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Is It Just Me...

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posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 09:46 AM
I have been into the whole alien-UFO thing for about a year now I have read many documents on the internet; read many books from my library and talked to a lot of people who have seen or been involved with this whole alien thing. During this time I have come to the conclusion that I do not know what to believe anymore don't get me wrong I believe Aliens exist and they are visiting here but there are so many things from people stating things that kind of contradict with others.

For example I remember reading a document about the goverment-alien relationship that said after the roswell crash the USA put an SOS into space and the Greys came to answer and they made a deal to swap technology for the abduction of humans. Then apparently the Noridcs came down telling the goverment to stop the affiliation with the Greys because they are evil but they refused to give technology so the US goverment dismissed them. Another point is that the Greys apparently showed the US goverment a hologram and that hologram showed the death of Jesus and they claimed they sent Jesus and they are the creators of the human race. This stated it was the truth.

But I read another document that told about the grey-goverment affiliation but they said the Greys approached the goverment first for the offer of technology for human abductions. But there was nothing in here about the Jesus 'thing'. Also in this document stated world goverments are involved with the greys and I hate to think the country I love and I'm proud of would sell me and other people out for technology but thats what it stated and I cannot believe that. This document also stated to be the truth.

Also I have read about the Dulce base where the goverment-grey relationship is based they mention a fire fight and a falling out between the greys and the goverments for a few years but they are not mentioned in the other documents surely something as big as this would be mentioned but nothing. This document also stated to be the truth.

Now there is TRAINEDFORTHIS who states that every alien is in fact a fallen angel here to decieve man but that questions the point that some Aliens are here to help and help people from what I have read. He states this is true and from god.

There is also this reptile claim about all these goverment officials and celebs who are reptiles from another dimension. Surely if all these goverment officials were reptiles then why the need for a grey-goverment relationship as apparently the greys are reptiles in 'costume' and have been for 100's of years if this was the case then why do some documents say the US goverment put out an SOS surely they already had greys-reptiles in the goverment if David Ickle is correct!!. Once again another clash so to speak between *official* documents and teachings.

Then there is that time traveller John (I won't say his last name I never get it right!) who says hes from 2036 with some good evidence who says theres no aliens at all so no annoucment (TRAINEDFORTHIS).

The point I'm trying to make is these all can't be the truth it doesn't go but there are so many claiming to be the truth and I do not know what to believe or who to believe. I thought I would get this out as I have had enough of it all. (Sorry For Any Spelling Errors Or Any Other Errors

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Mikomi

The point I'm trying to make is these all can't be the truth it doesn't go but there are so many claiming to be the truth and I do not know what to believe or who to believe. I thought I would get this out as I have had enough of it all. (Sorry For Any Spelling Errors Or Any Other Errors

You've made your point extemely well Mikomi - welcome to another UK ATS board *fanatic*!!

I think we all have to make up our own minds in this, as with other decisions in Life. The debate on anomalous aerial objects has gone on for many years - depending on what evidence you include you can go back to the Bible references eg Ezekiel's wheel or the anomalous objects found in coal seams (for example) that seem to come from prehistory (by virtue of them being found in coal of course).

Whether you believe UFO's are "nuts and bolts" machines coming from "outer space" or another dimension/ time, or that they are illusory makes all the difference of course. As for *anybody* having the "total" answer as to what they are - that I doubt very much... And if they *do* I doubt they'd share it with us

The important thing (IMHO) is to keep an open mind and be aware that this Universe we live in has *many* possibilities - and surprises - left for us to discover. But that's an exciting prospect - keep searching, asking and reasoning Mikomi.

Thanx for your inciteful post!!

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 10:41 AM
There are many contradicting stories out there... best you can do is never take anything for granted, and not believe everything at face value... Put it together for yourself, and from as many sources as you can. Soon, you'll see things coelesce into a better picture of the "truth". (or at least, what you believe to be the truth).

Good luck, and remember, that unless somebody is truly personally involved in the program....they don't KNOW anything, they are simply guessing. Some are educated guesses, and others, even more educated guesses, but guesses all the same...

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 10:46 AM
Well you should read about how missinformation works. If you take a needle and throu it in a stack of needels you have a hard chance to find the one needle. So one of those stories might be true but I would say about 99% of the stuff out there is either a demention of the truth or some lonely crazy trying to take up some atention.

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 10:55 AM
Same here! I don't know what or who to believe anymore. Everytime I read an interesting article or story I think I've finally discovered the truth or at least a part of the truth. For instance I've read this fascinating story a couple of days ago called the Lacerta file.

Now this story seem reliable to me, but as allways, it could be a hoax again, so I'm going to search for part II of this file, which apparantly is not on the same address on which I've found part I.

Oh but wait; it seems almighty Google just helped me find the second part. Here's the url...

This place is so addictive!

[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Olafski]

[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Olafski]

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 11:00 AM
the simple fact is that there really is no way to verify anything we read or hear about without asking the people responsible(greys,government) and if we do (in the case of the government) all they do is lie.also dark flame is right a lot of the stuff you hear about is a lie. for example: the roswell crash.theres so much contradicting evidence that its almost impossible to get a clean version of the events.i believe mainly what ive found out from my own research because i know it (hopefully) isnt corrupted in any way.

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 11:56 AM
Excellent reads Olafski....

Can't believe I've never heard of those before...

Well, someone certainly went through an awful amount of trouble, and is either telling the truth (which I doubt), or is highly creative. (likely). Thanks for the links.

Like many such "revelations" though, the "entity" is always dissing us humans, saying that we couldn't understand this or that. I say bull#. If they were so damned intelligent, they could use relationships between what they are trying to say, and use analogies so that we could put their revelations in the proper context. I'm no physicist, but I followed the text just fine, and in fact, some of those ideas are part of my beliefs about the universe...

It was still a good read though, but I think it's simply too much to take, and has a lot of conflict with existing evidence and even logic. My hat's off to whomever came up with it though, as that took a bit of work...

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Olafski
Same here! I don't know what or who to believe anymore. Everytime I read an interesting article or story I think I've finally discovered the truth or at least a part of the truth. For instance I've read this fascinating story a couple of days ago called the Lacerta file.

Now this story seem reliable to me, but as allways, it could be a hoax again, so I'm going to search for part II of this file, which apparantly is not on the same address on which I've found part I.

Oh but wait; it seems almighty Google just helped me find the second part. Here's the url...

This place is so addictive!

[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Olafski]

[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Olafski]

Yea I have read that Lacerta interview ages ago that was another one I meant to include but I forgot about it. What I can't understand is she says she lives undergorund and they used to live above ground but they don't yet they are more technologically advanced surely they would drive us underground
And yet another person who changes human history. She also says she is reptile and lives under ground but apparently all these goverment officials are reptiles and come from a different dimension!! Its so annoying I hope I get abducted and told the truth if I do you can be guarenteed pictures and the truth!!

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 07:28 AM
Just an excerpt of part II of the Lacerta-file...

" Two further crashes occurred in 1950 and 1953 in the water catchment area of the American continent. Those ships were able to be recovered from the crashes relatively intact. (The one in 1953, as I remember, even had an intact drive core. It was by means of that device that you saw for the first time that you had understood the entire concept fully incorrectly and that you had reconstructed it fully incorrectly. Even today you still don't have it right.)"


[Edited on 8-1-2004 by Olafski]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 07:40 AM


Lizard breath!

Funny how she claims to be not so good at dates, but then gives exact years, vs. ranges of years.... Especially since these years are incorrect as far as surmised recovered crashes....(though a couple coincide)...

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Mikomi

...yet they are more technologically advanced surely they would drive us underground...

Rememer a book called the time machine by Wells? Makes you think.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 01:47 PM
about 10% are usually genuine the others are written by posers

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:28 PM
As Sherlock Holmes said, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".

Our task therefore is to weed out the lies, misinformation and errors in order to discover what is true. There is a lot of data out there, but their is only one truth.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 03:08 PM
If I was to believe one more then the other it would be the Lizard thing with the political leaders as I have seen a bit of this for myself. But I'm gonna start looking through and eliminating the ones that seem like lies. I think there could be a little bit of truth in all but they all might over do it I think that might be the most possible outcome.

[Edited on 8-1-2004 by Mikomi]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 03:51 PM
Mikomi, what you need to do is take the bits you believe and the bits that make sense and come to your own conclusion... in the end i doubt anyone will be 100% accurate in their theories but as long as you syphon out the crap and keep the sensical stuff you'll be sweet... great post by the way

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:10 PM
Mikomi, you really summed it up pretty well. What are we to believe from all of the conflicting stories? I'm 41 and have been fascinated by UFOs, aliens and paranormal phenomenon for decades. I have read thousands of pages of info and some I have a hard time believing and others make total sense to me.

If I hadn't had my weird unexplained experiences in 2002, I doubt I would have done as much research into this subject and bloodlines in search of WHO RULES us all. Who could be behind the Mind Control that IS taking place.
Note: TV and radio are powerful mind controlling devices.

Here's what I believe. An advanced race or races has been around for a long long time. The evidence of the flying craft can be found in old paintings, rock art and even in the bible with the flying chariots.
UFOs in Medieval Art!_the_eye.htm

Most likely many of us humans were genetically created as worker slaves. And this may have happened by several different advanced races globally resulting in the various human species. I believe there was a great war on Earth with atomic or nuclear weapons being used. Knowledge and technology after that was lost or suppressed.

Regarding the Lacerta Files, I have also read those and posted both parts on my Aliens Among Us Section of my website along with some of my beliefs.
I suggest to always question what you read and even ask yourself questions.

One question I ask, is HOW could we have advanced so far in merely 100 years or so. From Wright Bros to the moon in 70 years unless this technology of flight had already existed.

There's also evidence of ancient airplanes - small gold sculptures found in S America and amazing Egyptian hieroglyphs. See my Strange But True section for more info.

Where did all of this advanced computer, micro transistor, plasma TVs, DVDs and CDs come from? Did mankind all of a sudden become smarter? When I was a kid, we didn't have video games, cable or satelite TV, computers or the internet. We had 8 track tapes, vinyl LPs and 7 channels on TV.

Whether shapeshifting reptilians exist and take over certain humans from the 4th or lower dimensions is really far fetched to me, but I don't totally discount it.

I believe religions were given to us by THEM to divide us and wage wars. Do you think pedophile catholic priests fear the same god we are told to pray to?

I suggest reading The Secret Covenant and see if you can relate to its words.

Phil Schneider Lecture (fascinating info)

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:31 AM
I will have to read some of them websites tonight see what there all about then, thanks for the sites

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by Mikomi]

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 03:41 PM
Lacerta is real, but not an "original species" of this planet. It is just a cover story. They think we are dumb enough to believe that they are actually the rightful owners of this planet. They keep telling us how limited our knowlwdge is, so that we will be more easily controlled. If you tell some people how dumb they are over and over again, they will believe. The weaker ones, that is.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:35 PM
You see, we are a very old race in comparison to your kind, which was jumping around as small monkey-like animals in the trees at this time while we invented technology, colonized other planets of this system, built large cities on this planet (which disappeared without a trace in the ages) and engineered our own genes while your genes where still those of animals.

Now there's a flaw. If there was a space travelling species on earth a few million years ago, we would of found _something_.

Question: You�ve mentioned skeletons of your kind. How can it be, that human scientists haven�t found any trace of you and your ancestors if you really live for such a long time on this planet? We have found many skeletons of primitive dinosaurs, but none of an advanced reptilian being with a larger skull and brain and a hand with a thumb as you have described it before.

Answer: Yes, you have. But your "great" scientists were not able to reconstruct the skeletons complety, because they wanted to reconstruct reptilian animals, not intelligent beings. You would laugh if you would know how many of the (especially small) saurian skeletons in your museums are totally wrong constructions of never-existing beings, because you used many bones which didn�t really belong together and sometimes you made artificial bones if something was missing you needed to construct an "animal" saurian

Uhu. Yeah okay. Moving on.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 11:30 PM
I have been researching the paranormal for a few years now and i agree that you can not find the truth in clear bold letters. you are just reading or listining to an account of it. After all seeing is beliving, but even you're own eyes can fool you. the only person you can ever truely belive is yourself. X-Files tought a very important lesson to trust no one especially when the government is involved. So you must decide for youself what is truth and what is fiction.

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