posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:14 PM
Yo any information would be cool, as I don't really know if it's typical or not. I just got a call from who I'm assuming was a Marine Core
recruiter. They were cool and everything seemed nice and were talking about joing the ROTC and the benefits of the military and what not. Is this
normal? Do they typically call you and ask you personal stuff like how are your grades, do you like sports, etc? I was getting bored with it so I
decided to just say I was going to eat dinner, and when I said that he sounded a little taken aback like I had insulted him. He was like, "Oh, well I
had a few more questions to ask you but I see I've taken enough of your time. Thanks." Click. Is all that typical?
Also, since I was curious as to who it was I dialed *69 to figure out the number, and when I called back it just rings for minute after minute. It's
unlisted on any site I can use to reverse phone search, so does anyone know any more thorough ways besides paying?
[edit on 14-6-2007 by Axe0312]