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The Land of the Obese?

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posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 01:28 PM
Yeah, I know,
The only exercise I can do at the moment is walking - but hopefully my back will be better enough to do some more strenuous exercise.

Diet is really important too, as you said.

I hardly eat any processed food, sugar or fat.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 01:54 PM
My problem started at around 6 yrs of age. I just can't figure it out because when I was 5 my mother couldn't get me to even take time out to eat. I had no interest whatsoever in food.

That's why I know food is a drug. I actually lost it all at the age of 22 and got engaged to a girl that would have easily been a Playboy model. Suffice it to say that was literally the very best time of my life. We were engaged for about a year and then things fell apart. It took about 3 years just to beak up and another 5 for me to get over her. There is nothing in this world like making love to someone you really love. There is a definite difference between having sex and making love.

Anyway, I have this theory that I gained back the weight to insulate myself so I wouldn't be hurt again. It took allot of weight too before women stopped being attracted to me. I think it was a subconscious thing, gaining the weight I mean.

Once you get to a certain point the food is a drug and hunger no longer rules. I sometimes think back to when I was 5 and in shape....LOL!

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by jbondo

Anyway, I have this theory that I gained back the weight to insulate myself so I wouldn't be hurt again. It took allot of weight too before women stopped being attracted to me. I think it was a subconscious thing, gaining the weight I mean.

I don't mean to belittle your pain, but this is a story I've heard before, in various forms - it's a kind of defense mechanism to stop from getting hurt.

My defense mechanism was to be so nasty and bad to them as to drive them away - after being hurt I didn't want to get close, but I still wanted the sex - even though it was just sex, not making love

Thankfully, I know better now and am in a loving relationship - although I do still hold back that last little piece of myself.

I appreciate and empathise with your pain
Been there, got the t-shirt, the sweatshirt, written the book and sold the movie rights

[edit on 29/6/2007 by budski]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by budski
Thankfully, I know better now and am in a loving relationship - although I do still hold back that last little piece of myself.
[edit on 29/6/2007 by budski]

The sad part is that I have held back too. It's a terrible situation to not feel that kind of love again just out of protection. However, it's a fact that many of us deal with.

I was with my ex for 6 years (we broke up in 2004) and even though I loved her it just never got deep enough to cause me any distress and in fact when we did break up I really had little little to no heartbreak.

I also went thru a period of extreme dislike for women right after the love of my life. I would get phone numbers and never call or take a woman on a date and abandon her for another. It didn't take long for me to snap out of that as I just couldn't be that kind of person. There are givers and takers and I have always been a giver. Although I'm a very life educated giver now.

The thing that gets me is there were a few women and I mean women that any sane man would love to have that wanted to be with me in the worst way but i was so messed up over that one that I just couldn't feel anything for any of them. Honestly I would take any one of them right this minute if i could do it all over again.

So, when I haven't been struggling with a weight problem, I've had women problems to fill in the gaps.

I wish you could let go my friend and allow yourself to go back over the love line.

OK, I'm getting a little sappy here....SO! How bout sports!!! Anybody been hunting recently? Uhhh, yea....well then.....

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 09:22 AM

All part of the growing process I suppose.

I no longer rule out stuff, because I know that things can change in an instant.

My current G/F is pretty happy with the way things are, and I'm not a naturally cold person, so even with my emotional disability we get along well

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:35 AM
It's a fallacy that obesity is only endemic in Western countries.
I have visited India and The Middle East and saw quite a few obese people especially women.
Another obese nation is Russia as well as Pacific Islanders who are very large yet have a natural diet of fish coconuts and local produce.
I think we should look beyond the western obesity brainwashing that seems to be going on and ask instead....Why is obesity on the increase EVERYWHERE????

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Flighty
It's a fallacy that obesity is only endemic in Western countries.
I have visited India and The Middle East and saw quite a few obese people especially women.
Another obese nation is Russia as well as Pacific Islanders who are very large yet have a natural diet of fish coconuts and local produce.
I think we should look beyond the western obesity brainwashing that seems to be going on and ask instead....Why is obesity on the increase EVERYWHERE????

I don't think anyone suggested that It's merely a western problem.
In the OP I picked UK and US as examples, because that's where most people on ATS are from, and so this could lead to a better discussion as examples are easier to relate to.

Your assertion that pacific islanders have a diet of fish, coconuts and local produce turns out to be considerably wide of the mark.

We've already discussed Tonga during this thread - if you have a read of this, you might be surprised what the average pacific diet consists of.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 04:10 PM
Yea, I think we talked quite a bit about pacific islanders.

Another example of someone needing to RMPL.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 03:55 AM
Sorry guys. I did scan a lot posts but obvioulsy missed those ones. Apologies.

I guess I'm just getting jaded about all the talk of western obesity like it doesn't happen in other places. so that will teach me to read every post before jumping in.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
Sorry guys. I did scan a lot posts but obvioulsy missed those ones. Apologies.

I guess I'm just getting jaded about all the talk of western obesity like it doesn't happen in other places. so that will teach me to read every post before jumping in.

No aopologies needed.

I think that because western obesity is in the media more, it stick in peoples memories more.

I think there's a post from WHO about world obesity levels - I know I've looked at the info on WHO site.

It makes for interesting reading!

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 08:03 PM
nasa dosnt report what the first thing its astronaughts want the min. they hit the ground after a six mo. stay at the space know why! would be an endorsement too the fast food joint that they were jonesing for a half year...but truth be told these chimps dream of that food in outer salt and sugar are a drug to be reckoned with...if food is a sin then damm the torpidios..or corperate monsanto roundup ready corn in my dorittos is...well quite un-natural....but it tasts so good with ranch mono-sodium glutamate that i just cant stop things a $ choice down here...whats in your wallet as the capital one commercial gose's...youd have to be one rich hippy screw to maintian any kind of blance in this corp. food kulture...your food is poison..git used to it and if diabeates and obesity is a by product...good luck sueing the stock holders of thoses companays....youll be in the same boat as those golabal warming nut case's..thank you grover for your input...and a shout out to cannibal god 70...fat people DONT ride bikes..fat people sweat sitting still...but dont despair...sell your car and ride a bike as your soul transportation and whacth 20 lbs drip off your i wasnt looking for but it just happened...its all about a life style change...and thats not gonna happen with most of the people iv heard on this thread.......

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by wittleryouth
blah, blah, blah

Well, that's a very interesting perspective.
However, it's not one I feel I can agree with.

Still, thanks for your input

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 11:17 PM
I can certainly see why that poster has negative 400 in points.

As long as we're handing out advice maybe he could learn to speak English followed by a class in spelling and grammar. Then once he gets past the third grade level of education he could come back and post again.

We could then re-evaluate his infinitely compelling wisdom, although I doubt it would qualify as a contribution even then.

Bud, isn't it amazing? So many people out there in glass houses throwing stones.... The trick is never look directly into the mirror.

Must be quite blissful to go thru life with a sub 80 IQ.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 06:45 AM
It's pretty hard to read the whole post as it doesn't make much sense.

The only thing I can make out is that it seems to contain a number of provocative statements aimed at a number of groups - still, if no one bothers to read the pseudo "stream of consciousness" tirade because it makes no sense, it kind of backfired.

I'd also question the name of the poster - another deliberately provocative statement.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 08:20 AM
Good posts, guys.

If I had to list the causes of obesity here's what I'd say.

1. advent of refined sugar;
2. abundance of salt;
3. habit of watching tv while eating;
4. over abundance and variety of food;
5. prevalence of fast food restaurants;
6. food additives that cause hunger, often designed to do so;
7. decline of outdoor activities - the internet;
8. incorrect USDA food pyramid (invert it!);
9. change in usual food type due to population migration;
10. hidden calories (in soft drinks for example);
11. promotion of 'low fat' (in food that's filled with sugar);
12. lack of understanding of what really makes one fat (insulin);
13. lack of understanding on how to count calories (use Fitday) and poor estimate of calorie consumption.
14. lack of portion control (similar to #13).
15. eating too quickly, not paying attention (similar to #3)

One solution is to:
a. eat 0.8 - 1.2 g/lb of protein per day. (200lb person should get 200gms of protein), and 8 calories/lb total consumption (200lb person should eat 1600 calories/day). Those doing physical labor can up this number 10%
b. try to expend 1-2 times the amount of calories eaten in physical exercise. (80min/day of aerobics, or two 40 min bouts).This will bring one's weight down to normal BMI.

As an experiment, try to estimate a 2 oz portion of meat. Then get a dietary or kitchen scale and weigh it and see how close you are. You will probably be off by a factor of two.

When people talk about 'weighing their food', they aren't being obsessive compulsive. They're just aware that it's not easy estimating the portion size.

Good luck!

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Badge01
Good posts, guys.

8. incorrect USDA food pyramid (invert it!);

Thanks for your post, very informative, I just have one question.

You mention the USDA food pyramid - what is this?

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by budski

Thanks for your post, very informative, I just have one question.

You mention the USDA food pyramid - what is this?


Here's the recommended US dept of Agriculture food pyramid which, imo and others', is incorrect:

Generally the bread and pasta should be at the top, meaning use sparingly, and the oils, good fats (Omegas) and protein sources should be at the bottom (six small protein meals).

Portions should be smaller, also.

People have been lead to believe that eating 'fat' makes you fat. It does not. It's the upsurge of insulin and insulin resistance that causes one to save food calories as stored fat.

Of course just saying 'invert the pyramid' is overly simplistic.

Here are some additional links:

I should say that scientifically, diet and weight is all about 'calories in (consumed) and calories out (expended)'. Theoretically you could lose weight on a fast food diet as long as you keep calories low.

However, in practice this is difficult because fast food is designed to provoke hunger and to release insulin and it combines insulin-releasing foods (carbs) with high caloric foods (fat).

Fat alone (good fats) is not the problem. It's only bad when over-consumed along with sugar.


posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:53 AM
man...i think you mods. should start calling wittleryouth the thered ever notis how it drops dead after i put my two cents in? you need my help on pesky ats be more than happy to out stupid the stupid...or at lest give them a run for there money...p.s. spelling be dammed..this is cyber space.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by wittleryouth
man...i think you mods. should start calling wittleryouth the thered killer...

Seems the thread carried on nicely without you....

Originally posted by wittleryouth
you ever notis how it drops dead after i put my two cents in?

Probably whilst everyone tries to decipher your mysterious and badly spelled message....

Originally posted by wittleryouth you need my help on pesky ats be more than happy to out stupid the stupid...or at lest give them a run for there money

Nah, I'm pretty sure you'd win....

Originally posted by wittleryouth
...p.s. spelling be dammed..this is cyber space.

And this is ATS, where good spelling and grammar are actively encouraged.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Again, thanks for the info badge, another great post.

I was aware of the need for certain fats in the diet - fish oils etc, olive oil is a favourite of mine - but the pyramid is something I haven't seen before.

I haven't had time yet to review the links you provided, but I do plan to read them as soon as I can

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