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911 allowed Bush to become Hitler? (video)

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posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:29 AM
This video is from a movie about Hitler. It is amazing how the film mirrors the 911 false flag operation that gave Bush the power to become Dictator of America.

[edited: title - added "?"]

[edit on 13-6-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:32 AM
Right guys, this has to stop, i am no longer gonna post in this forum till this matter cools down... I know Mods are doing the best they can, but this is getting ridiculous..
Nice one guys, you win... Is that the agenda? to destroy 9/11 truth? or corrupt ATS with BS?
either way im outta here, for the time being.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:34 AM
Ya, no problem.
Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:41 AM
When Bush leaves office at the end of his term acmeartifacts, you are going to have to explain this so called Dictator of America. You are going to have to defend yourself on this issue. Back up that Dictator of America.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
When Bush leaves office at the end of his term acmeartifacts, you are going to have to explain this so called Dictator of America. You are going to have to defend yourself on this issue. Back up that Dictator of America.

This is just me thinking out loud so don't tear me a new one. Who's to say it is for Bush? It would be too obvious if Bush W. declared emergency and became dictator. But, what if Hillary becomes the next president and a few years down the road we have an "emergency" and she becomes dictator? It wouldn't be so obvious.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Oh yes, I will prepare a formal statement to explain my self when a new president takes office and reverses every Constitution destroying act Bush put into play. I have no problem saying sorry if Bush does not follow the Hitler path of dictator.

I only wish to do one thing before that though. I want my voice to be heard now, before it is to late.
If the world had done what im doing now back when Hitler stole the German Constitution, we would have had much different world history.

It is my right as an American to question my Government, and make sure we the people have more power than they do. It is not just a right, it is a duty.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Griff

This is just me thinking out loud so don't tear me a new one. Who's to say it is for Bush? It would be too obvious if Bush W. declared emergency and became dictator. But, what if Hillary becomes the next president and a few years down the road we have an "emergency" and she becomes dictator? It wouldn't be so obvious.

Lets look at the title of this thread, "9/11 allowed Bush to become Hitler." Acmeratifacts says that this event allowed Bush to become Dictator of America.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:59 AM
wouldnt it be better to CONSIDER this as a possibility rather than be caught jaw dropped completely off gaurd if it turns out to be the truth.....imean this is ats were supposed to discuss bush said the other day something about how even if the house voted against something hed decide who worked in HIS government...those were his exact words....does that sound like we the peoples govvy?.....either way thanks for posting this video even though its just the same thing ive heard a million times

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Acmeratifacts says that this event allowed Bush to become Dictator of America.

Well, technically he is not wrong. It just hasn't happened yet. The new policies are in place. Or are you refuting that it IS possible even though it hasn't happened yet? And I agree with him that they need to put the constitution back together before I can feel comfortable.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:02 PM
Here are some further info supporting my fears.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Well, technically he is not wrong. It just hasn't happened yet. The new policies are in place. Or are you refuting that it IS possible even though it hasn't happened yet? And I agree with him that they need to put the constitution back together before I can feel comfortable.

Hasn't happened yet? OK that pretty much explains all that photoshopped of Bush being plastered Hitler like with the mustache and uniform and saluting posture since they can't get an actual picture of Bush acting like a real Hitler in attempt to protray Bush's policies that clamps down on the Constitution. For example acmeartifacts just posted a new video just now to back that up.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:34 PM
i believe the pictures are symbolic.....idonno about him being a ruthless dictator but hes infringed alot on our rights...imean really i support alot of the things our governements doing ((aside from the whole border issue i live in new mex and most of the immigrants are bringing drugs over the border and guns i would know i bought some once)) but i believe a president of ours once said "those who would trade freedom for security deserve niether"

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by justanothergangster
i believe the pictures are symbolic.....idonno about him being a ruthless dictator but hes infringed alot on our rights...imean really i support alot of the things our governements doing ((aside from the whole border issue i live in new mex and most of the immigrants are bringing drugs over the border and guns i would know i bought some once)) but i believe a president of ours once said "those who would trade freedom for security deserve niether"

O yeah quoting Ben Franklin on security and freedom. For example, I guess that means don't follow the rules of the road in the name of freedom. Why do we follow the traffic lights? Security for you and for others. We trade our freedom to follow the rules on the streets and highways in the name of safety.

People, there is no such thing as complete freedom. As long you are part of the community of laws that protects the community, you have to trade some freedom to be part of the society.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:55 PM
See the problem is perception.
Hitler did not start out as a ruthless dictator. The history books tend to point to the bad things first.
The truth is he won the hearts and minds of a great deal of his country early on.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:57 PM
theres a difference between speeding which isnt just for safety but around 65 mph you get the best gas mileage and being spied on by our own government and might i also bring up the fact that we have now made it legal to declare somone a illegal enemy combatant and hold them without due process...which is in our bill of rights that you are garunteed a fair trial...our inalieable rights is what makes our nation great not security not our military our constitution when we lose that we are just any other country

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by acmeartifacts
The truth is he won the hearts and minds of a great deal of his country early on.

It’s true. He did that because the completely trampled and demilitarized German nation was almost completely devoid of self-esteem and weapons following the Treaty of Versailles, and Hitler told them not to be so glum…they were the master race!!

The bottom line is that Bush is missing ten vital elements that Hitler had in SPADES:

1) A downtrodden nation of people desperate for esteem.

2) A militarily defenseless nation and unarmed populous.

3) A weak political system governing the nation.

4) Charisma.

5) Charisma.

6) Charisma.

7) Charisma.

8) Charisma.

9) Charisma.

10) An evil moustache.

Comparing Bush to Hitler is absurd. It is an injustice to the atrocities people suffered under Hitler and…honestly…it is a horrible overstatement of Bush’s abilities as a leader.

The only mention George W. Bush will receive after 2008 will be as the single worst president in the history of the U.S. Everybody knows this. He is a joke...almost universally despised..and that is not the type of man who is handed dictatorial power over a nation.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:26 PM
I actually find it kind of funny how people refer to some of the new policies in place and complain about "freedom being taken away" as if these new policies somehow affect your personal freedom in any way.

Unless you are a terrorist, I'm fairly certain you don't need to worry about this stuff. I can also assure you they aren't going to come after you for developing conspiracy theories either.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:36 PM
I don't see how anyone could say George Bush led the genocide of 6 million people. The Holocaust.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:44 PM
im not worried about me personally im worries about the pricipal of the matter people may and have been wrongly detained for terrorism and without a trial they cant prove there innocence maybe i shouldnt say taking away our freedoms how about destroying what our country stands for...does that sound better? it doesnt matter to me if i personally suffer from it cause i suffer from the thought that somone could throw our constitution to the side like that maybe it doesnt affect you but i stand up for what i believe to be right ide rather die in a terrorist attack and die myself then see our way of life die

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
Right guys, this has to stop, i am no longer gonna post in this forum till this matter cools down... I know Mods are doing the best they can, but this is getting ridiculous..
Nice one guys, you win... Is that the agenda? to destroy 9/11 truth? or corrupt ATS with BS?
either way im outta here, for the time being.

Thats your right Foul Play, but acmeartifacts wasn't trying to smear anything. Many things have changed since 9-11.
This information is out there you just have to find it. And its up to you on how you take this information.
Prescott Bush had past ties with Hitler. If you don't believe me look it up.

This next link has tons of stuff.

The Patriot Act was voted in October 24. 2001.
I think that funny on how fast it came out right after the 9-11 attacks..
Almost makes me think if this bill was underway before the attack.

The ATS forum is very informative and thats up to you on how you take it.

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