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would this be possible?

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:43 AM
Hey, the only one i know of is Phill Schneider, but his death remains a smoking gun.
He's pretty much the one that came out with the dulce story and had lectures about the joint alien base. he was an engineer at the dulce site, an was even shot by an alien.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:40 AM
So he knew where the base was and was willing to expose the truth to all of us.

Too bad that, during his lectures, he didnt point us the coordinates of that Dulce Base...

how about this:

he was delusional for some reason. He wanted people to pay attention to him (like ti is the case I believe with most of the so called "contactees" or guys who had supposedly "top stellar, ultra spacial & cosmic clearance" with governmental agencies)

And before being exposed: he committed suicide?

yes: this could be true. and maybe that there is no conspiracy here...

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:56 AM
Hey, i know about phill and yeah there sure is a smoking gun there.
some things we will never get to know. To stick with the subject i think the government does more of these assasinations.
and Dulce is linked to area51 and some other dumbs, could easily be that the dulce personell enters through area51 and takes the sub to dulce, i mean...theres a theory.

The thing that keeps me busy the most would be if the blackops have an secret agenda...i wonder what they're hiding in those DUMBS and whats going on at the moon, would that be the work from the blackops too?

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:28 AM
well, I would be the "government" (or more likely: some important folk within a governmental organization that deals with UFO related topics: likely a division of the Air Force)

- guys from I dont know where come to visit us
- we dont know what they want
- we dont have a clue what their history/background is
- they do things we didnt even think possible

what would I do?

- start telling with the truth
- then deny it (because to hide the truth it's better not to hide it)
- let the imagination of people wander
- use UFO sightings as a cover up for military projects (so convenient)

now according to real UFOs:
- I shoot them down if I can
- I try to understand what the hell they are trying to achieve
- I reverse engineer everything I can because it gives me a competitive advantage on my "partners"
- who knows what can happen if the so called Aliens turn up and try to kill us all: i need to be prepared.

I say nothing otherwise than means that I have no control on the situation... and I try to catch up with a civilization that may just be a few centuries more advanced than we are (and then R&D well coordinated and financed can do miracles)

my view:
no matter how many Aliens races there might be out there and how many would actually be visiting us: if they wanted to kill us they would have done so quite a while ago
Just remember how easy it was for the conquistadores to "terminate" the South American civilizations in the 15/16th centuries just using the Flu imported from Spain + a few guns and military discipline

More advanced civilizations are more likely to have powerful weapons. moreover biological weapons are the most efficient weapons: you use a virus to which you are immune but not your opponent. low cost, maximum efficiency.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:08 PM
I would love to go to area 51 one day because I need to hide something important there one day, I bought a 1966 military map of area 51 on ebay along with a 24 karat gold swiss made hat pin serial number 0536, by a company called riotex, and the postal code of area 51 which I wont write here. My idea is to throw what I need to hide. over the fence at a particular location on my map. Look at my avatar, its important and proof Im a first contact witness. Anyways, happy I found this thread, its going to help me. For the MIB, do some research on who my grandfather was.

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