Ok, moving on to the next thing I wanted to talk about.... one of the other reasons why I didn't post a target response in laguana's thread was
because I had this gut feeling that I had already in a 'future sense' 'viewed' his target 2 Saturday afternoon's ago (june 4) when I gave
greatlakes RV test another try to see what more I could come up with. It had something to do with that sketch that I did. I don't expect anyone to
believe this but just saying it anyhow...
Now, I don't expect anyone here to be in agreement with me in the information that I'm about to present here because it's just too 'off the wall'
I guess or too far of a stretch to say that it's anything significant.
But after reading over Farsight's material last night, I'm to find that
RVer's can see targets even before the target has been designated yet or in what would be the next RV test! Hence why one of the protocol's in RV is
for the monitor to document those time aspects involving the target. Now I understand why that protocol is important. And I think that that quick
inner eye scenic scene of that farm field I saw 2 Saturday afternoons ago may have been information from the future! Lol.... still with me? Please
allow me to continue...
Soooooo, back to what I was saying before, I had this gut feeling that I had already somehow 'viewed' some aspect of laguana's target especially on
the second day of his test where the next day he was going to show his target photo. I really WAS going to post a target response in his thread but
something kept holding me back that had nothing to do with his unwillingness to timestamp his target -- there was something else but I could not put a
finger on it -- that is until he posted his target and it was then that I realized that I did the right thing by sticking with my gut feeling to not
state anything in his thread about what I thought his target was.
And here's why. The following image is the one I posted in greatlakes first RV test only turned at an angle. I guess it's all very subjective and
it's for you to decide if it's significant or not, but when I turned my drawing at an angle, it bears some resemblance to laguana's basket.
-- Notice the criss-crossing lines in the field and also that one line at the bottom of those criss-crossing lines that looks like the letter "L"
--- 'L' for laiguana??
-- it's sort of framing the bottom part of that field.... it's on the lower left... it's sort of looking like the
bottom of the basket??
-- Notice the shape of the white area where that field is in that extends to where those little houses are and above them. See any resemblance to that
shape and the shape of the basket?
Here's that picture turned at an angle which includes laiguana's basket too to use for reference:
-- But there's more.... allow me to ask you to look at those criss-crossing lines again that's in that field in my drawing... when I had this inner
eye flash vision on june 4th, oddly enough, those lines looked to me like the top of a apple pie when the pie crust is laid over the top of the pie in
a basket weave design. I even googled up 'apple pie' to look in googles images to look at a pie that was like this on that same afternoon when I had
this inner eye vision of this scene. And as you can see in the below image, I just took a screenshot of my browser 'history' from 2 weeks ago when I
did that google look up to look at an image of a basket weave apple pie. (See where the red arrows are pointed) I also googled up 'checker board farm
field' because I was so perplexed that I saw a farm field with lines that looked like a basket weave, I wanted to also check in google images to see
if there were any pictures of farm fields that looked like that (a checkerboard farm field with a basket weave look)....but could not find anything
that looked like that -- and lol, I don't think I ever will.
Well anyway, when I added those lines in the field in an image editor just before I posted that picture in that RV thread 2 weeks ago, I did not
bother to make those lines look like a basket weave because I didn't want to fuss with overlapping every other line and so on to make it look like
that.... sure it was odd that those lines in that field looked like that, it just didn't seem important to me at that time to include that
information.... but now in retrospect, I wish I had.
Here's a screenshot showing my browser history box from 2 weeks ago... on Saturday June 4th.... it also shows the google's image page on the right
of an apple pie that I looked at with that basket weave design ....
So in conclusion, one does have to consider why it's important to put a timestamp on those RV targets, at least in regards to doing online RV
experiments like we are doing here. If laigana had put a timestamp on his RV target image at the beginning of when he officially started up his RV
test, chances are I would not have had this future 'viewing' of what his target was going to be like.
[edit on 13-6-2007 by Palasheea]