Their is an intersting and building loss of confidence in the dollar thoughout the world. Being the world reserve currency many dollar holders are of
the belief that the CENTRAL BANKS will be inflating and devaluing the currency further to maintain a debt bubble longer.
As this beleif takes hold more people holding dollars and fiat currency's and even (stocks) are looking more and more into PHYSICAL GOLD not paper
gold stocks as a store for their wealth.
The central bankers try to sell gold to raise the supply and depress the price whenever a rally get going, and in the past they have had success but
this time the AMOUNT of pressure due to the global beleif that FIAT currency's ( their savings) will be devalued as inflation is beleived to increase
is causing investor (consumer's are always behind the curve) to FLOCK TO REAL ASSETS.
The fed does not want to see the people (masses) have alot of their (the central banksters) most valuable assets. They will not allow it to happen.
Secondly the run out of the dollar is weakening the dollar further and creating vast imbalances and strains on foreign economies since the dollar is
the world reserve currency. The only way to boost these govt's demand for dollars is to make buying Us devt ($assets) attractive through the rise of
INTREST RATES in the u.s , because this would create a higher return for foreign investment in the dollar. So the fed has a real reason to stop
people from hoarding their most valuable asset (phy. gold) due to a run on the dollar and the global turmoil it is causing.
The obvious problem is that reversing policy and raising intrest rates would cause destruction of the (debt leveraged) Financial markets , especially
in the United States. The derivatives pyramid may collapse and result in literally "millions of millionaire's" losing most of their assets and
"net worth". The "elite" would be fine but the upper class would take a serious Beat down. this would lead to those who are able to get out
holding More worthless "yet strengthening" Paper currency. because all asset values would be depressed , including commodities, like gold.
The cental banks would then bailout the big 5 banks jp morgan, goldman sachs, etc but would likely further centralize the banking system after
many more smaller banks would have their loans called in and not be able to make the reserve requirements. This would lead to a buying opportunity
of a life time throughout a broad range of asset classes to anyone lucky enough to be holding "ACTUAL dollars, or Euro, or such.
The biggest change would be in Consumer Psychology as many still equate the health of the economy w/ the stock market (which is actually disconnected)
but none the less the perception remains.
spending would dry up, unemployment would soar, and well other country's would also feel very recessionary effects. The amount of civil unrest ,
theft, and suffering would rise to unimaginable levels prompting CITIZENS to DEMAND a GOV'T SOLUTION to the PROBLEM at hand.
A stronger more powerful and authorotative gov't (possibly on a more global or regional scale could take hold) as well as perhaps the elimination of
fiat currency in exchange for a mostly credit society ( which would curtaii the motivation to shoot and rob people for their money) since you
couldn't steal someone's credit as easily, especially if it was embedded into you w/ a chip.
the amount of death and suffering that could occur during a time like that could be so high as well as also due to the fact that the amount of
"useless eaters" which put a drag on society, not to mention use up the dwindling reserves of energy (petro) that the world will have left (because
the amount of abiotic oil recovered and re-entering the supply is no match for the the amount being used and in demand (falling supply) w/ a growing
population. (this uesless eater attitude is not my thinking but most likely most opinion shapers (think tanks) and (elite's/ bankers)
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the
days of Andrew Jackson."-- U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a letter written Nov. 21, 1933 to Colonel E. Mandell House.
the central bankers own the world , they own the controlling shares of the major multi national corporations and they have the gov't in their
pocket and have for a long time
however, perhaps s the federal reserve will allow the debt bubble to continue and perhpas they will allow the run on the dollar to continue and not
raise interest rates, gold would continue to be bought and appreciate, as the fed needs to keep lending money to the gov'ts to keep the markets
functioning, the govt's would go deeper and deeper into debt and the central banks may just assume that america is unable to pay the debt back with
a dwindling economy that is hollowed out, and the fed may ask for the debt to be repaid by the gov't and the citizens, first with gold.
i'm not sure which option hyperinflation or deflation will occur but either way i would try to be aware of the situation at hand and strategy's
(options) should either one come into play.