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There is proof! There isnt proof! Does it really matter?

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posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:39 AM
People continue to argue whether global warming is man made, whether its even real or if anything bad will ever come of it and that its not going to happen so why waste money on it.

But does it really matter? One thing must be real to anyone who's gone out side in the last year, the weather is changing, we cant say for sure if its going to get worse, better or level out and stay the same but why are we even taking such a risk as considering to do nothing about it?

If we prepare for the worst and it turns out nothing bad happens, so we lost a little money, we can at least make it back. If we sit and do nothing and it turns out we were wrong we have lost more than just a few billion zeros on a computer, we've potentially lost everything.

I just saw this video today and I thought id share it:

It makes a good argument imo that preparing for global warming and being wrong far outweighs doing nothing and being wrong.

Plus being a little greener is more than just trying to prevent global warming, it cleans up the air a little, its less crap going into that ever bigger landfill, less pollution in drinking water, the list goes on. I think its worth the extra money.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Edn
People continue to argue whether global warming is man made, whether its even real or if anything bad will ever come of it and that its not going to happen so why waste money on it.

But does it really matter?

ok...your right in the 'idealistic' sense,
but in the real-world, practical sense..IT really Does Matter,

because the UN and other NGOs are ramping up schemes to dole or ration
out Carbon-Credits...
after that system is in place, only the wealthy & affluent and well connected will enjoy the standard of living that most of the free world enjoys right now.
It matters because if complete taxing authority is given to some super-agency
in charge of the Earth's environmental bio-sphere, they will regulate that all working class peoples can only use public transportation or may own a 10 hp mo-ped instead of a 4 wheel auto.

it's possible that only the wealthy could afford air travel, as they could afford to amass 'carbon credits' but a blue coller/ service industry wage slave would use their ration of carbon credits with their 1 vacation flight a year...
or else trade their allotted 'carbon credits' for the extra
byte torrent connections so they can play their cyber fantasy games
during the course of the year ( as limited power usage & reduced internet content streaming will be the future norm for a controlled growth infrastructure (in all the G-8 nations as a beginning of central planning for balancing enviromental stress factors)

all in all, the truth-or-falsehood nature of 'global-warming'
is not the issue....the ocus point is that the sheeple are being
coerced in a belief that the greater good is being served
by us voluntarily surrending to yet another layer of government
intervention into our former liberties...allowing another level of control into the course of our lives, getting taxed, levied, fee'd to death in the process.

end result-> 'Dystopia'



posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 08:04 AM
I do agree I think the government is going about it the wrong way. The whole carbon credit thing i don't get, taxing people by the mile, extra taxes on people using off road vehicles, taxing your rubbish. Its not going to solve the problem, in fact it only make things worse as people will simply dump rubbish, and people will use less greener methods for things as they have no money because its all being taxed.

That I definitely agree on, you cant rely on the government for anything these days, there in it to make them selfs some more money.

But i'm not really focusing on that, thats something we cant control unless we stand up to our government which will not happen in the foreseeable future because people (at least in the western world) just don't care, and the people who do care are to little, get generally acknowledged "were looking at it" then 4 months later ignored and cased aside as nuts.

But you control whether you put your paper in a recycling bin or dump, you control whether to walk the 15 minutes to the shops or use your car, you control whether you keep your lights on when not in the room or not. you control these little things and in the end they do help, not to mention save you a little extra money.

I have myself a big project in mind, I don't expect to get it done any time soon, im to young and don't have the money, but I hope one day to have a fully self sufficient house, not just because it helps the environment but because it saves me money in the long run, i don't need to rely on some power company to provide me with electricity or cut me off whenever they feel like it.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 08:13 AM
The worse that can happen is that we take action and end up with a less polluting society, more efficient energy use and less reliance on dodgy nations for energy supply .....

If we go about it the right way.

However, politicians are only likely to take the short view and, as mentioned, there's already signs of them introducing taxation for taxation sake - a means to raise money but which will have no impact at all on preventing climate change.

You might be interested in Ross McKitrick's taxation idea though.

Of course, in the meantime, we can all do a little bit to help reducing carbon emissions and in the process save money to boot! Just turn off electrical appliances when not needed! Still not seen a valid argument for not doing this. And if every council and public utility and private company did the same think how much money we'd all save!

Reducing carbon emissions isn't about costing money. It's about saving money. Which I guess is why no-one does it (most humans being really, really, really stupid ....

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 04:00 PM
Humanity evolved technology before their minds.

The result is none compatible technology with the nature of existence.

They tried short cuts and weren't capable of understanding how to coexist with the ecosystem of our planet.

An analogy that illustrates the courses of events that leaded us to this point.

Think of polluting industries and corporations like a person who plays guitar and learned how to play fast before learning how to play slow. The person wanted a short cut and didn't want to do the work so he tried to learn to play fast before learning to play slow and the result is when he plays fast, it doesn't sound clean nor smooth and comes out all messy and none efficient.

Now we tell the person that he didn't learn the right way and should re learn how to play the correct way but the person is in denial, doesn't want to have to re learn how to play guitar properly because of being lazy and delusional thinking that he doesn't have to learn to play the correct way.

That's basically what happened with the technology that emits pollution into our atmosphere. A quick false short cut that was not thought through and doesn't have any beneficial results.

So all this just to say that, wetter there is global warming or not doesn't really matter. It doesn't change the FACT that pollution is not natural and doesn't belong in our world. It shouldn't have to take a concept like global warming to make people realize that, pollution is a messy solution and a quick illusionary fix that will have negative results in the end.

It's time for people to acknowledge that they messed up royally by taking short cuts for greedy purposes.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by selfless
So all this just to say that, wetter there is global warming or not doesn't really matter. It doesn't change the FACT that pollution is not natural and doesn't belong in our world. It shouldn't have to take a concept like global warming to make people realize that, pollution is a messy solution and a quick illusionary fix that will have negative results in the end.

It's time for people to acknowledge that they messed up royally by taking short cuts for greedy purposes.

spot on.

Carbon Dioxide bashing is seductive because it's simple, but it's not founded in reality. i have no idea how much of a difference CO2 really makes, it's going to have some effect of course, but it's nothing compared to actual pollution and unsustainable land use or destructive dragnet fishing.

i also wonder why people are constantly focusing on fuel never on things like fertilizer, construction materials and the like. after all, it doesn't matter how you reduce energy consumption, does it? what about all these deep-frozen, processed meals?

i'm not going to repeat everything i said on the subject, so i'll link an old post:

PS: to answer this thread's question: imho, it does matter, but not all that much.

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