not his friends but to hear from the horses mouth some scrap of verifiable evidence which I
would be interested in too.
Then along comes Alienhunter on his white horse saying HE KNOWS Peasemore exists, but sadly with no proof (whats new?) and with no other agenda than
to attack RW. Yep he posed a lot of questions in a very high handed way but all of his posts, to me, seemed to be nothing more than direct attacks on
RW's questions to Barry King. He seemed to even suggest that RW had no right to even ask questions.
His first post was, in part reasonable, but his second post was nothing more than an outright attack on RW along with insults.
RW had at least contributed to this forum by debunking James Casbolts ravings yet Alienhunter comes here with a huge list of question without
identifying himself or without contributing anything and he wonders why RW is defensive ?
It seems anyone is free to make the most outrageous and incredible claims about underground bases along with god only knows what types of Alien
inhabitants, yet if someone stands up and dares to question those claims they are attacked and ridiculed by all the sheeple and hangers on.
One curious thing. James Casbolt has a video on his site where he and his friend go to Peasemore looking for the base. Why didnt his mate Barry King
tell him where it was?, after all King's always talking about how many times he meets James Casbolt and how he has " a big pile of stuff for him".
Then again if, as I suspect the whole thing is a scam, he couldnt tell him anything could he?