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Video & Evidence There Was No Controlled Demo

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posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 08:02 PM
Hi Everyone,

Be it known that only showing part of the truth is the same as a lie. Once you watch the WHOLE video rather than an isolated piece you see that the theory of the building falling do to the planes is a joke. Watch Richard Gage @ AE.911 Nothing else have I've seen even comes close. He presents everything to the nth degree, sufficient even for a court of law. But none of this or that even matters, because they got away with it and nothing will ever be done about it. The killing of innocent people on public tv, welcome to the future, and this is only the beginning.

"Trust is earned, not freely given."


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by ohnooomrbill

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Fowl Play

I was there and there were huge explosions prior to the collapses.

Don't even try it.


posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by SButlerv2

Have you told your story?

Have the MSM talked to you? Ignored you?

I'm just curious because we have a poster here that claims to have been there also but says there were no explosions.

If you haven't been shouting this from the rooftop (if true), then please do. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Torlough

you saw molten steel being removed, and there was no evidence of blasting?

how do it become molten, then?

how do you reconcile the witnesses who heard explosions? did you hear them, and if not, why not?

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Griff

There are plenty of us.

I did not like the media prior to 9/11 and even less so now.

The dust was so bad all you wanted to do was get it off somehow and taking to the press who largely left the are was not a concern.

May I suggest we go through a verification process to be determined by a trustworthy mod?

I am willing and able to go up against anyone who is telling lies.

[edit on 10/3/2008 by SButlerv2]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by SButlerv2

Please do get verified. The poster is traderonwallstreet and he claims to have been there and there were no explosions. Anytime you see this poster say this, please tell us your story. Just because he didn't hear them (maybe he's deaf?) doesn't mean they didn't happen.

Thanks for comming forward.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Griff

Its possible but he must have been far away, I mean in Brooklyn on Henry Street I am told by friends that it was audible.

From six blocks away it was deafening and I never understood why the close up tapes did not record them too well until I tried to record myself shooting at the range.

The closest I ever got was 4 blocks and the scene was not safe.

Which mod would you recommend speaking to this about because that would help us identify witnesses who could speak with at least some level of anonymity while giving all here the benefit of hearing from true survivors.

[edit on 10/3/2008 by SButlerv2]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by SButlerv2
Which mod would you recommend speaking to this about because that would help us identify witnesses who could speak with at least some level of anonymity while giving all here the benefit of hearing from true survivors.

Actually, all the mods on here are pretty great. You may just go over their heads to Skeptic Overlord also. He is one of the site's admin.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Griff

I have sent him a U2U and i am awaiting a response..

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by SButlerv2

hey, thanks for coming here and sharing your experiences of that horrible day with us.

if youve read any of these threads and read my posts you probably know where i stand on the whole CD issue but regardless of what anyone thinks i do try to stay open minded.

now having said that, i am forced to respectfully ask a few questions in the spirit of being thorough and not just taking whatever i read as gospel, i hope you can understand and are willing to indulge me a bit.

ok, it is obvious that you heard loud noises which would be expected and im not sure anyone with any credibility would deny. i mean, a building was collapsing...chances are its going to be loud.

would you say that what you heard were definitly explosions or did they just "sound like explosions"?

if youre willing to say they were explosions, would you then be willing to say that they were from explosives vs a different source? (because as ive said many times, explosions do not always equal high explosives, theres a difference)

if youre willing to say that they WERE explosives, meaning bombs and NOT some other source, do you have any personal experience with high explosives that would allow you to have a first hand basis for comparison and make such a statement? in other words have you been in the military and done demo or EOD work, or worked EOD in law enforcement, done blasting for a mining or construction company?

now, i sincerely hope youre able to take these questions in the spirit in which they were intended. my opinions on the CD theories are no secret but ive always been willing to admit i may be mistaken and i try to keep an open mind. IF im going to take anyone seriously i have to be sure the source is someone who has the experience to differentiate between explosives and things that "sounded like a bomb going off". im sure you can understand that. too many people out there get their knowledge of what an explosion sounds like from hollywood for me to just bite into every story that pops up on the net.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 11:42 PM
I have some moderate experience while in the military with claymores, WP and Thermite.

I don't have any CD experience but I have watched for and found that many CD characteristics are present during the WTC collapses.

The explosions had a deliberate quality to them and the way the sound reverberated was intense.

You heard them every 5-6 minutes

Its hard to describe it but the flow came along with its own intense pressure wave and I was about 6-7 blocks away and it was very hot and the dust particles were very fine and clung to everything.

When the North tower went there was a huge kaboom and as I looked to the NW the Tower was fine for about a second and then it started to fall.

The popping was very loud and sounded like bombs or a string of M-80's going off but a hundred times stronger.

The uniformity and similarity of them is what has me convinced.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by SButlerv2

I think I saw that you posted about not being able to tell your story to the press. Can you expand on that for us please? Like how the suppression of evidence and/or testimony happened? Thanks in advance.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by SButlerv2

Thanks very much for posting this info, it's rare and very valuable to hear from an eyewitness.

You said the tower was to your NW, I'm trying to figure out where you were standing--were you on Liberty or Greenwich, or where? Also, were you there at the time of the initial impacts?

Could you expand on the explosions that came at 5-6 minute intervals? When did they start and for how long did this go on? Did they change frequency at any time (more or less frequent)? The intense reverberations you mentioned--was this low-pitched like a rumble or high-pitched like a report?

About the popping, this was going on throughout the collapse? Rapid-fire, i.e., nearly continuous, or more random?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by SButlerv2

Thanks for the reply! thanks even more for taking my questions as they were intended and not as some attempt to debunk you or anything like that.

youre the first eyewitness who's account ive read i actually give some credibility to. knowing what a claymore sounds like gives you more knowledge than some stock broker who's only seen explosions in movies.

i wont say im convinced yet...still too many things wrong with the scenario from a blasting standpoint for me...but, after reading your reply im a little less unconvinced.

thanks again

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Damocles


I am here not to convert but to try and and see if anyone can shed light on what I witnessed.

I don't want this all to be for nothing.

The people that did 9/11 must be stopped regardless of who they are.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Griff

Its not that I was bared from talking, ridiculed is a more appropriate term.

The media could care less at this point but back then it was a matter of getting away and all I wanted to do was get out of the dust.

In the NYPD anyone who mentioned bombs is still to this day labeled a wacko and in that line of work if your mental condition is questioned you are pretty much done.

Privately I can assure you most will be frank about it.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Fowl Play

the problem i have is that never, never, in the history of steel and concrete buildings from around the world, has a building collapsed like all 3 of the WTC units, from fire or plane hits. the only times that steel and concrete towers fall like that have always, always, been with a controlled demolition. if you have any collapsed tower photos, film, or witnesses where this HAS happened, please cite the website, book, or article where people can see it.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by SButlerv2
reply to post by Griff

In the NYPD anyone who mentioned bombs is still to this day labeled a wacko and in that line of work if your mental condition is questioned you are pretty much done.

Privately I can assure you most will be frank about it.

(((((this is the part that I am interested in. I am sure you didn't think that this would be made into any issue so you certainly can be excused from not characterizing it more accurately. If you aren't a cop then you won't be able to give me much more regarding to what I am looking for...but if you were then you would know that the the "mental condition" question is not the primary concern of a cop for this and many topics that they have "different" view points.... If you aren't a cop then ignore my post. If you are then I would appreciate some hints. It matters to me because it has probative value for veracity, for me at least.
I really want to hear your story and if it is posted some place, lead me to it. I want to believe but I have a lot of experience with some of the most convincing liars our society can produce.
I eagerly await your next posting

Not calling you a liar by any stretch at this point, just to be clear.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by Res Ipsa]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by Fowl Play

the problem i have is that never, never, in the history of steel and concrete buildings from around the world, has a building collapsed like all 3 of the WTC units, from fire or plane hits. the only times that steel and concrete towers fall like that have always, always, been with a controlled demolition. if you have any collapsed tower photos, film, or witnesses where this HAS happened, please cite the website, book, or article where people can see it.
There had never been in history of a jetliner hitting a skyscraper. Before 911. You don't even know what would happen. But a airplane did hit the Empire State Building. It was hit by a B17 Bomber. A prop plane.

Why do you think old buildings are brought down in the first place? It is not becuase to built a parking lot or new building. They do that when they do bring down a old build. It is because the biulding will collapes enviously.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by kennethmd]

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