posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:19 PM
okay, so we want to know what's in the ice. Well, a few things are going to completely prevent us from doing that. i'll try to be as coherent as
possible here.
1: what size is the actual skeleton? the picture isn't really clear on scale, was the image zoomed in to make the bones look bigger? Nothing resemble
ice like more ice. Since the picture lack a clear point of reference, we cannot assume the bones are from a large animal, it could be a goldfish for
all we know.
2: The red stuff in the ice is most likely blood. again, can't be certain because it's only a picture and I'm no expert. Since the flesh is
completely gone and the blood is still in the ice, it can't be a fossil. Any unprotected organic compound would have been eaten by carrions. So the
kill must be fairly recent
3: Notice the state of the ice surrounding the carcass. It is melting. Floating ice that melts can ship as it's center of gravity change, so the body
may not be in it's original position.
All those things lead me to believe it can't be a pleiosaur. At best, it's some unknown marine animal. But I'm willing to guess it's not. Most
likely a seal that was eaten by a polar bear or some such.